I watched this story of this high school football team that got the ball with .16 seconds left on the clock and they were losing. The field goal kicker kicks the ball with time expiring and...he misses it. But, they still win? How is this possible?
Watch the clip below, it will blow your sports loving mind.
This made me think of my own life. I often think I have done enough. I think that the people God uses me to lead to Jesus are the only people that really need me to share God's grace with them. I think that the time I spend in God's Word on any particular day is good enough.
The thing of it is, God's Grace may be real, but he still expects alot out of us. The New Testament is full of commandments that God wants us to obey. You may have some of those down pat, but there are many more that we ignore. Not just the spreading the Gospel, not just the feeding and caring for the poor, not just the reflecting on his Word daily, but much much more.
I say I love God, but sometimes I forget how he says to love him. Look at John 14:15
"If you love me, you will obey what I command"
If I love him, I will obey everything he commands and I don't know about you, but I have a LONG way to go.
Don't think you have won just yet, there is much, much more to do.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
My Rabbi.

If Jesus is anything to me, it is my Rabbi.
I don't mean a Jewish guy with sweet black curly hair, I mean my teacher. He teaches me every single day. He teaches me that he is my savior, he teaches me that he is my redeemer, he teaches me that he is my fortress and in him is the only place that I can always turn and find comfort and answers to life's had questions.
What I constantly forget to understand is that when Jesus 1st called his disciples, they may or may not of even understood that he was the Messiah, all they seemed to know was that they were about to have the chance to follow a Rabbi and study under him, and to those young Jews, there really couldn't have been any greater honor.
Another thing I constantly forget is that he is also my Rabbi. He teaches me, through his word. I can read the exact same section of scripture a zillion times, but every time it reveals something new to me about Jesus.
In the New Testament, Jesus is referred to as "Rabbi" at last 16 times, but to me, the most chilling on comes in Matthew 26:24-25
24The Son of Man will go just as it is written about him. But woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born."
25Then Judas, the one who would betray him, said, "Surely not I, Rabbi?" Jesus answered, "Yes, it is you."
When he knows Jesus is aware of what he is doing, he sadly, calls him "Rabbi". This is referring to the fact the Jesus led him EVERYWHERE for over 3 years, taught him everything, loved him unconditionally, and then, be betrays him.
This is me when I sin. He leads me, he teaches me, he loves me, but I still betray it all.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Jon Acuff on Grace and Kanye West
One of the best blogs on the internet is "Stuff Christians Like".
It is amazing, I go there a few times a week to check out what might be on there to make me think or just laugh. But God spoke to me through what the writer, Jon Acuff, had to say about Grace and the whole Kanye West/Taylor Swift situation.
"Kanye West deserves less grace and forgiveness than I got.
I don’t know the exact amount, unfortunately the Bible’s not terribly clear on measurements. I mean sure, I know Goliath was six cubits and a span, everyone knows that, but when it comes to doling out grace, there’s not a clear form of measurement.
Is grace a liquid? In the songs people sing about God’s love it’s always in the form of water, “fall down like rain,” “wash over me,” etc.
So let’s say that Kanye West deserves one less gallon of grace and forgiveness than I got.
Or maybe a jug. It’s hard to say what the precise amount is but that’s what I was thinking when I heard he ruined Taylor Swift’s moment at the Video Music Awards. After he walked on stage, and interrupted the nervous teenager to tell her about another performer who deserved the award more than she did, a few thoughts popped up. I didn't think about the whole situation a lot, on the Jon scale of thought I gave the incident more time than Salt and Vinegar Pringles but less than the new season of "So You Think You Can Dance." But here's what ran through my head:
“Kanye West always does that. He’s got a history of doing that kind of thing.”
“Kanye West probably did that on purpose, it was staged. He planned it.”
“Kanye West just wounded a teenager, a kid, that is horrible.”
“Anyone who supports him is dumb.”
“He’ll probably apologize but it won’t be real.”
And I felt pretty good hating on Kanye. I got a hit of that, “I’m not as bad as somebody else” drug. I felt better than him and told my wife the whole story with smugness.
But then I thought about it. That was a worst moment, staged or not, that was a mistake and I am so happy my worst mistakes were not televised.
Then I thought about Kanye the person, the son whose mom died. The broken man with a savior who is longing to see a glimpse of him on the road back to the farm. Then I thought about who I wanted to be in the prodigal son story, the older brother who condemns or the servant who helps plan the party? I know which one is easier. I know which one I usually run to. But this time I couldn’t.
Suddenly I didn’t like the first things I thought:
“Kanye West always does that. He’s got a history of doing that kind of thing.”
So do I. I’ve never committed a single sin, a single time. I am a repeat offender. I have a longer history with sin than Kanye does with running on stage at events. Have you ever repeated a sin more than once?
“Kanye West probably did that on purpose, it was staged. He planned it.”
My worst moments were planned. I didn’t fall down the stairs and suddenly find myself landing in a heap of unexpected garbage at the bottom. I made plans. I was deliberate. I set things up that at the time seemed to be what I needed. I did the things that crippled my life on purpose.
“Kanye West just wounded a teenager, a kid, that is horrible.”
He did and it’s inexcusable, but I wounded my own kids, not a 19-year old stranger. I hurt my own kids by working 70 hour work weeks and chasing money instead of them and mortgaging everything that mattered about being a dad. I did that.
“Anyone who supports him is dumb.”
Do you have to support to show love? Do you have to condone to offer grace and forgiveness? Clearly Proverbs spells out a million reasons you shouldn’t support fools and foolish behavior and what Kanye did was foolish. And it'd be equally dumb to judge people for judging Kanye. Are there only two options though? We love him which means we’re pro “running on stage and hurting people” or we hate him? Can’t we disagree with the behavior and offer love to the person? (I think I just invented the phrase, “Love the sinner, hate the sin.” I should put that on t-shirts.)
“He’ll probably apologize but it won’t be real.”
According to whose standards? Mine? Is that what Christ says is the second most important commandment in Matthew 22:39 “Love your neighbor as yourself, only if their apology is legitimate and you feel that their repentance is real?” Or is it written, “Rebuke your neighbor as yourself?” Or is love the thing we’re supposed to do? And let’s be honest, what are the chances that I get to heaven and God says, “You offered too many hurting people grace. You over graced the world Jon. That is whack.”
The more I thought about it, the harder it was to hate Kanye.
So I tweeted and wrote on facebook:
“If we all had our worst mistakes televised we'd give Kanye West grace instead of hate.”
Some people got mad and defriended me (worst verb ever) and some people were cool with that idea. I understand both reactions. I'm not justifying a dumb mistake from Kanye or desupporting Taylor Swift (second worst verb ever). I can only tell you what my experience was because it’s 100% of the experiences I had yesterday. When I heard the story about Kanye, I judged him. I hated on him. I did not correct him or try to offer wise counsel, I hated.
Maybe you didn’t.
Maybe you laughed at how silly and insignificant the whole thing was because it's just a bunch of celebrities, who cares. Maybe you threw on Kanye's “Jesus Walks” and got down like the awkward girl from the rich part of town that inexplicably moves to the inner city high school and has to learn how to dance to survive some sort of all girl gang but ends up falling in love with a tough on the outside by soft and tender on the inside street youth while learning the valuable lesson that if you believe in yourself, anything is possible.
Maybe that was your reaction.
Mine was hate.
And I hate that.
And I love that God loves me like He loves Kanye.
Because we are both in desperate need of it."
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
New look and focus
Before on the blog I mostly talked about life and all that jazz.
I prayed on it and decided that if I am going to use this for God's glory alone, I think I am mainly going to use it for thoughts on scripture and where the Holy Spirit is leading me.
I have loved having this blog and met many people from all over as a result of it, and I basically came to a crossroads that consisted of deciding if I should keep doing it or if I should change the focus all together, so I decided to keep it and attempt to make it more about Jesus and less about me. It will still be about me in a way, but more so how Christ is leading me and what He is teaching me.
I also changed the name from "Weekly Rambling From A Churchy Nerd" to simply "Matt's Blog". And got a new look and feel as well.
I only pray that it helps you as much as it has and will help me.
I prayed on it and decided that if I am going to use this for God's glory alone, I think I am mainly going to use it for thoughts on scripture and where the Holy Spirit is leading me.
I have loved having this blog and met many people from all over as a result of it, and I basically came to a crossroads that consisted of deciding if I should keep doing it or if I should change the focus all together, so I decided to keep it and attempt to make it more about Jesus and less about me. It will still be about me in a way, but more so how Christ is leading me and what He is teaching me.
I also changed the name from "Weekly Rambling From A Churchy Nerd" to simply "Matt's Blog". And got a new look and feel as well.
I only pray that it helps you as much as it has and will help me.
Crazy Love

