I have to say that i just came off one of the best weekends of my life. It was just, wonderful. I guess the reason being for that can be summed up into one word, love.
On thursday night i picked up Gretchen from her sitters around 4:30pm and then gave her dinner/played until it was time for Em to come home, and (like every night) as soon as Em got home i had just enough time to give her a kiss and go do the Pastor thing. That night i went to teach one of our small groups. It is actaully one of my favorite to hang out with. Our topic was mothers, and how God is so much like a mother to us, with his compassion, caring and nuturing nature. It is an interesting study because we don't often see God with female characteristics, but so often he will say things like "like a mother comforts a child so will i comfort you" and so many other things that make you understand how much God can be bother mother and father to us. It was a really good meeting, a little tears, laughing and alot of study/sharing.
Then when i got home from small groups my mom was there visiting with us, so i got to see her, and she made us chili, which was AMAZING. Then we watched the move "The Happening" which was a disappointment for me, but still better than alot out there.
Friday morning, we were leaving to go to Circle S Pumpkin Farm and Em was jumping around, acting goofy and twisted her ankle on the curb in front of our house. This was really funny actually, but i felt really bad for her. The more she sat down she felt it was okay, so we still went to the pumkin farm.
The pumpkin farm was easily one of the best times i have had, ever. We played in the hay barn for a long time, and Gretchen just loved it. She loved running in the deep hay, she loved going down the slides, she even loved falling down into the hay, and she just giggled and grinned the whole time. We also got to go to the Corn Maze, which was fun because we I kept running into the corn to try and make Gretchen giggle, Em would have too, but the ankle injury kind of kept her on the IR more of the day, my mom played a bit too though. We also went through the sunflower maze, G went through a hay maze, and we pet some animals and at homemade pumpkin doughnuts. It was more than a blast.
That night we went home, Gretchen just crashed most of the night and we watched some more movies. The next morning we planned to go the a KCU soccer game in Hillsboro, but Em had to go the the doctor to see if her ankle was sprained/twisted/broken. They checked her out and just wrapped her ankle and told her to stay off of it for a bit.
By the time we got out of the Dr.'s we had already missed our chance to see the soccer game, so my mom went home and Me/Em/Gretchen went to the Circleville Pumpkin Show. It was so huge!! I mean tons upon tons of people, and rides, vendors, games galor. Gretchen just loved people watching, much like her mommy and daddy, but we also go to taste pumpkin bugers and pumpkin ice cream. Both were delicious.
Then on Sunday we went to church and i got to preach twice. I think it went okay, i got the point across that i intended too, talking about Philippians Chapter 2, and how God is calling us to consider others better than ourselves, and our goal should be more to be a servant than a CEO. Had great conversations at church, and the praise team did an amazing job leading people in worship.
Overall, it was just a fantastic weekend. And it just got the chance to realize how much i love my wife and daughter, and how much i love my other family, our church. So thank you to everyone who was a part of this past weekend.
Love you,
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