Okay before i get into this, i suppose i should just state that i dont hate much in the world. I think this world is much more beautiful than we give it credit for, but wow, do i hate politics.
A while back i posted on here who i will be voting for, and i got a landslide of opinions on why people agree or disagree with this stance of mine. I gave them all my reasons, but yet still, people love passion. So i will use this space to tell you why i hate politics. I will give my 3 main reasons.
1. We make it about Jesus when, its not.
The campaign seems to always swing to what James Dobson and the like believe is best for us. Let me just say, while i use and appreciate some of what Focus on the Family does, i in no way endorse James Dobson. Seems like a okay guy, but he is more political than Tucker Carlson and Bill O-Reilly combined, and I dont mean as a activist either (e-mail me for further explaination). But the issue is, we make it about two issues, abortion and gay marriage.
Let me explain something about why stances on both. I in no way am pro-choice. I think abortion is murder and i think the Bible supports this stance (once again, e-mail for further discussion). But at the same time, the executive branch only has so much power, and with so many presidents who are against abortions, we still are setting record for total abortions every year in our country (last 8 years included). And i know, we want to appoint supreme court justices who are pro-life to overturn Roe v. Wade, but to base my vote on who the guy appoints, is, well, insane. So to me, abortion is a non-issue (wow people are going to hate that), only because neither candidate will help it, but i think alot could be done with our adoption policies in our nation.
And with gay marriage, i am similar. I think homosexuality is a sin, and there is no grey area to it, but if you are already living in sin, does it matter? To clarify this i am saying, being gay and married doesnt make you more gay. I know marriage IS between one man, one woman, but at the same time a life without Christ is useless to begin with, no matter what you are into (you know the drill, e-mail if need be).
Its no different than making it about the environment all the sudden. There is very little we will do to help the climate situation, so why make it be about who you elect? it is because they know it is a hot issue.
But the overlining issue is, and always is, its not about those two issues, but they want us to think it is. To elect someone because they agree with you, eventhough their opinion doesnt make anything happen is similar to being confident in a pilot because he is a buckeyes fan, eventhough he isnt qualified to fly the plane.
2. We know nothing.
Honestly, this is my major reason for hating politics. We know nothing. All our information comes from the talking heads on blogs, CNN, FOX, talk radio, etc. And if you want you info from the candidate themselves, you are going to hear what their party favors or what their advisors/speech writers think. A candidate is a product that rich people are selling to gain more power. Plain and simple.
3. We arent really qualitfied to decide this anyway.
With the lack of honest information we have at out disposal, and people mainly voting for whomever is listed as the candidate for thier respective party each year no matter what, and the crazy message hollywood is constantly putting out, how is a majority vote even the best way to do it? what i mean is, if such a small margin of people are informed to begin with, how is it that this is the best way to decide? Now i know we are a government for the people and by the people (sort of) so i am not saying change it, but i am saying, it is incrediably flawed.
In closing, i know people will be offended by much of this, but, well thats okay. It is important to open the dialogue.
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