I have had a great and encouraging morning. I checked my e-mail box and found some great and encouraging e-mails, I had a great small group last night that I am still smiling about, and the girls slept in a bit. It reminded me of something.
There is so much about Jesus that floors me.
It isn't just the fact that he is eternal, it isn't just the fact that he is God, it is so much more than that.
It really begins with him teaching me. His love is so deep and wide that you can't help but be blown away by him. To think that a useless sinner like me could be that important to the Creator or the Universe I can't even fathom. I mean the Creator of The Grand Canyon, every mountain, Neptune and the dinosaur knows and loves me!
No matter how much I betray him, he still loves me.
Before I was me, he loved me.
For centuries people have looked to this passage
Psalm 139
1 O LORD, you have searched me
and you know me.
2 You know when I sit and when I rise;
you perceive my thoughts from afar.
3 You discern my going out and my lying down;
you are familiar with all my ways.
4 Before a word is on my tongue
you know it completely, O LORD.
5 You hem me in—behind and before;
you have laid your hand upon me.
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too lofty for me to attain.
7 Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, [a] you are there.
9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
10 even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.
11 If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me
and the light become night around me,"
12 even the darkness will not be dark to you;
the night will shine like the day,
for darkness is as light to you.
13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
16 your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
17 How precious to [b] me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
18 Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand.
When I awake,
I am still with you.
19 If only you would slay the wicked, O God!
Away from me, you bloodthirsty men!
20 They speak of you with evil intent;
your adversaries misuse your name.
21 Do I not hate those who hate you, O LORD,
and abhor those who rise up against you?
22 I have nothing but hatred for them;
I count them my enemies.
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.
It is a Crazy Love that is beyond explanation, but it is the only thing that is truly worth living for.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Who we want to be...
Isn't always who we actually are.
Here is what I mean.
No one really LIKES JAZZ or movies from 40 years before they're birth.
Okay, well some do I guess. This is sort of a theory of mine. People who tell you that "A Streetcart Named Desire" or "Singing in the rain" are they're favorite films, they aren't. Normally they want that to be they're favorite movie, but chances are, its really "The Notebook".
Also, cool people often ask me if I like Jazz, and I mean, I don't not like it. I've even tried to listen to the jazz stations on long road trips by myself, but, I can't do 3 consecutive songs.
Jazz is amazing music, I just think not too many people like it as much as we want to like it.
Here is what I mean.
No one really LIKES JAZZ or movies from 40 years before they're birth.
Okay, well some do I guess. This is sort of a theory of mine. People who tell you that "A Streetcart Named Desire" or "Singing in the rain" are they're favorite films, they aren't. Normally they want that to be they're favorite movie, but chances are, its really "The Notebook".
Also, cool people often ask me if I like Jazz, and I mean, I don't not like it. I've even tried to listen to the jazz stations on long road trips by myself, but, I can't do 3 consecutive songs.
Jazz is amazing music, I just think not too many people like it as much as we want to like it.
Fear isn't all that healthy.
If you do the thing God called you to do, don't be afraid of success or failure. It is easy to be afraid of both. For me, I work in fear sometimes. I fear that I won't be liked, I fear that a big idea that I feel like is from the Spirit is only a bad idea that came from me, and it will be a huge failure.
Many of us fear success. I encounter this when people are timid. They don't want to do big things because big things get noticed.
In life, the only thing to fear is God. And the good thing about God when it comes to fear is, He is living in you. All of us who are Christian have the Holy Spirit living in us and as Romans 8 tells us, that makes us all "powerful".
If you do the thing God called you to do, don't be afraid of success or failure. It is easy to be afraid of both. For me, I work in fear sometimes. I fear that I won't be liked, I fear that a big idea that I feel like is from the Spirit is only a bad idea that came from me, and it will be a huge failure.
Many of us fear success. I encounter this when people are timid. They don't want to do big things because big things get noticed.
In life, the only thing to fear is God. And the good thing about God when it comes to fear is, He is living in you. All of us who are Christian have the Holy Spirit living in us and as Romans 8 tells us, that makes us all "powerful".
Love Wins

Love Wins.
I say that phrase a lot, but man, it does. Any situation and I mean any, if you have the idea of love in mind, it will pay off.
It might be in a confrontational situation, it may be a situation where someone is hurting. It might even be a situation where you could choose to ignore someone or not, it doesn't matter.
If you understand the message love wins, it will.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Ode To The Youth Minister.

You have the toughest job in the world. You get to work a zillion hours a week building relationships and leading kids to Jesus just before they go to college where stats show no matter how good you did, they will most likely leave the church anyway.
You have a tougher than tough job, and eventhough you might think you aren't appreciated at times, you are a true and important asset to the Kingdom of God.
You rarely get treated like a real pastor by your congregation eventhough chances are you work just just as hard if not harder than anyone else on staff.
Although I am no longer one of you, I love you youth ministers, and with that said, here is a hip hop tribute to you.
Monday, August 10, 2009
A NEW Creation!
I have had alot of meeting lately. I mean yes, staff meeting, elders meetings, committee meetings, but thats not the kind of meeting I'm talking about. I have had meetings with individuals who are feeling the call to change. They are feeling the need to turn EVERYTHING over to Jesus Christ. And, I can't think of a better thing to do.
I had a meeting with a young man today who was just telling me this story that had so many rough patches that it made you want to weep, but I didn't. The reason I didn't was he is genuinely wanting to repent. He wants to live for Jesus and to put to death all of his vices. I've had alot of encounters like that lately, and there is one thing I bring up that surprises them.
I tell them that once that repent, once they ask for forgiveness they are forgiven. But even more so, I tell them the biblical truth that once you are adopted by God you become a NEW CREATION. This means that if you are a drug addict, a porn addict, a gossiper, a thief, a murderer, whatever, when you repent and obey Jesus' commands, you become a NEW CREATION.
God's Grace is amazing like that. For me, I knew I needed to be a new creation because the old me was a complete and total turd. But once I gave my life to Jesus, I was new and no one, no matter how hard they tried or wanted to, could deny that.
So watch this video clip. This is of a worship service and they portray this in a way that makes it both beautiful and exciting.
I had a meeting with a young man today who was just telling me this story that had so many rough patches that it made you want to weep, but I didn't. The reason I didn't was he is genuinely wanting to repent. He wants to live for Jesus and to put to death all of his vices. I've had alot of encounters like that lately, and there is one thing I bring up that surprises them.
I tell them that once that repent, once they ask for forgiveness they are forgiven. But even more so, I tell them the biblical truth that once you are adopted by God you become a NEW CREATION. This means that if you are a drug addict, a porn addict, a gossiper, a thief, a murderer, whatever, when you repent and obey Jesus' commands, you become a NEW CREATION.
God's Grace is amazing like that. For me, I knew I needed to be a new creation because the old me was a complete and total turd. But once I gave my life to Jesus, I was new and no one, no matter how hard they tried or wanted to, could deny that.
So watch this video clip. This is of a worship service and they portray this in a way that makes it both beautiful and exciting.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
These are the things that can't let you down..

