So, a little update from a previous post. I began my 30 day negativity fast, and slightly messed up. Not when dealing with people, gossip, slander or anything like that, although i am certain it is bound to happen, it was with negativity towards a movie i was watching. i caught it before Emily did, so i injected a compliment to the film as soon as i noticed. This is going to be rough.
I think the main purpose behind this fast is that i really am attracted to negativity. I used to be such a happy person. I would smile in all situations, but then i began to lose my positive outlook and became outwardly cynical. The problem is, i say that i can't take people's complaining anymore, but honestly, they aren't the problem, i am. And i have noticed that my bad outlook has brought my wife down, which is the biggest problem of all. She is the most positive and lively person i have ever met, but from living with me for 3 years, i am taking a toll on her. I know its easy as a pastor to be negative, its basically all you hear throughout the week are problems, but its up to me to see God working in those situations and not complain about them.
So anyways, thus far i would give myself a B-. Not too bad, and i appreciate the prayers of everyone too, i won't be able to do it without the support of my friends.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
30 Days...
So I am starting a new challenge that i have always wanted to do. Its a 30 Day Fast From Negativity. Its, hard. It really is. I am a person that seems to be attracted to negativity, whether it is gossip, slander, critical comments, you name it. It brings me down, but i live in in. So i began this yesterday and i am continuing it until the end. I read that psychologists say that if you do anything for 30 straight days then it will become a habit, so, i hope this is my new habit. Pray for me, i will try to update the progress as often as i can
Thursday, December 18, 2008
You ever saw a video, made by a Christian and it made you begin to agree that sometimes, Christians just don't "get it"?
Lol. oh boy.
Lol. oh boy.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Random Things About Me...
Here are some things that are random about me:
I might be the only person alive to never find Weird Al funny, even once...
I might be the only person left alive who enjoys eating a Jolly Rancher only by biting down on it as hard as I can, just to get my teeth stuck together, than I eat it...
I am wicked afraid of spiders...
Not a fan of chocolate milk at all, but stawberry milk is A-OKAY...
To me, Frank Caliendo is to me, the least likeable person in the universe. His impresitions are corny at best, never dead on, and his show FRANK TV is the biggest waste of an hour a person could spend outside of sinning...
I feel dirty around curse words...
I love the Reds, but cease to watch them after All-Star break almost every year (for obvious reasons)...
I couldn't look up to men in the ministry more. Especially those who have stayed in one place for a long period of time...
I secretly hope that the two Corey's (Haim and Feldman) make a huge box-office comeback, but know they never will...
If i could find a reason to preach a sermon series on the tv show "Lost" and it be relevant and scriptural, I'd start on it tomorrow...
If watching Christmas Vacation were a job, I might just have more experience than anyone in the country...
I love having one, but am not real fond of the word "blog"...
I have been writing a book for 3 years now that chances are, no one will ever read...
The forementioned book is titled "100 Foot Jesus"...
If i were not in the ministry, I would probably be a mediocre history teacher somewhere...
I love the sermon writing process almost as much as the sermon delivering...
I find it hard to believe that anyone has read this whole list so far...
I am one of the shyest people alive in crowds of 3 of less at times, but the most out-going in front of 100+ crowds...
I can't even contain myself when it is time to leave work and pick up my daughter every day...
Although 18 months old, my daughter is the coolest person I have ever met...
I have been married for exactly 3 years, but give marriage counceling to couples that have been together for 20+ years, which is odd at times...
If I had to choose between listening to a radio station with an old man farting for 5 hours or a country music station for 5 minutes, i would probably choose the farting...
My favorite preacher of all time is Kyle Idleman from Southeast Christian Church in Lousiville, I could listen to him preach about anything...
I might be the only person alive to never find Weird Al funny, even once...
I might be the only person left alive who enjoys eating a Jolly Rancher only by biting down on it as hard as I can, just to get my teeth stuck together, than I eat it...
I am wicked afraid of spiders...
Not a fan of chocolate milk at all, but stawberry milk is A-OKAY...
To me, Frank Caliendo is to me, the least likeable person in the universe. His impresitions are corny at best, never dead on, and his show FRANK TV is the biggest waste of an hour a person could spend outside of sinning...
I feel dirty around curse words...
I love the Reds, but cease to watch them after All-Star break almost every year (for obvious reasons)...
I couldn't look up to men in the ministry more. Especially those who have stayed in one place for a long period of time...
I secretly hope that the two Corey's (Haim and Feldman) make a huge box-office comeback, but know they never will...
If i could find a reason to preach a sermon series on the tv show "Lost" and it be relevant and scriptural, I'd start on it tomorrow...
If watching Christmas Vacation were a job, I might just have more experience than anyone in the country...
I love having one, but am not real fond of the word "blog"...
I have been writing a book for 3 years now that chances are, no one will ever read...
The forementioned book is titled "100 Foot Jesus"...
If i were not in the ministry, I would probably be a mediocre history teacher somewhere...
I love the sermon writing process almost as much as the sermon delivering...
I find it hard to believe that anyone has read this whole list so far...
I am one of the shyest people alive in crowds of 3 of less at times, but the most out-going in front of 100+ crowds...
I can't even contain myself when it is time to leave work and pick up my daughter every day...
Although 18 months old, my daughter is the coolest person I have ever met...
I have been married for exactly 3 years, but give marriage counceling to couples that have been together for 20+ years, which is odd at times...
If I had to choose between listening to a radio station with an old man farting for 5 hours or a country music station for 5 minutes, i would probably choose the farting...
My favorite preacher of all time is Kyle Idleman from Southeast Christian Church in Lousiville, I could listen to him preach about anything...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Being in the ministry in our Western World
This post is really propted by a buddy of mine from college wanting to leave his current ministry and search for a new one. I have had lots of talks with him in the past couple of weeks, but he has made his mind up to go, so this got me thinking. I have so many friends in the ministry all over the world, but mainly in the US, and they all seem to be dealing with the same issues. So i thought it best to do a post about the reality of ministry in our western culture. here is just a list of things that are common.
1. We deal with people, and that discourages us.
This may sound like odd wording, but its not. As pastors, we have goals. It may be to get to a certain attendance, launch a new ministry, see that a certain person accepts Christ, etc. We work constantly for these too. We have them in mind, so everything we do seems to revolved around them. But then, reality sets in. You will get notes with no name attached, angry e-mails or calls. Bad board meetings. Arguements with church members or staff. All these things will get in the way. You will say to yourself and to trusted loved ones "can't these people see i am only trying to help?" but it won't matter. The fact will remain that people will be people, and you can't change that. You will only remain sane when you realize we live in an imperfect and fallen world, and people will always be a example of that.
2. It is a lonely life.
It really can be. Being in church leadership at times feels like being in the mafia. There are so many secrets to keep about church issues and people's lives that you feel as though you are bearing your burdens all alone. You can try to confess these things to a spouse or another loved one, but at times, it only makes it worse. When you tell them that a person has wronged you, it breeds bitterness in them as well, and when you tell them even positive things, they are weighted down with the problem of secretcy as well.
Also, you feel as though at times you have no real friends. Its true. Your non-Christian friends won't be thereselves around you, and your Christian friends will either only see you as "Pastor" and want to voice spiritual things all day, or they will at times feel that you are constantly wanting something from them, whether to volunteer for something, or for them to let you "fix" them. And in addition, being buddies with staff members can be difficult because you just want a break from your 70 hour a week job (on a light week) and the last thing you want to do is hang out with the people you were with all week, even in a fun setting.
3. You want respect.
Even if you don't deserve it, you desperately want it. I have known guys who constantly work to please people. They do. They will write sermons that are just funny and sad enough to make people happy. Or they will try and make as many statements that will prompt "Amen's" as possible.
This respect thing really exists with some pastors living to please the elders. I see guys who work so hard all week, and are great minister's of the gospel the belittle themselves to writing up these reports that list all the awesome stuff they are doing, only to get the "well thats nice" look from the elders. This seems to be most frequent among youth ministers. These guys being in an amazing amounts of kids, teach the gospel as well as it can be taught, have thriving and exciting relationship with all the kids, and then report this to the elders and then they don't care. This fact is true for about 17 out of the 30 some good friends i have in youth ministry today.
The danger with the respect issue is that we begin to as Paul says "serve men rather than God." You dont look for what is affective, you just hope for what will please folks and get them off your back for awhile.
4. You feel entitled.
This isnt uncommon amoung Americans, and certainly not uncommon amoung pastors. Deep down we feel that we are owed things. A good salary, nice house, decent material things, and once again respect. We are the people who are rude to the waitress who messed up your order on her 9th hour of a 10 hour friday night shift. We are the one's who refuse to wait in lines of any sort, or believe our kids should star in everything.
The problem with this is, you aren't entitled. The early Christians were just entitled enough to die for their faith, as are many around the world today. We are lucky enough to be where we are, and I, and many others believe that wherever you are God can use you for his good, so, maybe its time to focus on that.
5. You aren't patient enough.
I am 100% guilty of this one. I have those goals for making an impact at South Side that i just want to happen, TODAY. Our ministry is growing very large, but to meet not nearly as large as God wants. You want to make this huge, Holy impact for the Kingdom, but you just can't seem to want to wait on it to take affect.
This, as can all of these, cause a guy to leave a church. You think to yourself that this thing will never get off the ground, so you seek a new destination to start over. Experts say that it takes no less that 3 years for your new programs to be effective, 4 years to gain people's trust and 5 years to get your nitch and fully understand what you are dealing with, anything less is impatient. I have had buddies end church plants pre-maturely because of this one.
6. We get hurt like anybody else does.
When you hear gossip about yourself, you fail at something, get a bad note, comment, e-mail, it hurts. It just does. You take every bit of it personally. People don't seem to realize this. Most guys i have known that quit the ministry all together did it out of a combination of these things, but this one seemed to be the most common.
Folks seem to think we aren't human, but, we are. If we give a 30 minute sermon, chances are we spent 20 plus hours on it. So when we hear that you didn't care for it, our human side takes it personal. Same goes for unfair character slander or anything else.
