Okay, so right now i am in the library here in Court House. I extremely love Tuesdays because this is my 'office but out of the office day" when i get to work on my sermon, but all the while being with people. It is an amazing thing to get to do because for some reason people always tend to strike up a conversation with the guy taking notes from a Bible, using commentaries, typing on his laptop and playing a combo of Shane & Shane, 33 Miles and Jason Gray a little too loud. So i get to meet people, just learn their story a bit, and then towards the end let them know that i am actually a pastor working on a sermon for that sunday (which thus far has surprised EVERYONE). I love Tuesdays. I actually has now finished my sermon for Sunday, although i am sure to change the end, because frankly, its weak and sort of sucks. But all in all, good day.
The reason i want to reflect on this situation is, there is a particular person in here that i think God may be leading me towards meeting, but i kind of don't want to because I borderline hate him, even before meeting him. See he is this kid who has a small little mustache, kind of Zorro thin (which is cool) and he is falling asleep on the couch (which, in context of the library, is also cool) but he is on head phones and listening to Gangsta Rap, and I am on the other side of the room, and can hear every word of it. I know God wants me to love this guy, he obviously does, but WOW he is driving me nuts. I know what Jesus would do, i think. I think he would most likely ask him what he is listening to, and then find a creaive way of using a parable involving Lil Wayne to teach him about what the Kingdom of God is like, but, well, I'm not yet Jesus. Before i leave i will at least say hey to him and ask him his name, but for now i will just take the typical way out and despise him.
Another thing of note, there is no better artist alive to me than Jason Gray. I have his new CD "Acoustic Storytime" on my iTunes, which i am using to drowned out Def Jam over there. His lyrics are 50 times more theological than anything on K-Love (did i mention K-Love sucks?) and the arrangements and vocals are soul stirring to say the least. If you are someone who likes good Christian music (not Michael W. Smith, i mean good music) download his tracks "Grace" and "This Far", you won't be let down at all.
I guess one more to reflect on would be that I think even now in my Christian walk i am more in tune with non-Christians than Christians. I have to admit it, Christian drive me bonkers. For a million reasons. They still sacrifice quality for the Christian culture, meaning they do "skits" that are horrible, enjoy and sing "music" that is horrible (i'm talking to you Southern Gospel guy) and speak their own language. Hanging out with non-Christians is like leaving a Comic Book convention and realizing you were a nerd for the past two days of your weekend. non-Christians are the Kingdom of God of tomorrow, they just haven't met Jesus yet. Hopefully we wont make them more like "us". Hopefully.
Also, update, talked to the "Loud Rap Music Guy" cool guy actually, and he even turned down his music. Gave me a creepy five before he left and we talked Hip Hop for a minute. Turned out better than i thought it might.
If "Christians" drive you bonkers, then why in the world do you serve at a church. Not a great way to compliment those who you minister with and who pay for salary for you to be there.
Dear "anonymous",
I'm not here to compliment anyone, always let that be perfectly clear. I am not in the ministry to make fellow believers more comfy in their flaws, if i am ever accused of leading a ministry likie that, then that might be the day i deside to pray for a new calling.
Also, I enjoy the feedback from actual readers of my blog, but those who are "anonymous". So, if in a loving way you would like to discuss a topic such as this with me, please do so, but if you would like to remain "anonymous" then I can't biblically give your comments a second thought. But i would love to discuss my point of view on this topic with you, so in a loving way, ask me a question, as yourself, with the name written in the Lamb's Book of Life, not anonymous, lol.
Lol, cracks me up!
All I can say is, good for you Matt! People can't be honest with each other anymore, everyone's so worried about being so politically correct.
I think it's great that you share your ACTUAL feelings!
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