In no paricular order.
1. Loving your family.
All 4 of my girls are soooooooo special to me, I hate going a minute without seeing them. ALL of them.
2. Fiction Family and/or Jon Foreman.
If you have never listen to Fiction Family, do that now. Go ahead do it, log off my blog and listen, I will wait...
Okay, are they not A-MAZE-ZING?
Next, listen to Jon Foreman's "Spring EP".
There, moving on..
3. Drinking an Arnold Palmer.
Wow, if you haven't tried them, get around to it.
4. Fair food.
Can't tell me for a second you don't LOVE IT.
5. Scripture.
Because it is ALWAYS right and everything you think in opposition to it is always wrong.
6. A good latte.
And yes, the word latte either makes you think I am femine, pampered or a hippy. I don't care, they are just joy unspeakable.
7. Hiking.
Have you ever been hiking and NOT enjoyed it? No? Didn't think so.
8. Nooma DVD's.
Best teaching series ever, all of them are great, and yes, I own them ALL.
When a sermon just clicks with you and changes you, you cannot tell me it doesn't feel like perfection.
10. Jesus.
Jesus. I cannot say enough about Jesus. It makes me tear up thinking about describing him.
If we had a whole lot of Jesus and a little bit of us, church would become...well...CHURCH.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Purpose of my blog
Just a quick few minutes on why I even have this blog.
I do it to help people get to know me a little better. I don't do it for any other reason. The people I come into contact on a day to day basis seem to want that sort of thing because a sermon is 30 minutes tops, a small group or class is 1 hour tops, and I can hang out with you but this is just one extra way of getting to know people.
Understand this, and I mean this in the most Christlike way I know how to mean it:
If you are only posting anonymous comments to hurt myself and my family personally, I would at least appreciate you to leave a name and number so we can discuss why you have such an issue with any entity I am a part of or those I associate myself with. If you have something to say to me, allow me to speak with you about it, never just leave a cowardly 4th grade comment that you absolutely know I will delete before the public is subjected to such silliness.
My e-mail
my cell #
I am not someone who gets angry often and honestly, when I do, I only make myself look like an idiot. Please don't make me look like an idiot.
Love Wins.
I do it to help people get to know me a little better. I don't do it for any other reason. The people I come into contact on a day to day basis seem to want that sort of thing because a sermon is 30 minutes tops, a small group or class is 1 hour tops, and I can hang out with you but this is just one extra way of getting to know people.
Understand this, and I mean this in the most Christlike way I know how to mean it:
If you are only posting anonymous comments to hurt myself and my family personally, I would at least appreciate you to leave a name and number so we can discuss why you have such an issue with any entity I am a part of or those I associate myself with. If you have something to say to me, allow me to speak with you about it, never just leave a cowardly 4th grade comment that you absolutely know I will delete before the public is subjected to such silliness.
My e-mail
my cell #
I am not someone who gets angry often and honestly, when I do, I only make myself look like an idiot. Please don't make me look like an idiot.
Love Wins.
Your Life Can Change In 3 Minutes...

It's been a while since I blogged, and since I am in the office and have gotten 2 major questions: 1. How are Emily, Gretchen and the twins? and 2. Why haven't you been updating your blog?
Well 1st and foremost, Emily is doing amazing. She already doesn't look like she was ever pregnant and she is taking to having 3 kids like the twins just have always...been. Alot of people were asking how on earth we will do it when they arrive, but I guess the answer is simple, we love our kids.
We've never freaked out because of crying babies, because, basically, babies cry. You can pick then up and put them down when you can, they won't be scarred from an extra 5 seconds of laying down without me holding them.
And as for Gretchen, she is LOVING her new sisters. She is very protective of them, she will chase away the kitten if it gets near them and can't stop wanting to pet them, kiss them, feed them, hold them. She hasn't showed a second of jealousy yet, because as much as we love our kids, Gretchen loves her sisters.
On July 8th at 8:16pm Willow Madison was born. 6 pounds 12 ounces. 3 minutes later, Marley Paige was born, 8:19pm 6 pounds 1 ounce. And in that 3 minutes my entire life changed. I went from a stagnant, impatient, doubting excuse of a Christian to a happy, blessed, thankful father of 3. And I love it, I love it all.
If you think your life is rough right now, it all can change in 3 minutes. I don't know what your 3 minutes might be. They could be a job offer, maybe a great diagnosis from the doctor, maybe a closing on a house. But it can ALL change in 3 minutes.
It doesn't take God 3 minutes to change anything, but for me, thats all the time I am capable of noticing.
I am preaching again this week for the 1st time in 3 weeks, this is my text I am covering, see how it relates to that 3 minutes.
Colossians 2:6-7
6So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, 7rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
To be thankful, you have to know who to thank, and that is JESUS.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Saturday Night Worship Service

Well it is that time again.
We have had 2 amazing worship services this year on Saturday Nights with guest bands and myself preaching (bands better than the preaching, obviously) and now it is time for our BIGGEST ONE YET!!!
On August 1st at 5pm we will be having our 3rd Saturday Night Worship Service which will be featuring a guest speaker, who is none other than Paul D. Potter, KCU Alum and best friend of myself. Paul is one of the best preachers I have ever heard and I cannot wait to have him come and share with us his love for Jesus. Also he is a blackbelt in Kung Fu, so you may get to see him beat me up.
We are also featuring a guest praise team led by our old worship minister, Wes Blackburn and his band. If you guys remember, he is an amazing talent that can put together a rockin service like no one I have ever encountered.
So that is the jist, hope to see you all there.
So, it was brought to my attention last week that the "comments" portion of my blog had been disabled for about a month or so. My bad on that one, didn't mean to, I was trying to make a filter to weed out spam and anonymous comments and I accidentally set it to where I could receive no comments at all. Sorry about that.
In other news, I love you all very much and thought we had an awesome Sunday yesterday.
In other news, I love you all very much and thought we had an awesome Sunday yesterday.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
You ever have one of those days when you feel like nothing you do in life is effective? I mean nothing at all. Like if you are a preacher you are feeling like it is all just becoming pointless? I am having one of those days.
Normally, it would be brought on by an anonymous letter or e-mail that rips apart my very existence (which, happens from time to time)or it might involve hearing a sermon or reading a passage of scripture that totally breaks me, but this time, I dunno, it's just me reflecting on..well...me.
I feel like I put in 20-30 hours per sermon (and believe it or not, I ALWAYS do) and nothing huge comes of it. I feel like I start and maintain all of these community groups, and nothing huge comes of it. I feel like I assist in building all of these relationships that only exist to lead people to the ultimate relationship, that is their relationships with Jesus, and nothing huge comes of it. I feel like I pray for 300 plus people a week, and nothing huge comes of it either.
This isn't me feeling sorry for myself, this is me sharing how I am feeling today. I am not a whiner and I am not an extremist on any issue, I am just sharing how I think life is going right now.
I might just be wrong on this, but today, I think this is a reality.
I guess if I were my pastor, I would tell me that I am not at a destination, but I am on a journey, and maybe on June 30th, 2009 at 1:07pm I am not effective, but maybe that is just a piece of the journey.
Anyone else ever feel like this?
Normally, it would be brought on by an anonymous letter or e-mail that rips apart my very existence (which, happens from time to time)or it might involve hearing a sermon or reading a passage of scripture that totally breaks me, but this time, I dunno, it's just me reflecting on..well...me.
I feel like I put in 20-30 hours per sermon (and believe it or not, I ALWAYS do) and nothing huge comes of it. I feel like I start and maintain all of these community groups, and nothing huge comes of it. I feel like I assist in building all of these relationships that only exist to lead people to the ultimate relationship, that is their relationships with Jesus, and nothing huge comes of it. I feel like I pray for 300 plus people a week, and nothing huge comes of it either.
This isn't me feeling sorry for myself, this is me sharing how I am feeling today. I am not a whiner and I am not an extremist on any issue, I am just sharing how I think life is going right now.
I might just be wrong on this, but today, I think this is a reality.
I guess if I were my pastor, I would tell me that I am not at a destination, but I am on a journey, and maybe on June 30th, 2009 at 1:07pm I am not effective, but maybe that is just a piece of the journey.
Anyone else ever feel like this?
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Also, for what it's worth...
This is not only Michael Jackson's greatest video, but this is THE GREATEST video of ALL-TIME.
King Of Pop...