Where we can be wrong with this issue though, is that we can dismiss our critics and not make them our coaches. The process for me usually goes:
Step 1: Hurt Feelings
Step 2: Outright denial
Step 3: Finding reasons they are wrong and i am right
Step 4: Praying about it.
Step 5: Realizing that there is alot of truth in those statements.
I know, steps 4 and 5 should be the only steps, but with me, they usually aren't.
7. Thinking that this is a normal job.
It isnt. I am a firm believer that (pretty much) no matter what your profession is, you can be called there by God. You just can, we need witnesses for Jesus in our post offices, factories, office buildings, grocery stores, hospitals, etc. We do. But what i am talkin about is ministers who seem to stay and go from ministries because of what THEY want.
You want better pay. You want to be treated better. You want better co-workers. You want a higher budget. You want to work for a more hip and trendy church. All these things make sense to us, but to God they are selfish and the opposite of your purpose.
You are nothing more than a tool. You are a took that Jesus is using to reach his followers and the lost. That is it. It isn't in any way, shape or form about you. If you are thinking of leaving a job for personal reasons like the one's listed above, don't. Pray and see what God needs out of you. Whether it is leaving or staying, make it God's will, not yours.
Well, these are just some things i thought of that i encounter often. Let me just say that i have struggled with all of these. They are tough to deal with, but to be in the ministry you will deal with them at one time or another.
Do you have any you would like to add?
1. We deal with people, and that discourages us.
This may sound like odd wording, but its not. As pastors, we have goals. It may be to get to a certain attendance, launch a new ministry, see that a certain person accepts Christ, etc. We work constantly for these too. We have them in mind, so everything we do seems to revolved around them. But then, reality sets in. You will get notes with no name attached, angry e-mails or calls. Bad board meetings. Arguements with church members or staff. All these things will get in the way. You will say to yourself and to trusted loved ones "can't these people see i am only trying to help?" but it won't matter. The fact will remain that people will be people, and you can't change that. You will only remain sane when you realize we live in an imperfect and fallen world, and people will always be a example of that.
2. It is a lonely life.
It really can be. Being in church leadership at times feels like being in the mafia. There are so many secrets to keep about church issues and people's lives that you feel as though you are bearing your burdens all alone. You can try to confess these things to a spouse or another loved one, but at times, it only makes it worse. When you tell them that a person has wronged you, it breeds bitterness in them as well, and when you tell them even positive things, they are weighted down with the problem of secretcy as well.
Also, you feel as though at times you have no real friends. Its true. Your non-Christian friends won't be thereselves around you, and your Christian friends will either only see you as "Pastor" and want to voice spiritual things all day, or they will at times feel that you are constantly wanting something from them, whether to volunteer for something, or for them to let you "fix" them. And in addition, being buddies with staff members can be difficult because you just want a break from your 70 hour a week job (on a light week) and the last thing you want to do is hang out with the people you were with all week, even in a fun setting.
3. You want respect.
Even if you don't deserve it, you desperately want it. I have known guys who constantly work to please people. They do. They will write sermons that are just funny and sad enough to make people happy. Or they will try and make as many statements that will prompt "Amen's" as possible.
This respect thing really exists with some pastors living to please the elders. I see guys who work so hard all week, and are great minister's of the gospel the belittle themselves to writing up these reports that list all the awesome stuff they are doing, only to get the "well thats nice" look from the elders. This seems to be most frequent among youth ministers. These guys being in an amazing amounts of kids, teach the gospel as well as it can be taught, have thriving and exciting relationship with all the kids, and then report this to the elders and then they don't care. This fact is true for about 17 out of the 30 some good friends i have in youth ministry today.
The danger with the respect issue is that we begin to as Paul says "serve men rather than God." You dont look for what is affective, you just hope for what will please folks and get them off your back for awhile.
4. You feel entitled.
This isnt uncommon amoung Americans, and certainly not uncommon amoung pastors. Deep down we feel that we are owed things. A good salary, nice house, decent material things, and once again respect. We are the people who are rude to the waitress who messed up your order on her 9th hour of a 10 hour friday night shift. We are the one's who refuse to wait in lines of any sort, or believe our kids should star in everything.
The problem with this is, you aren't entitled. The early Christians were just entitled enough to die for their faith, as are many around the world today. We are lucky enough to be where we are, and I, and many others believe that wherever you are God can use you for his good, so, maybe its time to focus on that.
5. You aren't patient enough.
I am 100% guilty of this one. I have those goals for making an impact at South Side that i just want to happen, TODAY. Our ministry is growing very large, but to meet not nearly as large as God wants. You want to make this huge, Holy impact for the Kingdom, but you just can't seem to want to wait on it to take affect.
This, as can all of these, cause a guy to leave a church. You think to yourself that this thing will never get off the ground, so you seek a new destination to start over. Experts say that it takes no less that 3 years for your new programs to be effective, 4 years to gain people's trust and 5 years to get your nitch and fully understand what you are dealing with, anything less is impatient. I have had buddies end church plants pre-maturely because of this one.
6. We get hurt like anybody else does.
When you hear gossip about yourself, you fail at something, get a bad note, comment, e-mail, it hurts. It just does. You take every bit of it personally. People don't seem to realize this. Most guys i have known that quit the ministry all together did it out of a combination of these things, but this one seemed to be the most common.
Folks seem to think we aren't human, but, we are. If we give a 30 minute sermon, chances are we spent 20 plus hours on it. So when we hear that you didn't care for it, our human side takes it personal. Same goes for unfair character slander or anything else.
Where we can be wrong with this issue though, is that we can dismiss our critics and not make them our coaches. The process for me usually goes:
Step 1: Hurt Feelings
Step 2: Outright denial
Step 3: Finding reasons they are wrong and i am right
Step 4: Praying about it.
Step 5: Realizing that there is alot of truth in those statements.
I know, steps 4 and 5 should be the only steps, but with me, they usually aren't.
7. Thinking that this is a normal job.
It isnt. I am a firm believer that (pretty much) no matter what your profession is, you can be called there by God. You just can, we need witnesses for Jesus in our post offices, factories, office buildings, grocery stores, hospitals, etc. We do. But what i am talkin about is ministers who seem to stay and go from ministries because of what THEY want.
You want better pay. You want to be treated better. You want better co-workers. You want a higher budget. You want to work for a more hip and trendy church. All these things make sense to us, but to God they are selfish and the opposite of your purpose.
You are nothing more than a tool. You are a took that Jesus is using to reach his followers and the lost. That is it. It isn't in any way, shape or form about you. If you are thinking of leaving a job for personal reasons like the one's listed above, don't. Pray and see what God needs out of you. Whether it is leaving or staying, make it God's will, not yours.
Well, these are just some things i thought of that i encounter often. Let me just say that i have struggled with all of these. They are tough to deal with, but to be in the ministry you will deal with them at one time or another.
Do you have any you would like to add?
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Mighty To Save
Everyone needs compassion,
Love that's never failing;
Let mercy fall on me.
Everyone needs forgiveness,
The kindness of a Saviour;
The Hope of nations.
Saviour, He can move the mountains,
My God is Mighty to save,
He is Mighty to save.
Forever, Author of salvation,
He rose and conquered the grave,
Jesus conquered the grave.
So take me as You find me,
All my fears and failures,
Fill my life again.
I give my life to follow
Everything I believe in,
Now I surrender.
My Saviour, He can move the mountains,
My God is Mighty to save,
He is Mighty to save.
Forever, Author of salvation,
He rose and conquered the grave,
Jesus conquered the grave.
Shine your light and let the whole world see,
We're singing for the glory of the risen King...Jesus (x2)
My Saviour, He can move the mountains,
My God is Mighty to save,
He is Mighty to save.
Forever, Author of salvation,
He rose and conquered the grave,
Jesus conquered the grave.
My Saviour, you can move the mountains,
You are mighty to save,
You are mighty to save.
Forever, Author of Salvation,
You rose and conquered the grave,
Yes you conquered the grave
For me, this is what to Gospel is all about. You can have the worst day and be at your lowest point of your life (which i think i am) but Jesus is Mighty to save.
Love that's never failing;
Let mercy fall on me.
Everyone needs forgiveness,
The kindness of a Saviour;
The Hope of nations.
Saviour, He can move the mountains,
My God is Mighty to save,
He is Mighty to save.
Forever, Author of salvation,
He rose and conquered the grave,
Jesus conquered the grave.
So take me as You find me,
All my fears and failures,
Fill my life again.
I give my life to follow
Everything I believe in,
Now I surrender.
My Saviour, He can move the mountains,
My God is Mighty to save,
He is Mighty to save.
Forever, Author of salvation,
He rose and conquered the grave,
Jesus conquered the grave.
Shine your light and let the whole world see,
We're singing for the glory of the risen King...Jesus (x2)
My Saviour, He can move the mountains,
My God is Mighty to save,
He is Mighty to save.
Forever, Author of salvation,
He rose and conquered the grave,
Jesus conquered the grave.
My Saviour, you can move the mountains,
You are mighty to save,
You are mighty to save.
Forever, Author of Salvation,
You rose and conquered the grave,
Yes you conquered the grave
For me, this is what to Gospel is all about. You can have the worst day and be at your lowest point of your life (which i think i am) but Jesus is Mighty to save.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Ed Young.. hehehe
Many of you have probably heard about Pastor Ed Young's new challege, if not, watch this video
It is creating a stir to say the least, I love it personally. Ed Young Jr., while I was never a fan before, i know, love you like you were my own pastor. Okay, actually, it's offial, Ed Young is my new Pastor!
It is creating a stir to say the least, I love it personally. Ed Young Jr., while I was never a fan before, i know, love you like you were my own pastor. Okay, actually, it's offial, Ed Young is my new Pastor!
Is He dead or alive?
I think lately God has been teaching me alot of things. I am not an easy student for him to teach, because being a teacher myself at times i act like i know everything. Its not that i am arrogant about it, its just that when you read scripture so much, you get this false sense that you are "super-theologian", which, i'm not, at all.
But one thing i think God has been teaching me lately is that, I often treat Jesus as though he died on the cross, and then, stayed that way. What i mean is, in my time of cummunion, i treat it like a funeral service, when it is the opposite. Jesus is more alive than i will ever be, but at times i think i screw that up. I get it confused, and i think as a Christian, we get stuff about Jesus confused all the time.
