It's been a while since I blogged, and since I am in the office and have gotten 2 major questions: 1. How are Emily, Gretchen and the twins? and 2. Why haven't you been updating your blog?
Well 1st and foremost, Emily is doing amazing. She already doesn't look like she was ever pregnant and she is taking to having 3 kids like the twins just have always...been. Alot of people were asking how on earth we will do it when they arrive, but I guess the answer is simple, we love our kids.
We've never freaked out because of crying babies, because, basically, babies cry. You can pick then up and put them down when you can, they won't be scarred from an extra 5 seconds of laying down without me holding them.
And as for Gretchen, she is LOVING her new sisters. She is very protective of them, she will chase away the kitten if it gets near them and can't stop wanting to pet them, kiss them, feed them, hold them. She hasn't showed a second of jealousy yet, because as much as we love our kids, Gretchen loves her sisters.
On July 8th at 8:16pm Willow Madison was born. 6 pounds 12 ounces. 3 minutes later, Marley Paige was born, 8:19pm 6 pounds 1 ounce. And in that 3 minutes my entire life changed. I went from a stagnant, impatient, doubting excuse of a Christian to a happy, blessed, thankful father of 3. And I love it, I love it all.
If you think your life is rough right now, it all can change in 3 minutes. I don't know what your 3 minutes might be. They could be a job offer, maybe a great diagnosis from the doctor, maybe a closing on a house. But it can ALL change in 3 minutes.
It doesn't take God 3 minutes to change anything, but for me, thats all the time I am capable of noticing.
I am preaching again this week for the 1st time in 3 weeks, this is my text I am covering, see how it relates to that 3 minutes.
Colossians 2:6-7
6So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, 7rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
To be thankful, you have to know who to thank, and that is JESUS.
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