So, Michael Jackson dies at the age of 50 today. Wow. I could not be more confused about the arc of this guy's story. I mean, hmmm. Well on one hand, he most definitely, and I mean, most definitely made some amazing music. Some people have a career in music that is all hype, MJ was not that guy. The Jackson 5 stuff alone would make him an all-time great, but then you through in a solo career that includes Off The Wall, Thriller, blood On The Dancefloor, History and a ton more. Then you get dancing, from the moonwalk to the "lean thing" he did in the Smooth Criminal video, just amazing stuff.
But then, there is the other stuff. He grew up abused by his father Joe. He grew up in the spotlight, which is never a good thing. Not a good start for a kid's life.
You have the odd things, dressing in glitter general suits, naming kids blanket and Prince Michael then you get situations like the constant accusations of child molestation. I am not on earth to judge a man's life, but if true, that's hard to support.
I don't know what to even say about it all. I was a huge fan growing up, but then, well, the other stuff.
I feel for his children, family, friends and loved one's. I even to an extent feel for his fanbase. But, I will say this, death happens alot to wonderful people, and they aren't honored. Also, I will say this, over 700,000 children under the age of 5 die every year in India. Think about that for a moment. We freak out over swine flu. We lose control because of downsizing and...we act like all hope is lost when 3 celebrities pass away in 3 days.
All I can say is, loved his body of work, not sure about the rest. Just an odd legacy to leaveon this earth.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Big News...

No, not the babies, they are still in the womb.
Our big news is, we have a new 5 year plan. I really can't share the particulars on my blog about what the 5 year plan is, but it is something God has been leading me towards my entire life.
If you'd like to call or e-mail, I will fill you in, but bits and pieces of it might not satisfy all of you, which is, okay.
e-mail: hafe4osu@gmail.com
cell: 740-606-7347
These are all things that I have felt I was put here for, but have ignored because ignoring them is easy, acting on them is tough, but when is following Jesus easy?
Anyways, I will have a huge announcement soon, well two if you count the twins being born, and no, the announcement isn't an event or program at South Side, even though we do have some wicked awesome stuff coming up in the next couple months.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Fun/Crazy Religion Cartoons
This one is amazingly crazy. This is a old BANNED cartoon that shows some of the more unpopular beliefs of the Mormon Religion. I've studied Mormonism for a very long time, and a few of these things I've never heard. The thing about Jesus and Lucifer being brothers is a belief they have, and others are too. Look at the 3:05 point and see Elohim's face coming in Mary's door. Creeptastic.
Here is one of the basic beliefs of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Mainly, these are all things they do believe, with some obvious extra flare and explosions
Here is one of the basic beliefs of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Mainly, these are all things they do believe, with some obvious extra flare and explosions
Monday, June 8, 2009
No Ordinary Love