Alot of cultures think that God is the God of Creation and the God that sends the weater, which is, true. But God isn't exactly the one who sends the rain or makes the sunsets each day. I mean he created all that is needed to do these things, but all of creation, not just humans, are to an extent self supporting. Most things have been given the ability to make more of themselves, meaning to pro-create, like how seeds will scatter without someone actually picking them up, and so on. For further study on this, read the 1st 2 chapters of Genesis, each time God creates something and it is ready to multiply itself, God calls it good. God wants the world to be somewhat self sustaining, which is pretty awesome. But we confuse God with creation alot, i think. Like for instance people will say that the crops are only growing because God causes it to rain that day, which if you are a scientist or student, alot of things factor into precipitation, that aren't the one who created it. And with sunsets, they are the world God designed turning, I could be wrong, but i dont think he sits with his paint brush and makes each one, each day.
We also see Jesus as an actor. We look at our lives and write this script for it. The kids we want, the job, spouse, church, etc, and then we just ask Jesus to read the script, but when he tells us that he writes the scripts, and we just live in them, we say he doesn't love us or even more absurd, doesn't exist. Its like at times we don't wish to make him Lord of our lives, we just need him to be our buddy who helps out occasionally when we are in a bind, and alot might do a geninie routine for us every once and a while.
He is a video clip for an amazing ministry called "onetimeblind". It talks about the whole issue of how we see Jesus.
Have you ever seen him like this?
But one thing i think God has been teaching me lately is that, I often treat Jesus as though he died on the cross, and then, stayed that way. What i mean is, in my time of cummunion, i treat it like a funeral service, when it is the opposite. Jesus is more alive than i will ever be, but at times i think i screw that up. I get it confused, and i think as a Christian, we get stuff about Jesus confused all the time.
Alot of cultures think that God is the God of Creation and the God that sends the weater, which is, true. But God isn't exactly the one who sends the rain or makes the sunsets each day. I mean he created all that is needed to do these things, but all of creation, not just humans, are to an extent self supporting. Most things have been given the ability to make more of themselves, meaning to pro-create, like how seeds will scatter without someone actually picking them up, and so on. For further study on this, read the 1st 2 chapters of Genesis, each time God creates something and it is ready to multiply itself, God calls it good. God wants the world to be somewhat self sustaining, which is pretty awesome. But we confuse God with creation alot, i think. Like for instance people will say that the crops are only growing because God causes it to rain that day, which if you are a scientist or student, alot of things factor into precipitation, that aren't the one who created it. And with sunsets, they are the world God designed turning, I could be wrong, but i dont think he sits with his paint brush and makes each one, each day.
We also see Jesus as an actor. We look at our lives and write this script for it. The kids we want, the job, spouse, church, etc, and then we just ask Jesus to read the script, but when he tells us that he writes the scripts, and we just live in them, we say he doesn't love us or even more absurd, doesn't exist. Its like at times we don't wish to make him Lord of our lives, we just need him to be our buddy who helps out occasionally when we are in a bind, and alot might do a geninie routine for us every once and a while.
He is a video clip for an amazing ministry called "onetimeblind". It talks about the whole issue of how we see Jesus.
Have you ever seen him like this?
Monday, November 17, 2008
For Men Only (Sort Of)
I use this blog mostly to post videos the get e-mailed or referred to me, and on occasion i will put down some thoughts I have on certain subjects both in and out of the church. My original goal for this thing was for our people here at South Side and others to get to know me a little more than is possible on a Sunday Morning or even a chance meeting at the Grocery Store (or any other place i might go).
But also, i know Jesus wants me to use every form of communication to minister to people, so here is my offer to the male readers of my blog:
I know that life as a married or unmarried man can be difficult at times, and one of the major reasons for this difficulty is sexual sin. It follows us everywhere. We tell ourselves that it will end once we get a girlfriend who we love/respect but it doesn't. We tell ourselves it will end once we cancel HBO or our internet subscription but it doesn't. We tell ourselves it will end once we stop hanging out with this person or break up with this person, but, it doesn't. In many cases, we tell ourselves that it will end once we get married and have a holy outlet for our urges, but sadly, alot of the time it doesn't.
I know what it is like to be a guy in this media and sin driven world, i get it. I have men come to me and tell me how they have a porn addiction or that they have a great urge to have an affair, or that they can't stop having impure thoughts, and, I get it.
The worst thing that we as men can do is to believe that we can get rid of this problem on our, own, because honestly, you can't. You have to have an accountablilty partner in this matter, you just have to. Someone to call when you are tempted. Someone to pray for your issues daily. Someone to talk with weekly that understands where you are, and knows a way out.
A great deal of marriages and relationships end because of porn. Its a sad fact that we pretend doesn't exist. This day and age we have more access to porn than ever because of the internet, but even alot of what appears on network TV is just as likely to cause a brother to stumble.
If this is you, you need help. Please, call me. 740-606-7347. E-mail me. See me at work or home. It will be 110% anonymous, not even your spouse will have to know.
I have helped a few guys in the past end this sort of addiction, and i am MORE than willing to do it again. It is just between us guys.
Some good resources to read up on would be:
Go to this site, download the software, read the materials, take advantage of what they have to offer you as far as help.
Thanks, and anyway questions about this, or related topics, let me know.
But also, i know Jesus wants me to use every form of communication to minister to people, so here is my offer to the male readers of my blog:
I know that life as a married or unmarried man can be difficult at times, and one of the major reasons for this difficulty is sexual sin. It follows us everywhere. We tell ourselves that it will end once we get a girlfriend who we love/respect but it doesn't. We tell ourselves it will end once we cancel HBO or our internet subscription but it doesn't. We tell ourselves it will end once we stop hanging out with this person or break up with this person, but, it doesn't. In many cases, we tell ourselves that it will end once we get married and have a holy outlet for our urges, but sadly, alot of the time it doesn't.
I know what it is like to be a guy in this media and sin driven world, i get it. I have men come to me and tell me how they have a porn addiction or that they have a great urge to have an affair, or that they can't stop having impure thoughts, and, I get it.
The worst thing that we as men can do is to believe that we can get rid of this problem on our, own, because honestly, you can't. You have to have an accountablilty partner in this matter, you just have to. Someone to call when you are tempted. Someone to pray for your issues daily. Someone to talk with weekly that understands where you are, and knows a way out.
A great deal of marriages and relationships end because of porn. Its a sad fact that we pretend doesn't exist. This day and age we have more access to porn than ever because of the internet, but even alot of what appears on network TV is just as likely to cause a brother to stumble.
If this is you, you need help. Please, call me. 740-606-7347. E-mail me. See me at work or home. It will be 110% anonymous, not even your spouse will have to know.
I have helped a few guys in the past end this sort of addiction, and i am MORE than willing to do it again. It is just between us guys.
Some good resources to read up on would be:
Go to this site, download the software, read the materials, take advantage of what they have to offer you as far as help.
Thanks, and anyway questions about this, or related topics, let me know.
Catholic Priest Asks His People To Repent...
For voting for Obama. Interesting story to say the least.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Just a note for November 5th
To quote Pastor Pete Wilson,
Today is a new day. It’s a new era. Regardless of who you voted for or why, it’s time to switch gears. It’s time to pray for Obama as he transitions to become the President of the United States.
And furthermore, you need to know this is not a surprise to God. Before the billions of dollars were spent on this campaign, God already knew the outcome. He wasn’t sitting around the television last night ringing his hands like you were.
He doesn’t need a Republican or a Democrat, an electoral vote, or a state. He’s not red or blue. He’s God.
He’s God and I’m not. You’re Not. Obama is not. McCain is not.
So if your candidate lost. I’m sorry. If you’re worried your issues aren’t going to be being addressed. I’m sorry. But God is still God and He’s still sitting on His throne.
Let’s move on.
Today is a new day. It’s a new era. Regardless of who you voted for or why, it’s time to switch gears. It’s time to pray for Obama as he transitions to become the President of the United States.
And furthermore, you need to know this is not a surprise to God. Before the billions of dollars were spent on this campaign, God already knew the outcome. He wasn’t sitting around the television last night ringing his hands like you were.
He doesn’t need a Republican or a Democrat, an electoral vote, or a state. He’s not red or blue. He’s God.
He’s God and I’m not. You’re Not. Obama is not. McCain is not.
So if your candidate lost. I’m sorry. If you’re worried your issues aren’t going to be being addressed. I’m sorry. But God is still God and He’s still sitting on His throne.
Let’s move on.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day reflections

Well, i have a minute unitil my next appointment, so i thought i might jot down a few reflections about election day.
1. I did vote today. I did, i prayed hard (whatever that phrase means) about how to vote and decided on the perfect candidate. I will be honest with you, it was hard. While weighing the opinions of many, the smear campaigns of both sides, the strengths and supposed truths, i came to a conclusion that wasn't all that difficult. This election was tough, to be candid, i have switched twice between my support for both candidates these past months, but upon studying God's Word and upon praying and reseaching, i chose a man that i know will never and has never let us down, i did a write in vote for JESUS.
I know, many will be put off by this, but for me, i had to. I couldn't fully support wither side because to me, neither represent a picture of God's Grace, peace making love and purity, and i think they way you vote says a ton about you, so my personal conscious and understanding brought me to this descision. I will take any questions or concerns on this as always.
2. James Dobson is an awesome guy, but needs to not speak so often about politics. I don't know if anyone saw his new document he is pushing, the Letter From Obama's American in 2012, but it, um, wow. Here is the link if you didn't view it yet. ( In this letter Dobson is playing the role of a Christian in 2012 after Obama is elected, here are some highlights,
* The Supreme Court would pass law that legalizes same sex marriage across the US
* Elementary schools will mandate homosexuality as a choice to children
* Christian radio stations will be removed from the airwaves
* Churches will be forced to hire homosexuals and host homosexual weddings–or lose 501c3
* Christian nurses and doctors banned from practice–after Obama forces them to do abortions.
