Since I cant seem to want to talk about anything but politics or the buckeyes lately, I thought I would just have a small post about distractions. I got to be honest with you, i know who I am voting for in November, I do, I am postive, but I wont talk about it in public, that includes the Net, at church or in large groups of people, because honestly, I dont want to influence you at all. It really doesnt matter all that much who wins, they are all talking heads anyway, but for personal reasons, I have no doubt in on my choice.
But all of these are distractions. I have a zillion friends on both sides of the fence, and I totally understand why people vote the way they do. I will never, nor have I hate on you because of your politics. They are what they are for a purpose, so more power to you. But lately, it has just beem distracting me. Like take preaching lately, I have loved the past 3+ weeks of the Grace Effect. Its been a blast to share about Grace, and i am pumped about this Sunday as well. But all of these political issues being on my mind just distract me for meditating on how important God's Grace is to my life. So i am beginning a fast, for now on, I am jsut fasting on all of this for now on, speeches and commercials won't affect me anymore, its ridiculous to let them.
Jesus told us that HIS Kingdom isn't of this world and it isnt, so honestly, who cares? Jesus died on the cross for our sins. For our distrations. For our imperfections. We aren't perfect, but Jesus makes us perfect. Your candidate isn't perfect unless Jesus made him (or her now I guess) perfect.
Shane Claiborne wrote a awesome book (so I've heard) titled "Jesus For President", and it basically entails the idea that governmentcan only do so much, but through Jesus, WE can change the world.
So I guess, lets stop being so divided. It doesn't matter. Love your neighbor as yourself, even if they arent a elephant or a donkey.
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