Christianity isn't a Business.
Christianity isn't a Political Agenda.
Christianity isn't a Non-For-Profit-But-Makes-A-Prophet-Machine.
Christianity isn't Board Meetings.
Christianity isn't By-Laws.
Christianity isn't a Hate-Filled People Group.
Christianity isn't a Specific Type of Music.
Christianity isn't a Tent Revival.
Christianity isn't a Sermon Series.
Christianity isn't a Wardrobe.
Christianity isn't The Hot New Bestseller Book.
Christianity isn't a "Just War".
Christianity isn't a Fund Raiser.
Christianity isn't a Church Bulletin.
Christianity isn't a Serving Schedule.
Christianity isn't a New Tattoo.
Christianity isn't a Political Party.
Christianity isn't a Political Candidate.
Christianity isn't a Promotion.
Christianity isn't a Campaign.
Christianity isn't US vs. Them.
Christianity isn't a Channel.
Christianity isn't a Celebrity.
Christianity isn't "Number One On My Priorities List" (It IS The List).
Christianity isn't a Self-Help Book.
Christianity isn't a Contestant On American Idol.
Christianity isn't Jon and Kate Plus 8.
Christianity isn't Perfection.
Christianity isn't "Just Another Way To Heaven"
Christianity isn't a "Phase You Go Through".
Chrisianity isn't Just Another Religion.
Christianity isn't a Religion At All.
Christianity is Accepting The Life To Follow The One Who IS LOVE.
1 John 4:16
"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him."
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Cartoon All-Stars
Man, I totally remember this. I guess this is the reason I never experimented with drugs after all.
The Art of Story
I have always said that if I could be the best in the world at something, it would be storytelling.
I mean it, I love to listen to a good story. One that has a great beginning, a big climax and an ending that makes it all worth the wait. Sometimes it isn't as much about the story as it is the person telling it. It is like my friend and co-worker, Ray Vance. This guy can tell a story like no one's business. I mean, he could tell you what he had for breakfast and you feel like you need to tell a buddy the same tail, only you know when you tell it...it will just be about breakfast.
Storytelling is crucial to culture. It is the foundation of any society, it gives us this crazy thing we call "History". And yes, I love the fact that the tail of humans existence comes back to God, even in the English word for it. "HIS-STORY"
Jesus was like that. He could tell a story in a way that, even if you didn't know he was God, you knew that he knew what he was talking about. I say this because, for one, he often had large crowds. Yes, this may have been due to the awesome miracles, but many times they would make mention of the fact that they could not believe the way he could teach. He would always illustrate his point to, either making up a story that is similar or even using objects, like gauging an eye out or a whithering tree.
I have always thought that if a sermon isn't driven by a story, whether personal, popular or from scripture, people won't want to follow it. And I think this MAY be why people tend to follow me well, but at the same time, I am not a great storyteller.
Here is a clip of Michael Emerson, of the the stars of the GREATEST TV SHOW EVER, Lost.
He is reading "Little Boy Boy", but notice that HOW he reads it, changes the story completely.
See what I mean?
What do you think? Does storytelling really matter that much in life?
I mean it, I love to listen to a good story. One that has a great beginning, a big climax and an ending that makes it all worth the wait. Sometimes it isn't as much about the story as it is the person telling it. It is like my friend and co-worker, Ray Vance. This guy can tell a story like no one's business. I mean, he could tell you what he had for breakfast and you feel like you need to tell a buddy the same tail, only you know when you tell it...it will just be about breakfast.
Storytelling is crucial to culture. It is the foundation of any society, it gives us this crazy thing we call "History". And yes, I love the fact that the tail of humans existence comes back to God, even in the English word for it. "HIS-STORY"
Jesus was like that. He could tell a story in a way that, even if you didn't know he was God, you knew that he knew what he was talking about. I say this because, for one, he often had large crowds. Yes, this may have been due to the awesome miracles, but many times they would make mention of the fact that they could not believe the way he could teach. He would always illustrate his point to, either making up a story that is similar or even using objects, like gauging an eye out or a whithering tree.
I have always thought that if a sermon isn't driven by a story, whether personal, popular or from scripture, people won't want to follow it. And I think this MAY be why people tend to follow me well, but at the same time, I am not a great storyteller.
Here is a clip of Michael Emerson, of the the stars of the GREATEST TV SHOW EVER, Lost.
He is reading "Little Boy Boy", but notice that HOW he reads it, changes the story completely.
See what I mean?
What do you think? Does storytelling really matter that much in life?
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
I have to find a reason to do this on a Sunday..
LeBron is an amazing player, and does a ton for the great State of Ohio. Love the background track as well.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The "I am loving right now" List
Here are some things I am loving right now...
1. David Cook's song "Permanent".
Wow, his Idol performance of this, FLOORED ME. The Lyrics are so real. I love this dude and he really shows the proper way to morn a loved one.
2. Anne Jackson's book "Mad Church Disease"
a MUST READ for anyone in the ministry. Love her writing style.
3. Hiking.
I feel like I have to do it every day off, it helps me get in shape and i LOVE nature.
4. Fiction Family.
This is the best band ever formed. If you don't listen to them, download or buy their album, ALL killer -> NO filler.
5. Duncan Doughtnuts Coffee
My mom got me some, and it's one of the best things ever.
6. Preaching.
Man I am getting that itch to preach every single day that I am not doing it right now, so much to say and so much time to say it.
7. Casting Crowns song "What This World Needs"
Just listen to it. It is all truth.
8. Expositor's Bible Commentary
I fell back in love with this commentary this week, I am preaching on Proverbs and they nailed it.
9. My wife being VERY pregnant.
She is both hilarious and breath takingly beautiful right now with that huge belly full of babies. But I can't wait to meet my little girls. I am just loving her glow.
10. Our babysitter.
Danielle Coleman watches G. She LOVES her and we do too. Could not do a better job.
1. David Cook's song "Permanent".
Wow, his Idol performance of this, FLOORED ME. The Lyrics are so real. I love this dude and he really shows the proper way to morn a loved one.
2. Anne Jackson's book "Mad Church Disease"
a MUST READ for anyone in the ministry. Love her writing style.
3. Hiking.
I feel like I have to do it every day off, it helps me get in shape and i LOVE nature.
4. Fiction Family.
This is the best band ever formed. If you don't listen to them, download or buy their album, ALL killer -> NO filler.
5. Duncan Doughtnuts Coffee
My mom got me some, and it's one of the best things ever.
6. Preaching.
Man I am getting that itch to preach every single day that I am not doing it right now, so much to say and so much time to say it.
7. Casting Crowns song "What This World Needs"
Just listen to it. It is all truth.
8. Expositor's Bible Commentary
I fell back in love with this commentary this week, I am preaching on Proverbs and they nailed it.
9. My wife being VERY pregnant.
She is both hilarious and breath takingly beautiful right now with that huge belly full of babies. But I can't wait to meet my little girls. I am just loving her glow.
10. Our babysitter.
Danielle Coleman watches G. She LOVES her and we do too. Could not do a better job.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Brett Favre...
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Top 10 Movie Misquotes
This is from Yahoo!
It is a list of popular movie quotes, that, are not what was actually said in the film.
10. "Mrs. Robinson, are you trying to seduce me?"
The Graduate (1967) - The quote in the actual movie was not a question at all. Instead, Benjamin simply stated, "Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me."
9. "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Toto"
The Wizard of Oz (1939) - The real movie line is slightly different, and less certain. When Dorothy arrived in Oz she said, "Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas any more."
8. "If you build it, they will come"
Field of Dreams (1989) - There's a slight variance from the popular line that is constantly quoted. Instead, the real quote is, "If you build it, he will come."
7. "Frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn"
Gone With the Wind (1939) - Rhett Butler is often misquoted in one of the most popular movie lines of all time. He never says "Scarlett" in the famous line and instead stated, "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."
6. "Beam me up, Scotty"
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) - The most well known "Star Trek" line, "Beam me up, Scotty" was never actually said in any of the Star Trek films. Instead Kirk said, "Scotty, beam us up."
5. "Hello, Clarice"
The Silence of the Lambs (1991) - The creepy line uttered by Dr. Hannibal Lecter was quite different than it is remembered. He, in fact, said, "Good evening, Clarice."
4. "Play it again, Sam."
Casablanca (1942) - Turns out that Humphrey Bogart never said these famous four words. Instead, the closest he came was, "You played it for her, you can play it for me. If she can stand it, I can. Play it!"
3. "Do you feel lucky, punk?"
Dirty Harry (1971) - The actual line in this movie is far less catchy: "You've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya punk?"
2. "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?"
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (1937) - Every day the queen consulted her mirror on the wall, however, instead of the famous quote we remember, she called, "Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?"
1. "Luke, I am your father"
The Empire Strikes Back (1980) - This commonly quoted line, which Darth Vader was known to utter to young Luke Skywalker, was never said at all. The real movie line was "No, I am your father."
This reminds me of being a Christian. Often, I think scripture is teaching one thing. I mean i am positive, even to the point of not even looking into it further, I only believe it. But them am proven to be wrong, usually, by God.
So look at this list again, and think about when you quoted it, and thought you were SO right.
It is a list of popular movie quotes, that, are not what was actually said in the film.
10. "Mrs. Robinson, are you trying to seduce me?"
The Graduate (1967) - The quote in the actual movie was not a question at all. Instead, Benjamin simply stated, "Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me."
9. "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Toto"
The Wizard of Oz (1939) - The real movie line is slightly different, and less certain. When Dorothy arrived in Oz she said, "Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas any more."
8. "If you build it, they will come"
Field of Dreams (1989) - There's a slight variance from the popular line that is constantly quoted. Instead, the real quote is, "If you build it, he will come."
7. "Frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn"
Gone With the Wind (1939) - Rhett Butler is often misquoted in one of the most popular movie lines of all time. He never says "Scarlett" in the famous line and instead stated, "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."
6. "Beam me up, Scotty"
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) - The most well known "Star Trek" line, "Beam me up, Scotty" was never actually said in any of the Star Trek films. Instead Kirk said, "Scotty, beam us up."
5. "Hello, Clarice"
The Silence of the Lambs (1991) - The creepy line uttered by Dr. Hannibal Lecter was quite different than it is remembered. He, in fact, said, "Good evening, Clarice."
4. "Play it again, Sam."
Casablanca (1942) - Turns out that Humphrey Bogart never said these famous four words. Instead, the closest he came was, "You played it for her, you can play it for me. If she can stand it, I can. Play it!"
3. "Do you feel lucky, punk?"
Dirty Harry (1971) - The actual line in this movie is far less catchy: "You've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya punk?"
2. "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?"
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (1937) - Every day the queen consulted her mirror on the wall, however, instead of the famous quote we remember, she called, "Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?"
1. "Luke, I am your father"
The Empire Strikes Back (1980) - This commonly quoted line, which Darth Vader was known to utter to young Luke Skywalker, was never said at all. The real movie line was "No, I am your father."
This reminds me of being a Christian. Often, I think scripture is teaching one thing. I mean i am positive, even to the point of not even looking into it further, I only believe it. But them am proven to be wrong, usually, by God.
So look at this list again, and think about when you quoted it, and thought you were SO right.
Would you watch this movie?
This is called, "The Bike King", seriously, wow.
I know, this isn't only a problem with Christians making awful movies, those outside of the church make cheesy/low budget movies too. But watch this tailor, if you make it to the swinging on the beach scene without laughing, I love you even more.
I know, this isn't only a problem with Christians making awful movies, those outside of the church make cheesy/low budget movies too. But watch this tailor, if you make it to the swinging on the beach scene without laughing, I love you even more.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Top 10 Songs

I was doing a Facebook poll on everyone's favorite song ever, it is for my sermon next Sunday, and then I was asked what my favorite song ever was. Didn't take much to think about, but then I composed my top 10.
1. Lost? - Coldplay (The music, the subject, just hit me everytime)
2. Wedding Dress - Derek Webb (This IS my Christian journey)
3. Sunday Morning (Live Version) - Maroon 5 (To me, best arrangement of any pop song in my lifetime)
4. Live High - Jason Mraz (Tells the story of a pure and guilt free life, and I got to have some Mraz)
5. I Alone - Live (I get chills when I here the opening chords)
6. Beatiful - Phil Wickham (Voice, music, a love song to my KING)
7. If I Had A Million Dollars - Barenaked Ladies (Reminds me of my relationship with Em)
8. Sweet Pea - Amos Lee (Simple, great arrangement and it describes my relationship with my daughter to a T)
9. When She's Near - Fiction Family (They're best song, and they are the best band)
10. You Are There - Matthew West (A Jesus loving battle cry with a beat)
Honorable Mention:
Better With You - Five Times August
Tennessee- Arrested Development
All That Matters - Addison Road
Dream On - Aerosmith
Three Little Birds- Bob Marley
Clumsy - Chris Rice
Shameless - Garth Brooks
Santeria - Sublime
This Side - Nickelcreek
To Run - Josiah Lemming
Time To Pretend - MGMT
Feeling Good - Muse
The Mountains Win Again - Blues Travelor
Swan Dive - Sister Hazel
Thursday, May 14, 2009
And I am officially old