* Pornography is mandated to be openly displayed in gas stations, newsstands, and grocery stores
* Home Schooling has been outlawed
* 4 US cities have been bombed, Obama does nothing in response
* Obama increases funding to known terrorist allies.
* Obama deepens ties to Communist nations and Communist revolutions break out in Latin America
* Tel Aviv is destroyed when the new USSR launches a nuclear attack against Israel.
That’s a brief look at the world from Focus on The Family’s perspective should Obama be elected. All of these things assume that Obama does nothing to stop these events or perhaps encourages them.
The letter wraps with the future Christian asking the question: “Who is to blame?” I find it unfortunate that Dobson points the finger at naive Christians who have voted for Obama
Now, let me just say, as i said before, i didn't vote either side, but, to say that a man who claims Christ either allows these things to happen, or encourages them is irresponsible.
We have a responsibility to represent the name of Jesus with integrity. People are watching. You want to know why there is even a fear of “hate speech” laws being enacted? Read this letter. Why do homosexuals claim Christians hate them? Read this letter. Why are Christians increasingly being marginalized in society? Read this letter folks … and you will know exactly why we’re at this crossroads in society. I’m ashamed at the tactics taken by Dobson and his crew.
This letter is not about creating meaningful dialogue. We cant scream–”If Obama gets elected the world will end!” setting forth apocalyptic visions–and then claim, “We love all people, including Barck Obama.”
We can’t slander a man so disgracefully in the name of “Truth” and then expect a pat on the back come Judgment day.
We all reap what we sow.
If we slander “them” (whoever that may be) … don’t be shocked when they slander us.
Which begs the question– does Focus on the Family even care about slandering someone publicly? What does the Bible have to say? What about Jesus–is this His Way?
This letter’s tone and intent does not reflect the Way of Jesus.
The Way of Jesus is different from society’s.
Jesus conquered through love … not fear. Certainly not hate. This letter reflects the way of society–not Jesus. What happens if Focus on the Family is “successful” in its campaign against Obama? If you overpower a strong man through violence and slander–don’t be shocked when a more powerful and more persuasive person throws you off the hill soon. This is the pattern of politics–and society– that Focus on the Family has stooped to.
Even if Obama was evil–and Focus on the Family helps defeat him with a slanderous letter–all Dobson has accomplished is to repeat the cycle of society.
Jesus showed us a new Way. A Way that compels followers to love our enemies so extravagantly that the watching world rises to our defense, or walks away compelled to investigate further. A Way that sheds light on conversions through follower’s unwillingness to fight fire with fire. A Way that shows the world what it truly means to be human. This is the Way of Jesus. The pattern of Jesus. It is a Way of love. A conquering and raging love, unstoppable, unshakable– and unmistakably different from what we demonstrated in this letter
I understand that it isn't my place to judge the motives or actions of Dobson, but as someone who loves his books, sermons and articles, i must say his political ways sadden me. I'm not a political writer/preacher at all, but for us to say that a party or person has the monopoly of Jesus is just restarting the issue that the Pharisees and Sadducess had in Jesus say, remember these weren't just religious leaders, they were also the two leading political parties of that day.
3. People generally can't wait for this day to end. It seems everyone i talk to in psyched about the end up political signs, commercials, ads in the mailbox and phone calls. I think in the end all Christians really do trust that whomever gets election it can't stop God from working through them.
Well thats about all i have for today. Thanks
Monday, November 3, 2008
My best friend is a movie star
Well sort of. My old college roommate and best man at my wedding Daniel Sanders is now living in Hollywood and making movies and stuff of that nature. He has been a part of some stuff so far, but I am convinced is destined for huge things. Here is a video of some of the stuff he did in film school and recently
My Reel
My Reel
Everybody needs to repent sometime...
You know, every Sunday i give an invitation and when i do i will mention stuff like Baptism, joining the church, rededication, but i got to be honest with you, i want to answer the invitation myself sometimes, i mean really i do.
I haven't for several reasons, one of which being that church folks see it as a scandal enough when people do it to begin with (although this is a minority of church folks to begin with, but, it happens, sadly) and also, can the Pastor redidicate?
On the surface this seems like an easy question, "Of Course he can", i mean everyone is entitled to public repentance, including the pastor, but then when i look at it deeper, i dont see it that way, I mean i should, but, i dont.
Only those who know me really well know how much of a sinner i am, because, i am. I have as much of issues with sin as anybody, ever. But i dont think people always want to know that. I think people alot of times want to believe that at least someone can be a picture of how we should be, that it is actually possible to live sinless, to not let God or your loved ones down daily, but sorry to say it, thats not me.
Repentance is (to me) the hardest thing about following Jesus. It means that we have to put to death (Colossians 3:5) the things that we are doing. And that is really hard. If sin wasn't enjoyable, we wouldnt do it, so obviously, i do it. But yes, i need to put it to death. It just needs to die and die fast.
So i guess, without specific confession, this is me answering my own invitation. I need to rededicate myself as a follower of Christ Jesus. I need to focus of His Will and not my ego, negativity, pride or apathy.
I guess posts like this are the reason i named my blog "Weekly Rambling From A Churchy Nerd" becuase, well, this is just rambling. I am really sorry for anyone that I have heart in my career of sinning, and if you need an exact apology, call or e-mail me and i will most likely ablige.
I haven't for several reasons, one of which being that church folks see it as a scandal enough when people do it to begin with (although this is a minority of church folks to begin with, but, it happens, sadly) and also, can the Pastor redidicate?
On the surface this seems like an easy question, "Of Course he can", i mean everyone is entitled to public repentance, including the pastor, but then when i look at it deeper, i dont see it that way, I mean i should, but, i dont.
Only those who know me really well know how much of a sinner i am, because, i am. I have as much of issues with sin as anybody, ever. But i dont think people always want to know that. I think people alot of times want to believe that at least someone can be a picture of how we should be, that it is actually possible to live sinless, to not let God or your loved ones down daily, but sorry to say it, thats not me.
Repentance is (to me) the hardest thing about following Jesus. It means that we have to put to death (Colossians 3:5) the things that we are doing. And that is really hard. If sin wasn't enjoyable, we wouldnt do it, so obviously, i do it. But yes, i need to put it to death. It just needs to die and die fast.
So i guess, without specific confession, this is me answering my own invitation. I need to rededicate myself as a follower of Christ Jesus. I need to focus of His Will and not my ego, negativity, pride or apathy.
I guess posts like this are the reason i named my blog "Weekly Rambling From A Churchy Nerd" becuase, well, this is just rambling. I am really sorry for anyone that I have heart in my career of sinning, and if you need an exact apology, call or e-mail me and i will most likely ablige.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
If you are a fan of Benny Hinn, sorry...
If not, lol i got to tell you, i can't get enough of this, lol.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Good things...

Things as so good now, and i just can't complain. I say this because God is teaching me to live a life of contentment. This week we re concluding our sermon series on Philippians titled "The Life You Were Meant To Live" and i am working on chapter 4, which is about how Paul challenges us to be content and joyful always. It made me think about my own life, and how much i long for the "better things" in life. I dont mean tropical vacations or expensive cars, but i just mean better situations. Like to live in a world where those around me can just get along or for a life with no monthly payments (haha, YEAH). But instead i need to understand that i am unbelievably blessed, so i thought i would list some really good areas where God has blessed my life.
One thing lately that God blessed me with was with an awesome church. Our leaders at South Side car so much about Jesus. They really do. Change comes easy to them because they understand that to reach people for Christ you have to do whatever it takes. This involves taking a chance on a goofball like me, starting a ministry like the contemporary service/small groups, and having a great youth program led by a very mature, seasoned and called minister (Dave Plumley)
Speaking of Dave South Side has an amazing staff. Ray is the most ridiculously intelligent man i have ever met (seriously, ask him ANYTHING) and Danny has a grasp of relating to people that i only hope to attain someday. Plus South Side has such a great and supportive community of believers that it just makes getting out of bed worth it most days.
Another huge blessing is my family. I LOVE my family. My daughter is the most hilarious combination of Emily and I, and she is getting so old is is almost scary. My wife is a picture of God's grace to me because just like Grace, i don't deserve Emily for how often i mess up, but she loves me anyway. More about them on a later post, or well, most of my posts.
Also i must mention the blessing of my college friends. I got to go to a wedding this past weekend and catch up with a group of people that i love more than life itself. We can not speak for 2 years at a time and then instantly its like we never were separated. That group of people represents everything that is holy about me, and i will never, ever completely lose touch with them (Lord Willing).
Another is a recent one, you may have saw the picture at the top of the page and thought that the post was a review of Fireproof, well its not, but if it was it would be a long one. I saw this movie with a group from our church last night and i LOVED IT. I cried like 3 times, and identified completely with the lead character. Small budget, yes, but amazing film nonetheless. Every actor did this movie for free, but it gave me so much to think about as far as how i treat Emily, and i hope i grown from it.
so that is a list of just a few of my blessings, what are some of yours?
Monday, October 27, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Oh, How I love Kirk
The very mention of the name Kirk Cameron sparks opinion these days. A great deal of Hollywood liberal types can't stand him for his views, many Christians aren't fans of him because they think the product he puts out (Way of the Master, Left Behind, etc.) there today is sub-par (i strongly disagree) but also many people of faith simply love the man, and i am one of them.
Many will also get visions of Mike Seaver when they hear his name, and also many who have seen the new film FIREPROOF will instantly give a film review when his name is uttered, but for me, when i think of Kirk, i simply think, authentic.
He wasnt like most child stars. He was HUGE when Growing Pains was on, and then suddenly, one day he noticed a need for knowledge of the TRUTH in the world. So he found Jesus and CHOSE to give up the A-List Hollywood life. Now he is nothing but contraversial because he never seems to stop ministering, or stop sharing what he stands for. He is still an amazing actor, and I only wonder what he would be today if he had not chose to leave the mainstream.
Here are two interviews he did recently, one on The View, the other on Good Morning America. Watch and enjoy,
Many will also get visions of Mike Seaver when they hear his name, and also many who have seen the new film FIREPROOF will instantly give a film review when his name is uttered, but for me, when i think of Kirk, i simply think, authentic.
