On Saturday, April 18th at 5:00pm we are having another Saturday Night Worship Service. This thing will be wild. We are having a guest band led by my buddy Brandon Shinault and the music will be full of energy, grace and love. I will be preaching on the topic of "No Perfect People Allowd. I am going to go out on a limb and say it's my favorite message the God has EVER given me. The subject matter is a little touchy, not too churchy, best 100% Jesusy (not a real word)
Afterwards we will be hanging out and eating fatty foods and doing other things that are non-productive as far as society is considered.
Be There.
lol where on earth did you hear that? and also, who is this?
i was with my family at Grace Community yesterday, don't think they would be interested, lol.
oh, also, sorry Tony. My friend Tony is not guilty on this one.
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