Okay, so I think the coolest celebrity in the history of the western hemisphere has to be Macho Man Randy Savage. From his awesome voice, to his sweet pink (at times) ring attire, to (of course) his Slim Jim commercails. But now, I feel old. I know in the late 90's-Early 2000's when I still watched him in the defunked WCW he in his late 50's or so, but, have you seen this guy lately? This is a picture of him from last year that was sent my way today. He is now fat and aged at least 20 years in his looks. However, he does have a huge beard, which is awesome.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Not An Idol Fan, BUT
This was sweet.
A Worship Leader, combines acoustic/Kanye.
I love you Kris Allen.
A Worship Leader, combines acoustic/Kanye.
I love you Kris Allen.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Rob Bell

Also, many have asked me why I am such a Rob Bell fan. I know many of my brothers in the ministry aren't. I am a HUGE fan. I don't worship him, and I do disagree with him on a few issues. Rather than go point-by-point defending my stance on Rob Bell and Mars Hill Bible church, I'll just post a response that Bell himself did at Mars Hill on a particular Sunday.
Listen to these and then if you still have questions, comment or e-mail about it, I'd be happy to answer or ponder them.
I can relate to a ton of this. I have had false things said about myself and our ministry in the past, and I really should develop the discernment and tack to address it rather than ignore it.
5 Books That Changed My Life
I was asked today what are some books, outside of The Bible, that changed my life and brought me to the understanding of where I am today. Here is a list of probably the 5 most influential books I have read. Each are listed on my blog to the right, and I highly recommend them all.
1. Searching For God Knows What - Donald Miller
2. Jesus For President - Shane Claiborne
3. The Reason For God - Tim Keller
4. Confessions From A Radical Reformission Reverend- Mark Driscoll
5. Velvet Elvis - Rob Bell
There are dozens more, but if I could pinpoint the top 5 that "changed" me, I would say these.
Do you have any?
1. Searching For God Knows What - Donald Miller
2. Jesus For President - Shane Claiborne
3. The Reason For God - Tim Keller
4. Confessions From A Radical Reformission Reverend- Mark Driscoll
5. Velvet Elvis - Rob Bell
There are dozens more, but if I could pinpoint the top 5 that "changed" me, I would say these.
Do you have any?
Monday, May 11, 2009
Just makes me happy
This preacher, while I have no clue what he is preaching about or who he is, I love his passion for Jesus. And if you can work in a reference to Alicia Keys in a sermon, it can't be all bad.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
You may not like this...
I am normally a republican, and I certainly didn't vote democrat last election, but, I love this guy.
Friday, May 8, 2009
A Post for my church people

I realize that many of you aren't church-goers. I get that. I realize that you mainly read the stuff I put up here because you are a friend of me, not a friend of any church, and that is fine. But this is a post for those of us who ARE engrossed in the beautiful dance that we call church.
I posted a few months ago some honest facts about being in the ministry (if you didn't see it, search in the left hand corner "ministry in our western world) and got a large response from tons of e-mails, facebook, text and calls from people having AH-HA moments like "YES, THAT IS ME!!" And the truth is, I said nothing new, I only said it. This post isn't just for those in the ministry, it is for their families, close friends, volunteers, servants, consumers (those who come to be entertained and just leave), and everyone else.
I am going through a book titled "Mad Church Disease" right now, and it is eye-opening. It is written by an author (Anne Jackson) who grew up in a minister's family and now is in the ministry herself (don't worry, not preaching, with the young one's mostly) and how crazy you become if certain problems aren't dealt with.
We all tend to think the more we do FOR God, the closer we will be TO God. Which is, a lie. The reality is, if you do one thing amazing, you should concentrate on it. If we are great teachers, we tend to try to staff volunteers, be greeters, van drivers, servers, sound people, etc. But what if you were a good teacher and then you took the time to become a GREAT teacher? Is God more glorified by you doing 12 things mediocre or one thing AMAZING? I am asking, really which is better? I realize we should sacrifice time to God, so what if that time was spent making the good, Great?
Families of pastors:
Your husband or wife's emotion becomes your emotion. If he/she hates his/her job, you do too. If he/she loves it, you do too. You let the treatment of them by the church, because your opinion by the church, and that, while accurate, is sad. What if you just saw the church as Jesus' imperfect bride, and attempted to love her and nurture her, no matter how they treat your loved one, they need building up.
I could give a million categories to whom I am talking about, but here is the point, our church involvement or lack thereof, can kill our faith and this is what Satan wants. Look at John 10:10a (1st half of verse):
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy"
Jesus is saying that Satan ONLY wants to kill and destroy. He wants you busy DOING church, so you can be distracted from BEING the church. But Jesus doesn't want it this way.
Look at John 10:10b(second half of verse):
"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
He is saying that he wants us to have a full life. A guilt free and happy life. This means serving Jesus unconditionally, and not doing it to be busy, but doing it to actually SERVE him.
Read this book, its amazing and helping me wrong through a million issues I am personally going through, but also, admit your shortcoming and struggles in relation to the church, she is an adulterous bride, but she has a PERFECT husband.
Monday, May 4, 2009
So tomorrow is my birthday, I am turning 26. Not sure why, but I haven't really enjoyed a birthday in a long time. I guess it's the whole adult thing. I have 4 meetings tomorrow. I will get the chance to see my girls about a combined total of 30 minutes from sun-up to sundown.
But what I've realized is, birthdays aren't about celebrating ME. We make them about that, but they aren't. They are more about celebrating the blessings from that year. Otherwise, you would be throwing an party to honor the great accomplishment of not DYING one more year, and for most people, that ain't too difficult of a task to complete.
By the national average, I am way lower middle-class, but in the grand scheme of things, I am more rich than any man could ever be. I have a better wife than a man could even hope for, a better daughter than I ever dreamed of, and twin baby girls coming in the next couple of months, and that is cool. I am a part of a great ministry and I serve a POWERFUL GOD.
Life is good, whether you are happy or not. And I love me some life these days. I may not enjoy my birthday, but I love what it stands for.
But what I've realized is, birthdays aren't about celebrating ME. We make them about that, but they aren't. They are more about celebrating the blessings from that year. Otherwise, you would be throwing an party to honor the great accomplishment of not DYING one more year, and for most people, that ain't too difficult of a task to complete.
By the national average, I am way lower middle-class, but in the grand scheme of things, I am more rich than any man could ever be. I have a better wife than a man could even hope for, a better daughter than I ever dreamed of, and twin baby girls coming in the next couple of months, and that is cool. I am a part of a great ministry and I serve a POWERFUL GOD.
Life is good, whether you are happy or not. And I love me some life these days. I may not enjoy my birthday, but I love what it stands for.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Sufjan Stevens - LIVE
Here is Sufjan Stevens singing his sweet version of Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing.
An amazingly sad, but real movie
here is a movie about a guy named Marjoe. There is a little bad language in it, a second or two of course joking, but at the same time, I think every Christian needs to hear this story. You won't believe it.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
There are better live versions of this song available, but at the same time, this version of the song is pretty amazing. As worship video week continues, here is All That Matters...
If you want the normal, more ROCKIN version, here is the music video to it.
If you want the normal, more ROCKIN version, here is the music video to it.
My Favorite Song Of All-Time...LIVE
This is the song "Wedding Dress" by Derek Webb. The lyrics seem to be about me, and maybe you as well. Anyways, here it is,
Monday, April 27, 2009
Phil Wickham is amazing
Here is the live version of Phil Wickham's "Beautiful". You can't help but worship when you focus on these lyrics. And yes, this is worship video week on my blog.
A sweet worship video
This is from my buddy Pete's church in Nashville. Its a version of the song "Lost?" by Coldplay. Love it to death!
'Lost' Performance 4.19.09 from Cross Point Church on Vimeo.
'Lost' Performance 4.19.09 from Cross Point Church on Vimeo.
I am no Sinatra, but I do love my little girl