He wasnt like most child stars. He was HUGE when Growing Pains was on, and then suddenly, one day he noticed a need for knowledge of the TRUTH in the world. So he found Jesus and CHOSE to give up the A-List Hollywood life. Now he is nothing but contraversial because he never seems to stop ministering, or stop sharing what he stands for. He is still an amazing actor, and I only wonder what he would be today if he had not chose to leave the mainstream.
Here are two interviews he did recently, one on The View, the other on Good Morning America. Watch and enjoy,
Monday morning weekend recap

I have to say that i just came off one of the best weekends of my life. It was just, wonderful. I guess the reason being for that can be summed up into one word, love.
On thursday night i picked up Gretchen from her sitters around 4:30pm and then gave her dinner/played until it was time for Em to come home, and (like every night) as soon as Em got home i had just enough time to give her a kiss and go do the Pastor thing. That night i went to teach one of our small groups. It is actaully one of my favorite to hang out with. Our topic was mothers, and how God is so much like a mother to us, with his compassion, caring and nuturing nature. It is an interesting study because we don't often see God with female characteristics, but so often he will say things like "like a mother comforts a child so will i comfort you" and so many other things that make you understand how much God can be bother mother and father to us. It was a really good meeting, a little tears, laughing and alot of study/sharing.
Then when i got home from small groups my mom was there visiting with us, so i got to see her, and she made us chili, which was AMAZING. Then we watched the move "The Happening" which was a disappointment for me, but still better than alot out there.
Friday morning, we were leaving to go to Circle S Pumpkin Farm and Em was jumping around, acting goofy and twisted her ankle on the curb in front of our house. This was really funny actually, but i felt really bad for her. The more she sat down she felt it was okay, so we still went to the pumkin farm.
The pumpkin farm was easily one of the best times i have had, ever. We played in the hay barn for a long time, and Gretchen just loved it. She loved running in the deep hay, she loved going down the slides, she even loved falling down into the hay, and she just giggled and grinned the whole time. We also got to go to the Corn Maze, which was fun because we I kept running into the corn to try and make Gretchen giggle, Em would have too, but the ankle injury kind of kept her on the IR more of the day, my mom played a bit too though. We also went through the sunflower maze, G went through a hay maze, and we pet some animals and at homemade pumpkin doughnuts. It was more than a blast.
That night we went home, Gretchen just crashed most of the night and we watched some more movies. The next morning we planned to go the a KCU soccer game in Hillsboro, but Em had to go the the doctor to see if her ankle was sprained/twisted/broken. They checked her out and just wrapped her ankle and told her to stay off of it for a bit.
By the time we got out of the Dr.'s we had already missed our chance to see the soccer game, so my mom went home and Me/Em/Gretchen went to the Circleville Pumpkin Show. It was so huge!! I mean tons upon tons of people, and rides, vendors, games galor. Gretchen just loved people watching, much like her mommy and daddy, but we also go to taste pumpkin bugers and pumpkin ice cream. Both were delicious.
Then on Sunday we went to church and i got to preach twice. I think it went okay, i got the point across that i intended too, talking about Philippians Chapter 2, and how God is calling us to consider others better than ourselves, and our goal should be more to be a servant than a CEO. Had great conversations at church, and the praise team did an amazing job leading people in worship.
Overall, it was just a fantastic weekend. And it just got the chance to realize how much i love my wife and daughter, and how much i love my other family, our church. So thank you to everyone who was a part of this past weekend.
Love you,
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Lol, well, okay...
About yesterday's post, a few things.
Sorry for anyone who make be offended by my opinion of Southern Gospel, Michael W. Smith (okay, not that sorry for that one) or K-Love. I will admit, that it truly is an opinion that these are all poor quality art that we put up with within the church. And ONLY my opinion. The church is an imperfect, adulterous bride, and i am one of if not THE most imperfect of all of it. So for the one's who may not have enjoyed some of those remarks, sorry about that.
That is mostly the reason I rarely put actual thoughts of mine of my blog anymore, because it seems once i do, people get offended by some of it. But i mean no harm, no matter how it may look.
Another thing to mention is that I in no way, shape or form hate Christians. I am one, first and foremost in my life. We are the Bride of Christ, and for me to love Jesus and not love his bride is like loving my best friend by despising his wife, if i did that, he may not be my best friend anymore. I have issues with the American church, huge issues, but anyone who has heard me preach, hung out with me, or been in one of my classes fully well knows that. I would be more than happy to sit down with anyone and explain those things to them as well, because they are on my heart constantly.
I get so many comments about every post i do, but 99.9% of them go to my e-mail, not my actual blog, so if anyone has an issue, but doesnt want others to know they do, send me an e-mail or call me about it. My phone number is 740-606-7347, work 740-335-3107, e-mail Can't really think of any other ways to contact me off the top of my head, but if i could, i would.
So in closing for today, i am sorry to all that took what i had to say in an offensive way, but i do thank those of you who sent encouragements as well, i meant no harm only hoped for maybe a cheap laugh or a discussion starter.
My bad,
Sorry for anyone who make be offended by my opinion of Southern Gospel, Michael W. Smith (okay, not that sorry for that one) or K-Love. I will admit, that it truly is an opinion that these are all poor quality art that we put up with within the church. And ONLY my opinion. The church is an imperfect, adulterous bride, and i am one of if not THE most imperfect of all of it. So for the one's who may not have enjoyed some of those remarks, sorry about that.
That is mostly the reason I rarely put actual thoughts of mine of my blog anymore, because it seems once i do, people get offended by some of it. But i mean no harm, no matter how it may look.
Another thing to mention is that I in no way, shape or form hate Christians. I am one, first and foremost in my life. We are the Bride of Christ, and for me to love Jesus and not love his bride is like loving my best friend by despising his wife, if i did that, he may not be my best friend anymore. I have issues with the American church, huge issues, but anyone who has heard me preach, hung out with me, or been in one of my classes fully well knows that. I would be more than happy to sit down with anyone and explain those things to them as well, because they are on my heart constantly.
I get so many comments about every post i do, but 99.9% of them go to my e-mail, not my actual blog, so if anyone has an issue, but doesnt want others to know they do, send me an e-mail or call me about it. My phone number is 740-606-7347, work 740-335-3107, e-mail Can't really think of any other ways to contact me off the top of my head, but if i could, i would.
So in closing for today, i am sorry to all that took what i had to say in an offensive way, but i do thank those of you who sent encouragements as well, i meant no harm only hoped for maybe a cheap laugh or a discussion starter.
My bad,
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Reflections while sitting in the library...

Okay, so right now i am in the library here in Court House. I extremely love Tuesdays because this is my 'office but out of the office day" when i get to work on my sermon, but all the while being with people. It is an amazing thing to get to do because for some reason people always tend to strike up a conversation with the guy taking notes from a Bible, using commentaries, typing on his laptop and playing a combo of Shane & Shane, 33 Miles and Jason Gray a little too loud. So i get to meet people, just learn their story a bit, and then towards the end let them know that i am actually a pastor working on a sermon for that sunday (which thus far has surprised EVERYONE). I love Tuesdays. I actually has now finished my sermon for Sunday, although i am sure to change the end, because frankly, its weak and sort of sucks. But all in all, good day.
The reason i want to reflect on this situation is, there is a particular person in here that i think God may be leading me towards meeting, but i kind of don't want to because I borderline hate him, even before meeting him. See he is this kid who has a small little mustache, kind of Zorro thin (which is cool) and he is falling asleep on the couch (which, in context of the library, is also cool) but he is on head phones and listening to Gangsta Rap, and I am on the other side of the room, and can hear every word of it. I know God wants me to love this guy, he obviously does, but WOW he is driving me nuts. I know what Jesus would do, i think. I think he would most likely ask him what he is listening to, and then find a creaive way of using a parable involving Lil Wayne to teach him about what the Kingdom of God is like, but, well, I'm not yet Jesus. Before i leave i will at least say hey to him and ask him his name, but for now i will just take the typical way out and despise him.
Another thing of note, there is no better artist alive to me than Jason Gray. I have his new CD "Acoustic Storytime" on my iTunes, which i am using to drowned out Def Jam over there. His lyrics are 50 times more theological than anything on K-Love (did i mention K-Love sucks?) and the arrangements and vocals are soul stirring to say the least. If you are someone who likes good Christian music (not Michael W. Smith, i mean good music) download his tracks "Grace" and "This Far", you won't be let down at all.
I guess one more to reflect on would be that I think even now in my Christian walk i am more in tune with non-Christians than Christians. I have to admit it, Christian drive me bonkers. For a million reasons. They still sacrifice quality for the Christian culture, meaning they do "skits" that are horrible, enjoy and sing "music" that is horrible (i'm talking to you Southern Gospel guy) and speak their own language. Hanging out with non-Christians is like leaving a Comic Book convention and realizing you were a nerd for the past two days of your weekend. non-Christians are the Kingdom of God of tomorrow, they just haven't met Jesus yet. Hopefully we wont make them more like "us". Hopefully.
Also, update, talked to the "Loud Rap Music Guy" cool guy actually, and he even turned down his music. Gave me a creepy five before he left and we talked Hip Hop for a minute. Turned out better than i thought it might.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Something nice on the news for once
"I was wanting to know, if you might, want to marry me"
A little too weathermanny, but still, nice.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
New Sermon Series

Hey all you South Side fans, I have a little update for you. This coming sunday we will be starting a new sermon series titled "The Life You Were Meant To Live". It will cover the book of Philippians, chapter by chapter and will deal with some HUGE issues that we death with in this life.
You might be saying to yourself "so how do you know the life that I am meant to live?" well, i dont, but the Bible does, and the Apostle Paul devoted much of his writing towards how we should live.
I will be preaching every week of this series, so please come hang out with us as we discuss just what God intended for us when this whole thing started.
P.S. I am guaranteed to at LEAST once a week.
Huge bit of advice for anyone who is literate...
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Baptism over the internet
Is it possible for a pastor to baptize someone who is physically several hundred miles away?
