So i find myself half annoyed today with the fact that i have a blog. I mean i understand my intention of it, but yet, dah. I guess the problem is the real terminology of it. I despise the word "blog". it sounds like a sound an animal makes in a Pixar movie. Plus it makes me feel that i am more and more becoming one of those hippies that drink their coffee with designer creamers every morning (okay, well i do) loves the environment (i do, but do nothing about it) and wont stop talking about when Bush leaves the White House (no comment). Contrary to some people's opinion i am not a hippy, but i feel i may be in the process of becoming one. I got into ministry for a large part because of a book by some guy named Donald Miller titled "Blue Like Jazz", which is a book about a typical guy who finds peace with Jesus while going to a liberal university and being rejected by girls. My favorite section of the book tells of Don living with hippies for a while. I loved it because they seemed like the most Christlike people i have ever thought about, but, well, i got disappointed shortly after.
I was all big on the hippies and i wanted to be one until i went to New Orleans for a mission trip and a hippy that i came to enjoy got busted for weed. He was a Christian and had great opinions (although he smelled like sweat and peppers) but yet he still fit the stereotype to a T. So from there i stopped my journey towards becoming a hippy.
Lately i seem to share some hippy things, i love hippy music, hippy clothes, hippy politics (well 10% of them, not the "LEGALIZE IT, MAN" stuff, but moreso the social justice stuff) and hippy sayings.
I always saw Jesus as sort of a manly hippy. I think he was a big guy. He was a carpernter in the days of no power tools, and most of those guys were ripped and huge, so i would assume Jesus was no exception. He always seemed to be the kind of guy to never back down from a fight (except with the Roman soldiers of course), very manly. But he also seemed sort of hippy. He was homeless, he preached mostly of love and social injustice, and talked about wrath and repentance for those who dont obey God (okay that last one isnt too hippy). But i doubt God is a hippy, but in my ignorant mind, Jesus seemed like one.
I think the overlining reason i will never truly be a hippy is i wont drink or do drugs and i hate tie-dye. There is nothing more lame in the history of the universe (outside of country music) than tie dye. Groups of friends that do it should apologize to the shirt they did this to. So a hippy lifestlye isnt in my future, at least not yet.
So alas, i will continue being a churchy nerd that wants to be so many cool things, but truly only seeks to please Jesus. Thats fine, i hope.
Until the next time.
1 comment:
Blue Like Jazz is a great book. Glad you enjoyed it. He really does make you think a lot. I am not sure about the whole hippie thing, but I know what you mean. I have a couple friends that are trying to be hippies and do the whole love everybody thing. It sounds kind of weird, but there probably is some truth in what you said of Jesus probably being a big hippie. Definitely recommend not doing drugs though. haha
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