So getting your kid to bed isn't always a simple thing. Some parents rely on the binky, some rely on the bottle, some a teddy bear or a blanky.
Gretchen sleeps pretty well, but now she tells us "I wanna rock". So of course, we take her to her rocking chair and rock her to sleep. Since Em is pretty pregnant, 27 weeks to be exact, I am the one to rock her. I noticed when Emily would rock her, sh would sing. Emily's singing is gorgeous so I figured I knew why G would fall asleep to it, but lately, she just asks for me, she asks for me to sing to her.
And this is odd, because, I can't sing. I actually love to do it, but am not gifted in that department, at all. Now the thing about this whole issue is, I chose to sing her Frank Sinatra. Every single night. When I 1st sit down with her to rock, I say "do you want me to sing a song?" she replies "yeah", so I do. I usually sing "Fly Me To The Moon", "New York, New York" and "Luck Be A Lady". Sometimes I mix it up with "I Won't Dance" or "Love and Marriage".
Last night at about 4a.m. she was crying and asking for me in her bed, so I came in. I began to rock her, and she was saying something strange that I didn't understand, and when I wouldn't meet her request, she would cry. Come to find out, I asked Em, she was saying "SING DADDY, SING". I thought I heard it, but Em confirmed it.
My relationship with Gretchen is really starting to remind me of my relationship with Jesus. At times when I feel scared, I really do just want to climb up in my daddy's lap and tell him to sing to me. Just make it all better.
Romans 8:15
"For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father.""
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The Wrestler

Rented "The Wrestler" tonight. Have been wanting to see if for a long time now and I must say, from what I saw of it, powerful stuff. The reason I say "from what I saw of it" is because its pretty much porn. There is a sexually explicit scene about once every other chapter. I kept hearing how heart wrenching the story was and how great Mickey Rourke is, and he is. The story seems real and authentic, but after having to skip chapters that often, I am thinking I may have missed some of the plot here and there.
Would I recommend it? No. Not until VH1 or some other cable channel shows it. Pretty disappointing.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Perez Hilton and Miss California
not sure if anyone saw this story, but it's been all over the news. At the Miss USA pageant, the front runner, Miss California, was asked a random question from a celebrity judge, who happened to be Perez Hilton. He asked her what her thoughts were on legalizing Gay Marriage, and the result was probably the 1st time any contestant has been booed during a Miss USA pageant. See the video below.
Now, I must say, I am much more inclusive than most when it comes to homosexuality, with that said, it is a sin. You have your arguments I am sure, but, it is. If you would like to discuss this, I would love to over coffee or pie sometime, but the fact is, it is on the very long list of things that we need God's grace to cover if we do it. With that said, we are always to love folks who are living in sin, and if you don't agree, then you apparently have no sin yourself. We all sin, we all lust after something or someone and homosexuality is no different.
I said all that to say this, Miss California is an angel. It takes a lot of guts to do what she did. Perez Hilton later said that he answer is what cost her the crown, and I think that says a lot for what is it to follow Jesus. Sometimes, choosing Jesus will cost you a crown. It might cost you a job promotion, a place at the cool table or even the girl/boy of your dreams. She didn't win, but, she did gain fame for a good purpose. Some in the crowd cheered her bravery, others booed her for her opinions, and both were entitled to do so.
All I can say is, I wish I were more like Miss California.
not sure if anyone saw this story, but it's been all over the news. At the Miss USA pageant, the front runner, Miss California, was asked a random question from a celebrity judge, who happened to be Perez Hilton. He asked her what her thoughts were on legalizing Gay Marriage, and the result was probably the 1st time any contestant has been booed during a Miss USA pageant. See the video below.
Now, I must say, I am much more inclusive than most when it comes to homosexuality, with that said, it is a sin. You have your arguments I am sure, but, it is. If you would like to discuss this, I would love to over coffee or pie sometime, but the fact is, it is on the very long list of things that we need God's grace to cover if we do it. With that said, we are always to love folks who are living in sin, and if you don't agree, then you apparently have no sin yourself. We all sin, we all lust after something or someone and homosexuality is no different.
I said all that to say this, Miss California is an angel. It takes a lot of guts to do what she did. Perez Hilton later said that he answer is what cost her the crown, and I think that says a lot for what is it to follow Jesus. Sometimes, choosing Jesus will cost you a crown. It might cost you a job promotion, a place at the cool table or even the girl/boy of your dreams. She didn't win, but, she did gain fame for a good purpose. Some in the crowd cheered her bravery, others booed her for her opinions, and both were entitled to do so.
All I can say is, I wish I were more like Miss California.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Monday Morning Thoughts
Okay so here are some thoughts on different subjects I have had lately...
Saying KLOVE is the best Christian Music has to offer, is like saying the Washington Nationals are the face of Major League Baseball
I Am Second is my new favorite site on the internet, the link is on my favorite Christian web-sites list on the right, just click on the title
The dry coughs are the most annoying thing to have as far as a sickness goes, and i can't seem to find any non-drosy medicine for it
My wife has been calling me a workaholic for the past year, which by the way is the basis for our longest re-occuring fight. I think I am almost ready to admit defeat.
Since last monday night, my philosophy for ministry has changed 180 degrees. Mostly because I realized how urgent the needs truly are in our area.
I only hate two things about my job, one of them is having to say no to people.
Saying KLOVE is the best Christian Music has to offer, is like saying the Washington Nationals are the face of Major League Baseball
I Am Second is my new favorite site on the internet, the link is on my favorite Christian web-sites list on the right, just click on the title
The dry coughs are the most annoying thing to have as far as a sickness goes, and i can't seem to find any non-drosy medicine for it
My wife has been calling me a workaholic for the past year, which by the way is the basis for our longest re-occuring fight. I think I am almost ready to admit defeat.
Since last monday night, my philosophy for ministry has changed 180 degrees. Mostly because I realized how urgent the needs truly are in our area.
I only hate two things about my job, one of them is having to say no to people.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
The Saturday Night Worship Service is just a day away and we are stocked. Our guest praise team will be rockin! I am so psyched about who we have coming tomorrow night, some of the best musicians I know. As for a little preview, here is a praise team from a church I know in Greenvile.
This is their version of "Highway To Hell" from their Easter Service. This sounds similar to our band tomorrow night's sound.
HIGHWAY2HELL_JUSTIN from Jiggle Snort on Vimeo.
This is their version of "Highway To Hell" from their Easter Service. This sounds similar to our band tomorrow night's sound.
HIGHWAY2HELL_JUSTIN from Jiggle Snort on Vimeo.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Goals and Goings-On

So yesterday was Easter here at South Side, and the Jedi Master of preahers, Bob Russell came to guest speak for us. He was wonderful. From his treatment of the text, to his ability to work a crowd, to his undeniable gift to use his experiences in hi 40 plus years for the glory of Jesus, we couldn't have asked for a better speaker. As much as we all loved him Sunday, he was much better on Saturday night at our leadership seminar. This is the third time I have heard him speak on leadership, and everytime he does it I learn so much about what it is to be called to lead a church. Also let me say, that our praise team once again rocked the house with their set yesterday, I am always proud of their gifts, talents and work ethics each time i hear them on Sundays.
Some of his statements made me really think about what we can do better here, but at the same time just his mere prescense made me think of how much experiences matter when ministering to people.
This next weekend we are having our second Saturday Night Worship Service. I can't plug this event enough, it could be lifechanging for those who attend. South Side has NEVER had a worship service like it, and the topic is both challenging and convicting. Plus afterwards we will be having s big ole' snack, so you really can't go wrong there.
Lately though, I have been listening to God alot more. Not only about my own failures, but our failures as a church. I am one that believes whole-heartedly that when we critisize a church, we are olny pleasing Satan. I don't think that anyone, in the history of the church has ever been helped by church slander or gossip, and I will never go into that on my blog or in private conversations again.
With that said, I have been praying and studying lately, and I think God is teaching me about 9 ways we can improve. I won't share those here, but would love some input on a one-on-one basis, maybe over coffee or skittles. All I can ask is for prayers as we seek to build God's Kingdom.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Jason Castro is second...