Evidently one pastor thinks so. Rusty Hutson, the pastor of Cornerstone Methodist Church in Auburn, Alabama was in Granger, Indiana for the Innovate Conference last week. He believed it was important to baptize Cindy Wall via the internet so she wouldn't have to wait until they returned to town.
Five days later, Cindy died suddenly of an aortic aneurysm. I am guessing that Rusty and his team are grateful they listened to God, stepped out in an innovative move of faith, and conducted this baptism. I love their creativity and sensitivity to do the right thing. (Although i wonder why he didnt just have anyone at the pool do it, dah well)
Here is the clip. Its a little over 9 minutes, but you could stop it at about 6:20
Evidently one pastor thinks so. Rusty Hutson, the pastor of Cornerstone Methodist Church in Auburn, Alabama was in Granger, Indiana for the Innovate Conference last week. He believed it was important to baptize Cindy Wall via the internet so she wouldn't have to wait until they returned to town.
Five days later, Cindy died suddenly of an aortic aneurysm. I am guessing that Rusty and his team are grateful they listened to God, stepped out in an innovative move of faith, and conducted this baptism. I love their creativity and sensitivity to do the right thing. (Although i wonder why he didnt just have anyone at the pool do it, dah well)
Here is the clip. Its a little over 9 minutes, but you could stop it at about 6:20
Friday, September 19, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
My new favorite chapter of the Bible..
Colossians chapter 3. Verses 1-17. (Verse 5 is the key to the whole section. Kind of makes you happy some things are in the Bible, if that makes any sense)
1Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 4When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
5Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. 6Because of these, the wrath of God is coming. 7You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. 8But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. 9Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices 10and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. 11Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.
12Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 14And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
15Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. 16Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. 17And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
1Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 4When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
5Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. 6Because of these, the wrath of God is coming. 7You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. 8But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. 9Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices 10and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. 11Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.
12Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 14And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
15Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. 16Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. 17And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Oh, my buckeyes...

Well i havent had power for awhile, which I will post about next, but wow, i must mention the Buckeyes football team. Yikes.
Okay look, let's be reasonable here. They are a heck of a good team. They have NFL talent at alot of positions, (obviously not starting QB, lol) but that doesnt make them good. Their offensive line is full of blue chippers, but they are garbage against decent competition. The defense had probably 4-5 1st round picks on it, but they arent thinkers. USC out thought them. Yes they are slow, but at the same time most defenses look slow vs. USC, dont they?
We learned that Pryor will be an awsome QB, but maybe not yet. He is exciting and will probably be a top 5 pick here in about 2 years, but we have yet to see him throw a 10 yard completion. But yes, a bad Pryor is just as good, if not better than a "good" Todd Beockman.
Honestly, I just wonder how top tier the Bucks are, or have been. They played 3 elite teams and lose by minimum 2 TD's each time. The refs were bad, but not 35-3 bad. If OSU played 2006 Florida 10 times, they would have lost 10 times. If they played 2007 LSU 10 times, they might win 3 of them. If they played 2008 USC 10 times, if might get worse every time they played. They can and will dominate the big 10, but then again, how much is that worth anymore? I love my Buckeyes, and once Terrelle Pryor starts, Beanie gets back, and they start playing the freshman wide-outs (Posey, Thomas) the offense will do a 180 in the right direction, but please, NCAA/BCS, dont let them play in the National Championship this year. They will probably win out, go 11-1, and win convincingly, and buckeyes fans will complain saying that they are a vastly improved team, and are by far the best 1 loss team, but please, ignore us and just put anyone from the Big 12 or the SEC over the Bucks. Allow us to kick the crap out of Notre Dame or East Carolina in the Rose Bowl or the Sugar Bowl, but leave us off the big stage. We will only embarrass ourselves yet again.
Next year OSU plays USC at home, and well, it could either be redemption or a repeat of this year. Just look at this, USC will return 10 starters on offense and several player on defense, and OSU will graduate 27 seniors, plus losing Beanie Wells to the NFL via going out early. Chances are, the Bucks will lose by more next year than this year. Sucks, but true. I still love them and will root for them no matter what, but lets be realistic, some programs are vastly better.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Since I cant seem to want to talk about anything but politics or the buckeyes lately, I thought I would just have a small post about distractions. I got to be honest with you, i know who I am voting for in November, I do, I am postive, but I wont talk about it in public, that includes the Net, at church or in large groups of people, because honestly, I dont want to influence you at all. It really doesnt matter all that much who wins, they are all talking heads anyway, but for personal reasons, I have no doubt in on my choice.
But all of these are distractions. I have a zillion friends on both sides of the fence, and I totally understand why people vote the way they do. I will never, nor have I hate on you because of your politics. They are what they are for a purpose, so more power to you. But lately, it has just beem distracting me. Like take preaching lately, I have loved the past 3+ weeks of the Grace Effect. Its been a blast to share about Grace, and i am pumped about this Sunday as well. But all of these political issues being on my mind just distract me for meditating on how important God's Grace is to my life. So i am beginning a fast, for now on, I am jsut fasting on all of this for now on, speeches and commercials won't affect me anymore, its ridiculous to let them.
Jesus told us that HIS Kingdom isn't of this world and it isnt, so honestly, who cares? Jesus died on the cross for our sins. For our distrations. For our imperfections. We aren't perfect, but Jesus makes us perfect. Your candidate isn't perfect unless Jesus made him (or her now I guess) perfect.
Shane Claiborne wrote a awesome book (so I've heard) titled "Jesus For President", and it basically entails the idea that governmentcan only do so much, but through Jesus, WE can change the world.
So I guess, lets stop being so divided. It doesn't matter. Love your neighbor as yourself, even if they arent a elephant or a donkey.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Author Donald Miller's Prayer at the DNC
Some of you may have heard of Donald Miller. He is in my mind (and the minds of many others) the greatest Christian author since C.S. Lewis. He has written the books, "To Own A Dragon", "Through Painted Deserts", "Blue Like Jazz", "Searching for God Knows What" and he is also a popular speaker, going around the world, and he has a new movie coming out based on his book, "Blue Like Jazz". The reason I post about him is he had the opening prayer at the Democratic National Convention monday night. I think its important to watch his prayer, and see how different it is from most public prayer. Also, note how non-partisal (I should hope it would be, its a prayer for crying out loud) it is, even at a democratic party dominated venue. Only time i have ever stated that i was provoked into thought at a political rally. Watch and decide what you think for yourself.
I Hate Politics...

Okay before i get into this, i suppose i should just state that i dont hate much in the world. I think this world is much more beautiful than we give it credit for, but wow, do i hate politics.
A while back i posted on here who i will be voting for, and i got a landslide of opinions on why people agree or disagree with this stance of mine. I gave them all my reasons, but yet still, people love passion. So i will use this space to tell you why i hate politics. I will give my 3 main reasons.
1. We make it about Jesus when, its not.
The campaign seems to always swing to what James Dobson and the like believe is best for us. Let me just say, while i use and appreciate some of what Focus on the Family does, i in no way endorse James Dobson. Seems like a okay guy, but he is more political than Tucker Carlson and Bill O-Reilly combined, and I dont mean as a activist either (e-mail me for further explaination). But the issue is, we make it about two issues, abortion and gay marriage.
Let me explain something about why stances on both. I in no way am pro-choice. I think abortion is murder and i think the Bible supports this stance (once again, e-mail for further discussion). But at the same time, the executive branch only has so much power, and with so many presidents who are against abortions, we still are setting record for total abortions every year in our country (last 8 years included). And i know, we want to appoint supreme court justices who are pro-life to overturn Roe v. Wade, but to base my vote on who the guy appoints, is, well, insane. So to me, abortion is a non-issue (wow people are going to hate that), only because neither candidate will help it, but i think alot could be done with our adoption policies in our nation.
And with gay marriage, i am similar. I think homosexuality is a sin, and there is no grey area to it, but if you are already living in sin, does it matter? To clarify this i am saying, being gay and married doesnt make you more gay. I know marriage IS between one man, one woman, but at the same time a life without Christ is useless to begin with, no matter what you are into (you know the drill, e-mail if need be).
Its no different than making it about the environment all the sudden. There is very little we will do to help the climate situation, so why make it be about who you elect? it is because they know it is a hot issue.
But the overlining issue is, and always is, its not about those two issues, but they want us to think it is. To elect someone because they agree with you, eventhough their opinion doesnt make anything happen is similar to being confident in a pilot because he is a buckeyes fan, eventhough he isnt qualified to fly the plane.
2. We know nothing.
Honestly, this is my major reason for hating politics. We know nothing. All our information comes from the talking heads on blogs, CNN, FOX, talk radio, etc. And if you want you info from the candidate themselves, you are going to hear what their party favors or what their advisors/speech writers think. A candidate is a product that rich people are selling to gain more power. Plain and simple.
3. We arent really qualitfied to decide this anyway.
With the lack of honest information we have at out disposal, and people mainly voting for whomever is listed as the candidate for thier respective party each year no matter what, and the crazy message hollywood is constantly putting out, how is a majority vote even the best way to do it? what i mean is, if such a small margin of people are informed to begin with, how is it that this is the best way to decide? Now i know we are a government for the people and by the people (sort of) so i am not saying change it, but i am saying, it is incrediably flawed.
In closing, i know people will be offended by much of this, but, well thats okay. It is important to open the dialogue.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
A letter to the dude who wears football jerseys...

Dear Jersey guy,
I am writing this to you, because, well i once was you. You are the guy who cant wait for the NFL draft to be over so that you can get your new jersey fresh off the printer. You are the dude who as soon as Favre was traded wanted to know if he gets to keep #4, and you even entertained the idea of pre-ordering it. You are the guy who thinks he cant go to a game without wearing a replica of the uniform of one of its participants. You are the guy who spends over 60 bucks on a shirt (jersey) that guarantees you wont have to worry about female conpanionship for some time (pretty much like load speakers in your car guy).
I understand why you do it. You are a fan, and you think your team or player needs your support. But, they dont. You wearing thier jersey, while being over the age of 17 isnt helping anyone, except maybe Reebok or Nike because now they have your money.
