Things as so good now, and i just can't complain. I say this because God is teaching me to live a life of contentment. This week we re concluding our sermon series on Philippians titled "The Life You Were Meant To Live" and i am working on chapter 4, which is about how Paul challenges us to be content and joyful always. It made me think about my own life, and how much i long for the "better things" in life. I dont mean tropical vacations or expensive cars, but i just mean better situations. Like to live in a world where those around me can just get along or for a life with no monthly payments (haha, YEAH). But instead i need to understand that i am unbelievably blessed, so i thought i would list some really good areas where God has blessed my life.
One thing lately that God blessed me with was with an awesome church. Our leaders at South Side car so much about Jesus. They really do. Change comes easy to them because they understand that to reach people for Christ you have to do whatever it takes. This involves taking a chance on a goofball like me, starting a ministry like the contemporary service/small groups, and having a great youth program led by a very mature, seasoned and called minister (Dave Plumley)
Speaking of Dave South Side has an amazing staff. Ray is the most ridiculously intelligent man i have ever met (seriously, ask him ANYTHING) and Danny has a grasp of relating to people that i only hope to attain someday. Plus South Side has such a great and supportive community of believers that it just makes getting out of bed worth it most days.
Another huge blessing is my family. I LOVE my family. My daughter is the most hilarious combination of Emily and I, and she is getting so old is is almost scary. My wife is a picture of God's grace to me because just like Grace, i don't deserve Emily for how often i mess up, but she loves me anyway. More about them on a later post, or well, most of my posts.
Also i must mention the blessing of my college friends. I got to go to a wedding this past weekend and catch up with a group of people that i love more than life itself. We can not speak for 2 years at a time and then instantly its like we never were separated. That group of people represents everything that is holy about me, and i will never, ever completely lose touch with them (Lord Willing).
Another is a recent one, you may have saw the picture at the top of the page and thought that the post was a review of Fireproof, well its not, but if it was it would be a long one. I saw this movie with a group from our church last night and i LOVED IT. I cried like 3 times, and identified completely with the lead character. Small budget, yes, but amazing film nonetheless. Every actor did this movie for free, but it gave me so much to think about as far as how i treat Emily, and i hope i grown from it.
so that is a list of just a few of my blessings, what are some of yours?
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