Not sure how much you watched American Idol last season, but I did. It was a good season, and will forever be remembered for the "Davids", but for me it will always be the season that Jason Castro was on. Maybe you remember him, he had dreds, a constant smile and played alot of Marley/Sublime/Jack Johnson stlye music. He was amazing. My favorite contestant ever, but not just for his music, for his message. See this season Christians are full force for Danny Gokey because he is a believer, and I get that, but Jason Castro was every bit the believer that Gokey is, with just as important of a calling. He too led worship for a huge church both pre and post Idol, and he got signed to Atlantic Records today.
A great web-site to visit is www.iamecond.org It has testimonies from many famous people such as Stephen Baldwin, Josh Hamilton and others who are not famous, but very impressive. Jason Castro also has a clip on there that tells how important his love for Jesus is to his life and career. Watch it here.
I only wish I lived a life that exuded this much faith and drive within my own life, and I pray that his example will help me get there.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Opening Day!!!

Man do I love me some Red's baseball. I positively love everything about them. I love the tradition, the ballbark(s), the players (especially since Dunn was traded), the announcers, the uniforms, EVERYTHING.
I got to attend opening day this year, but what with not winning the ticket lottery this year and having a small group tonight I will just have to watch it on TV or listen to it on the radio.
This year, unlike most years, I think the Reds have a shot at the playoffs. With all the young talent: Votto, Bruce, Volquez, Cueto, Ownings, Dickerson, etc and some young vets: Harang, Arroyo, Hernandez, Phillips, Cordero, etc. I think they have a solid team, with a GREAT manager in Dusty Baker.
I am not saying they will win a world series, because, they won't. I am saying they COULD compete for the division and COULD win a wild card spot. But I will tell you what I guarantee they WILL do, they WILL excite the fanbase for the 1st time in about 8-9 years.
I THINK the Reds will win 94 games this season.
So here are my 2009 season predictions sure to go wrong.
American League:
East: Red Sox
Central: Indians
West: Angels
Wild Card: Yankees
National League:
East: Mets
Central: Reds
West: Dodgers
Wild Card: Phillies
World Series:
Yankees vs. Mets
And I hate to say that.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
My Life Would Suck Without You

So, I am more that likely the 1st person to tell you that pop music is pretty unlistenable. I realize this, I know Britney Spears has made a career out of not singing well, I even realize that stars like Rihanna pretty much just talk instead of sing and people go out and buy it, I know that Nickelback and Rascal Flatts are argueably the two worst bands ever formed, I get that. I know that Clearchannel radio and the big 3 record companies make a living off of telling me what I like rather than me deciding, but with that said, there are exaceptions. Kelly Clarkson for one.
This young lady is the most successful American Idol artist, and the 1st winner in the show's history. Her music is pretty stellar as far as pop goes (not saying alot, I know)but there is one track I wanted to highlight that is talkuing about something pretty important. It's her new single "My Life Would Suck Without You". Now, I originally liked it because my 22 month old daughter loves to dance to it (will post video soon) but then I heard her discuss it's meaning, and, it has alot of truth. If yo haven't seen it, here is the video.
Now what it talks about is, as people, we don't get along. We are disfunctional at best when we are at our worst. But the standard today is to just back out when things get bad, but what these lyrics tell you is, in relationships, you may not ALWAYS love eachother, but you do love eachother. I think this is true for all male/female relationships. I know for Adam and Eve it sure was.
Look at Genesis 2:25
"They were both naked, but felt NO shame"
So here, things are good, they are naked, with meant both no clothes and felt no shame in front of one another, no judgement, all intimacy and comfort in their own skin.
No look at chapter 3. Adam and Eve mess up. They defy God and need to own up for it. 1st they realize the are naked.
Genesis 3:7
"7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. "
Then, they hide from God, which is, funny.
Genesis 3:8-9
"8 Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. 9 But the LORD God called to the man, "Where are you?"
Then, Adam blames it on the wife
Genesis 3:10-12
"10 He answered, "I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid." 11 And he said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?"
12 The man said, "THE WOMAN you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it."
Now, at this point, you would think these two should just part ways. They're disfunction as a couple didn't just hurt the "kids", not just eachother, it hurt all of mankind FOREVER. But they stuck it out. Why? Because, God said he made Eve for Adam, and Adam for Eve. They might not get along, but I imagine Eve may have just thought, "you know Adam, MY LIFE WOULD SUCK WITHOUT YOU", so they went on to father and mother all of mankind.
In my marriage, we screw up, alot. We sin all the time (becuase humans tend to do that) and since we share a home and a life together, we sin against eachother, but we can look at how God made us for one another and realize, though we are a pain, our lives would suck without eachother.
I know, suck isn't a great word to some, but when hearing it in the song, it sure does drive it's point home. So I guess the point is, in ANY relationship, think of how important love can be, and focus on that. Life is a verb and a noun. Use it for both, and also, rock on Kelly Clarkson. (wow that was girly)
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The Saturday Night Service and a little thought about worship.

My buddy Kyle made this flyer for the service on April 18th at 5:00pm. It is unreal how many things go into one hour of worship, how many people have to use they're gifts, how many people have to tithe their time, all for one hour of corporate worship. From greeters, to singers, to the band, to preachers/teachers/speakers to planners, sound guys, graphic designers, snack servers, snack preparers, set-up crew, clean-up crew, marketers, powerpoint operators, prayer warriors, researchers, nursery workers, schedulers, and then the most important people of all, WORSHIPPERS.
It's just funny, I used to attend services kind of half-heartedly, justkind of thinking that it was no big deal, but when I realizes how much goes into just one hour, it astounds me. And this is just all the people who are going to serve on the 18th, nevermind the people who serve each and every week at our 3 worship services. We have roughly 80-100 people involved in some compacity each weekend here at South Side, and that is only on a typical Sunday, on special Sunday's such as Easter we will have many more than that, but it is all for one hour at a time of WORSHIP.
I am one that has always believed that if you are going to do something, no matter what it is, do it with PASSION. You will never fail when you do something with passion. You can't help but try your best and give glory to Jesus when you are doing something with passion.
This follows the two major reasons I will almost always invite people I meet to worship with us at South Side. These are:
1. I want them to have an encounter with Jesus. (and i trust that God uses us for that)
2. When we do something, we do it with passion.
Christianity Today did a servey once abotu why people don't invite their friends to church and the findings were very surprising. They found that embarassment or shyness was only the second biggest reason for not inviting people to church, the biggest reason was that they felt that they're friends wouldn't enjoy it. I for one, have no problem inviting people to our church, because I know that there is passion involved, and it shows in everything we do on a typical Sunday.
So I guess my challenge for you is, when you attend a worship service, don't just relax so much that you forget how much worship and service went into putting this hour together. Notice the passion for Jesus as the hands are shaken, the classes are taught, the songs are sung.
The people on stage aren't the only one's there that can inspire you to worship, just look around.
Monday, March 30, 2009
A big announcement...

On Saturday, April 18th at 5:00pm we are having another Saturday Night Worship Service. This thing will be wild. We are having a guest band led by my buddy Brandon Shinault and the music will be full of energy, grace and love. I will be preaching on the topic of "No Perfect People Allowd. I am going to go out on a limb and say it's my favorite message the God has EVER given me. The subject matter is a little touchy, not too churchy, best 100% Jesusy (not a real word)
Afterwards we will be hanging out and eating fatty foods and doing other things that are non-productive as far as society is considered.
Be There.
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