You know, "dude who wears football jerseys", you are bad, but you ave a more advanced coison, the obscure and repulsive, "dude who wears football jerseys, and TUCKS THEM IN" See if you are this guy, wow. Please, just repent now. Its bad enough you are rocking the jersey, but now, you are tucking it in as if the world needs to see a black Carson Palmer jersey tucked into your Wranglers. Please, i plea with you in favor of my own gender, stop.
(I know, much more negative than usual. But I think it needed to be said.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Coolest Things Known To Man...
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
This is a video of a song i heard for the 1st time today. Its by a band called "Saving Jane" out of Columbus. They have had some huge radio hits like "Girl Next Door" and more recently "Supergirl", and also a local Ohio hit "Hang On Sloopy (O-H-I-O Mix), but this is a song they did called "Grace". I am researching for an upcoming sermon series called "The Grace Effect". It will just be about asking the question, "what is God's Grace?". we will be discussing it for four weeks, it should be powerful stuff (not because of me, but because of the subject. Anywho, this is the video for it. All i can say is, wow.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008

So i find myself half annoyed today with the fact that i have a blog. I mean i understand my intention of it, but yet, dah. I guess the problem is the real terminology of it. I despise the word "blog". it sounds like a sound an animal makes in a Pixar movie. Plus it makes me feel that i am more and more becoming one of those hippies that drink their coffee with designer creamers every morning (okay, well i do) loves the environment (i do, but do nothing about it) and wont stop talking about when Bush leaves the White House (no comment). Contrary to some people's opinion i am not a hippy, but i feel i may be in the process of becoming one. I got into ministry for a large part because of a book by some guy named Donald Miller titled "Blue Like Jazz", which is a book about a typical guy who finds peace with Jesus while going to a liberal university and being rejected by girls. My favorite section of the book tells of Don living with hippies for a while. I loved it because they seemed like the most Christlike people i have ever thought about, but, well, i got disappointed shortly after.
I was all big on the hippies and i wanted to be one until i went to New Orleans for a mission trip and a hippy that i came to enjoy got busted for weed. He was a Christian and had great opinions (although he smelled like sweat and peppers) but yet he still fit the stereotype to a T. So from there i stopped my journey towards becoming a hippy.
Lately i seem to share some hippy things, i love hippy music, hippy clothes, hippy politics (well 10% of them, not the "LEGALIZE IT, MAN" stuff, but moreso the social justice stuff) and hippy sayings.
I always saw Jesus as sort of a manly hippy. I think he was a big guy. He was a carpernter in the days of no power tools, and most of those guys were ripped and huge, so i would assume Jesus was no exception. He always seemed to be the kind of guy to never back down from a fight (except with the Roman soldiers of course), very manly. But he also seemed sort of hippy. He was homeless, he preached mostly of love and social injustice, and talked about wrath and repentance for those who dont obey God (okay that last one isnt too hippy). But i doubt God is a hippy, but in my ignorant mind, Jesus seemed like one.
I think the overlining reason i will never truly be a hippy is i wont drink or do drugs and i hate tie-dye. There is nothing more lame in the history of the universe (outside of country music) than tie dye. Groups of friends that do it should apologize to the shirt they did this to. So a hippy lifestlye isnt in my future, at least not yet.
So alas, i will continue being a churchy nerd that wants to be so many cool things, but truly only seeks to please Jesus. Thats fine, i hope.
Until the next time.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
So, I am not sure if you guys like my preaching, are annoyed with it, or well, whatever. But i am making major changes. I mention quite a bit about this last week in my sermon, and well, it is from the heart.
I feel at times i become sort of a grand stander who kind of craves the spotlight and loves the attention a little too much, and i dont teach the bible all too well either. Well for whatever reason, i feel God doesn appreciate what i do, so i am going new.
I have spent my time since sunday researching/reflecting/studying about how not to preach. So far about me i have an understanding of mentioning, the state of the church (is tired), my testimony (is tired), and a few other topics need a long rest. I love to talk about them, but we need more. So this sunday is going to be pretty different. When i was in college i won the award for my graduating class for excellence in preaching, and i did that with good content, structure and i made it very little about me, but all about Jesus. So now, i am going back to that a bit.
Now i know what some of you are thinking, you are thinking that i am going to just end up being like everybody else and start giving you my "4 Points and a Poem" (funny, i have read poems twice in the past couple of months, i am a loser), but i hate that type of preaching, and i will never be that guy.
I feel if as a ministry we are to grow it is only through the study and understanding of Jesus Christ, and that is just what we are going to do. So once again, you may not care that much, you just want me to stay under 30 minutes (sorry about sunday if thats true, i get like that sometimes), but i feel i can do better by you guys, and i will.
I feel at times i become sort of a grand stander who kind of craves the spotlight and loves the attention a little too much, and i dont teach the bible all too well either. Well for whatever reason, i feel God doesn appreciate what i do, so i am going new.
I have spent my time since sunday researching/reflecting/studying about how not to preach. So far about me i have an understanding of mentioning, the state of the church (is tired), my testimony (is tired), and a few other topics need a long rest. I love to talk about them, but we need more. So this sunday is going to be pretty different. When i was in college i won the award for my graduating class for excellence in preaching, and i did that with good content, structure and i made it very little about me, but all about Jesus. So now, i am going back to that a bit.
Now i know what some of you are thinking, you are thinking that i am going to just end up being like everybody else and start giving you my "4 Points and a Poem" (funny, i have read poems twice in the past couple of months, i am a loser), but i hate that type of preaching, and i will never be that guy.
I feel if as a ministry we are to grow it is only through the study and understanding of Jesus Christ, and that is just what we are going to do. So once again, you may not care that much, you just want me to stay under 30 minutes (sorry about sunday if thats true, i get like that sometimes), but i feel i can do better by you guys, and i will.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
मूवी, मूवी, Movie
SO this past weekend, Em was gone and in my free time (Yes, i have some) i watched DVD's. It was, well boring and sad that all i have to do with my free time without my girls is see movies, but, i did. I saw, The Mist (horrible), National Treasure 2 (liked it), No Country For Old Men (freaked me out, abrupt ending too, but great acting), Rocky Balboa (made me sad for the failed attempt with a world of potential), and Jumper (so fun). It was, like i said, sad that all i have to do with my time is that, but it is what it is. I think the main problem these days with me is i really dont get the chance to develop real relationships. What i mean is, in my job it seems if i go to your house, call you up, e-mail you, whatever, i am doing it because it is my profession to do so. Like if i ask you how you are doing, you feel like i am a doctor, and i am either trying to diagnose your problem or cure it. It feels a little lonely at times.
Dont get me wrong, i love alot of people here. I really do. I just at times feel like people cant always be their selves around me. Like my friends that drink make jokes (i think) like "hide the beer, the pastor is here". Or folks i know talk alot dirtier when i am not around, kind of censor themselves for me. Now i want to say that i appreciate all of this. I honestly dont mind when people drink around me, but if i had to choose i would say i would rather you not (if that makes any sense) And for the bad language, i got to be real with you, i hate filthy talk. I really do. I hate all cuss words and at this point of my life dirty jokes make my skin crawl. There was a time in my life i was all about that stuff, but at the present moment, i would rather you leave me out of those things.
So what does all of this mean? Well as many pastors have noticed, it means i have a hard time getting to know anybody. Its tough. I was talking with a buddy of mine from college this morning and we were sharing stories of stuff we used to do, and i was seriously laughing out loud. I couldnt believe there was a time of my life when i didnt worry about is my wife is doing okay, or if my daughter is eating or sleeping enough, or if everything is okay at church. I was just in a state where i went to class, hung out with my friends, and i just, was.
I perfer this time of my life though. I love our ministry here. I also love being a dad and a husband, and wouldnt trade any of that away. I just have to find a way to deal with folks in a way that they dont feel i am judging them or i am being a "pastor" all the time. Eventhough i am (sort of).
Well i guess at times i get a little too personal with this blog, but thats kind of where i'm at. Oh and for no reason, here is a video from a comic i love named Michael Jr.
Dont get me wrong, i love alot of people here. I really do. I just at times feel like people cant always be their selves around me. Like my friends that drink make jokes (i think) like "hide the beer, the pastor is here". Or folks i know talk alot dirtier when i am not around, kind of censor themselves for me. Now i want to say that i appreciate all of this. I honestly dont mind when people drink around me, but if i had to choose i would say i would rather you not (if that makes any sense) And for the bad language, i got to be real with you, i hate filthy talk. I really do. I hate all cuss words and at this point of my life dirty jokes make my skin crawl. There was a time in my life i was all about that stuff, but at the present moment, i would rather you leave me out of those things.
So what does all of this mean? Well as many pastors have noticed, it means i have a hard time getting to know anybody. Its tough. I was talking with a buddy of mine from college this morning and we were sharing stories of stuff we used to do, and i was seriously laughing out loud. I couldnt believe there was a time of my life when i didnt worry about is my wife is doing okay, or if my daughter is eating or sleeping enough, or if everything is okay at church. I was just in a state where i went to class, hung out with my friends, and i just, was.
I perfer this time of my life though. I love our ministry here. I also love being a dad and a husband, and wouldnt trade any of that away. I just have to find a way to deal with folks in a way that they dont feel i am judging them or i am being a "pastor" all the time. Eventhough i am (sort of).
Well i guess at times i get a little too personal with this blog, but thats kind of where i'm at. Oh and for no reason, here is a video from a comic i love named Michael Jr.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Seeing Hancock and Spur of the moment preaching (sort of)

So this past weekend Emily and i planned it out so that we would get to go see a mavoie on saturday night, which was cool because as many of you know, babies dont allow for much alone time. So we have our dear friend Kami babysit for us and we go to Chillicothe to go see the new Will Smith movie, Hancock. IT has become a tradition for Emily and i to go see the new Will Smith movie on opening weekend (Pursuit of Happyness, I am Legend, now this) and we thought it would be cool to do so.
We both loved the movie, i mean loved it. It had a great deal of profanity, and the lead character boozed it up, alot, but i want to tell you, if it was even appropriate for a film to have it (which is up for debate if it is) this was the film. His character was heroic, funny and sad. Which is basically what Christians today are. We are destined for great things, but our own selfish wants and "needs" get in the way and we screw it up. Plus it was the 1st superhero movie i have seen in years that i didnt feel like i was in a 12 year old nerd convention as i walked in or our of the theatre.Comic book purist hated the film, but to be fair, they hate anything that isnt their grandma's basement (that was mean, my bad.)
After the movie at about 9:30 pm, Ray (another Pastor at South Side) calls me and tells me the missionary that was scheduled to preach in the morning called and he was stuck in Atlanta, so he asked if i could do it. I didnt even hestitate and decided i would. Now the only problem is i was taking a task that i usually spend around 30 hours, and using about 3 hours to prepare for it. But i did. I got done at about 12:30am or so, and went to bed. Sunday morning i preached on the subject of John chapter 5, when the man said he wanted to be healed, but Jesus asked him if that was what he truly wanted. It had alot to do with the fact that we say we want our troubles to end, but we refuse to do anything to end them. It went good, i guess.
You never really know how good a sermon goes, at times people will say nice things, or mean things. But then at times they will say nothing, but, it doesnt matter. I want to help, but i am really only speaking for an audience of one (God). But yeah, never preached on that short of notice before, it was fun. So all-in-all fun weekend.
Friday, July 4, 2008
If you are into this election at all..

If you care about the Prez election, which i do, a little. then i know you most likely get your info from either a tv network or criptic e-mails with blue and red font telling you Mccain is a mobster and Obama is a terriorist. (if you read any of these, shame on you) but if you want a neat unbias source, go to relevant magaizne. they are having candidate interviews this month and todays was Obama, who i like. I also like Johnny Mac though, so i am not huge either way. But here is the interview, he talks about one of Two issues Fundamentalists seem to care about (abortion and gay marriage, which is, wow) But here is the link to his interview
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
So I Have This Dream...

Before i go into it, i want to be clear about something. I in no way want to leave our ministry here at South Side. Things are going great and people are growing in Christ, so i would have to be a fool to abandon that. But still i think it is okay to share what my dream for my career and calling as a pastor is. I created this blog so that people could get to know the real me a little better, so therefore, this is my dream in life. People often ask me what my long-term goal for ministry is, well, this is it.
Ever since i got into Christianity i have felt this calling to do something big for God. Not just grow a church or baptize alot of people or even to help make disciples out of a bunch of filthy sinners (you know who you are, as am I) but to do something that is so big it outlasts me by a long shot. I have prayed for God to develop this, and well, this is where i am right now.
My dream is to plant a church. I know many of you know this, but it isnt your adverage run of the mill church. I want to start a brand new church in an area that isnt so much unChurched. See in most church plants people will plant one where there arent many churches, but in this one i would like to plant it in a area where there are many. See personally i think the Bible Belt at times gets flooded with religious, disingenuous congregations that really dont help people become disciples as much as the help people love churchyness. So i would like to start a church for (as a million guys before me have put it) people who hate going to church. It mainly would consist of a plan that is in a fantastic book titled "Simple Church". This is that the basics of the church are "Love God, Love People and Serve the World". We wouldnt be a group with lots of programs or campaigns, but moreso a group that meets, worships and during the weeks hangs out and grows closer to eachother. You might ask how this is different from your church, well it is, and here is how.
We wouldnt be a place that worries about wednesday night bible studies or sunday night whatever, it would only be (from the beginning) a worship service and small groups. The only other time we would all meet is for service projects to actually affect our community.
Another important thing I would make sure we did was to NEVER buy a property. I would love to meet in a theatre or mall, and then if we got bigger, meet in a school gym or a audotorium, but that is as far as it goes. I think within the church we get so tied up in our temple (church) that we forget what is important. Such a huge cost for a church is building maintenance, but for us, it would be nothing short of rent. It would be mandatory that if you joined our church you would become a missionary to our city, and two you be plugged into a small group.
And i even know what i would love to call it. See when studying the Gospels i have seen Jesus called many things, but usually those around him called him teacher or Rabbi. Our church would be, of course, all about Jesus (as most are). So we would be called "Rabbi Church" which of course most people would be scared of, as they would call us Jews, which would also be fun. There are about a zillion other details to it, including, who my staff would be (my buddy Paul Potter would share the preaching with me, but after that i tell nothing) what style of music, location, and how to the raise money, but none of that matters (although i have thought of all of it). I am sure i will never do it, but that is my dream.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Better With You
I guess i am just new to this marriage thing, but, well i have come to a conclusion, I dont get it. I really dont. I love my wife and i know she loves me. I love her more today than i did when we first met and we were in our "honeymoon period" (which by the way, i totally believe in). But it seems thats the longer we have been marriage the more confused i am on how to express how much i have grown to respect and love her.
I guess I didnt understand her when I 1st loved her. We were in college and i just got totally swept away by her. Up until that point i had dated alot of girls, and told a few i loved them, but honestly i had no idea what that meant when i said it. Then Emily got into my life and i just couldnt believe it. She became like this stunning force in my life that made me want to be a better student, Christian, friend, son, employee, EVERYTHING, but it was all spinning out of control because i was so in love with her that i sucked at all that other stuff i just mentioned. But all i knew was i would be a success in life as long as i was with her.
So we get engaged and then married and that is when the learning began. I found out that although a girl she was more messy than me. I also found out that although a girl she could hang out with me better than my group of guy friends, who at the time i considered brothers (not that i dont still, but i never see them these days) We had a little girl who i am madly in love with as well, and every little thing seemed great. But no is where the confusion hits. I dont understand how it is i keep failing her as her spiritual leader, her protector and her friend and yet she still loves me like i love her. I respect her beyond understanding. I do. She works constantly for our family, both professionally and volunteer work at South Side, yet not a complain and all she worries about is more cash coming in. She is amazing.
The other side of confusion is why the romantic part so different. When we dated i would here a song on the radio and be swept away with thoughts of her, now that we have matured we have moreso realized what love is, and understood that alot of the song/pop radio images of "love" involves a flavor of the week and not a soulmate. Anyway, the reason i mention this is i heard a song by an awesome artist named Five Times August and the song is called "Better with You" and i think its feel and lyrics describe Em and i to a T. here are the lyrics:
so maybe i've got a lot to learn
or maybe i'm justa hangin' on my words
or maybe it's not a big concern
but if i raise my headwould i understand why i'm
better with you
so maybe there's not a lot to say
or maybe i'm only doin' things my way, yeah
or maybe things will be okay
if i get it together
and do something clever
but make it better with you
so tell me where did i go wrong before you
before you came along
well it seems like i was lost
you showed me how to do things right
now i'm so glad that now you're mine..
so lemme say it all again
so maybe there's not a lot to do
or maybe i'm justa makin' myself confused
or maybe i've gotta nothin' to lose
but if i get outta line
just tell me you're mine
and how im better with you
so tell me where did i go wrong before you
before you came along
well it seems like i was lost
you showed me how to do things right now i'm
so glad that now you're mine
so use me dont let me screw it up
i believeyou oh and i need your touch
just a little spice of you
could never be too much
i believe you oh and i need you now
to make it better off somehow....
to make it better off somehow
so tell me where did i go wrong before you
before you came along
well it seems like i was lost
you showed me how to do things right now i'm
so glad that now you're mine
so use me dont let me screw it up
i believe you oh and i need your touch
just a little spice of you
could never be too much
i believe you oh and i need you now
to make it better off somehow
you make it better off somehow
And here is the song on a video. Enjoy and I love you Em.
I guess I didnt understand her when I 1st loved her. We were in college and i just got totally swept away by her. Up until that point i had dated alot of girls, and told a few i loved them, but honestly i had no idea what that meant when i said it. Then Emily got into my life and i just couldnt believe it. She became like this stunning force in my life that made me want to be a better student, Christian, friend, son, employee, EVERYTHING, but it was all spinning out of control because i was so in love with her that i sucked at all that other stuff i just mentioned. But all i knew was i would be a success in life as long as i was with her.
So we get engaged and then married and that is when the learning began. I found out that although a girl she was more messy than me. I also found out that although a girl she could hang out with me better than my group of guy friends, who at the time i considered brothers (not that i dont still, but i never see them these days) We had a little girl who i am madly in love with as well, and every little thing seemed great. But no is where the confusion hits. I dont understand how it is i keep failing her as her spiritual leader, her protector and her friend and yet she still loves me like i love her. I respect her beyond understanding. I do. She works constantly for our family, both professionally and volunteer work at South Side, yet not a complain and all she worries about is more cash coming in. She is amazing.
The other side of confusion is why the romantic part so different. When we dated i would here a song on the radio and be swept away with thoughts of her, now that we have matured we have moreso realized what love is, and understood that alot of the song/pop radio images of "love" involves a flavor of the week and not a soulmate. Anyway, the reason i mention this is i heard a song by an awesome artist named Five Times August and the song is called "Better with You" and i think its feel and lyrics describe Em and i to a T. here are the lyrics:
so maybe i've got a lot to learn
or maybe i'm justa hangin' on my words
or maybe it's not a big concern
but if i raise my headwould i understand why i'm
better with you
so maybe there's not a lot to say
or maybe i'm only doin' things my way, yeah
or maybe things will be okay
if i get it together
and do something clever
but make it better with you
so tell me where did i go wrong before you
before you came along
well it seems like i was lost
you showed me how to do things right
now i'm so glad that now you're mine..
so lemme say it all again
so maybe there's not a lot to do
or maybe i'm justa makin' myself confused
or maybe i've gotta nothin' to lose
but if i get outta line
just tell me you're mine
and how im better with you
so tell me where did i go wrong before you
before you came along
well it seems like i was lost
you showed me how to do things right now i'm
so glad that now you're mine
so use me dont let me screw it up
i believeyou oh and i need your touch
just a little spice of you
could never be too much
i believe you oh and i need you now
to make it better off somehow....
to make it better off somehow
so tell me where did i go wrong before you
before you came along
well it seems like i was lost
you showed me how to do things right now i'm
so glad that now you're mine
so use me dont let me screw it up
i believe you oh and i need your touch
just a little spice of you
could never be too much
i believe you oh and i need you now
to make it better off somehow
you make it better off somehow
And here is the song on a video. Enjoy and I love you Em.
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