So yesterday was Easter here at South Side, and the Jedi Master of preahers, Bob Russell came to guest speak for us. He was wonderful. From his treatment of the text, to his ability to work a crowd, to his undeniable gift to use his experiences in hi 40 plus years for the glory of Jesus, we couldn't have asked for a better speaker. As much as we all loved him Sunday, he was much better on Saturday night at our leadership seminar. This is the third time I have heard him speak on leadership, and everytime he does it I learn so much about what it is to be called to lead a church. Also let me say, that our praise team once again rocked the house with their set yesterday, I am always proud of their gifts, talents and work ethics each time i hear them on Sundays.
Some of his statements made me really think about what we can do better here, but at the same time just his mere prescense made me think of how much experiences matter when ministering to people.
This next weekend we are having our second Saturday Night Worship Service. I can't plug this event enough, it could be lifechanging for those who attend. South Side has NEVER had a worship service like it, and the topic is both challenging and convicting. Plus afterwards we will be having s big ole' snack, so you really can't go wrong there.
Lately though, I have been listening to God alot more. Not only about my own failures, but our failures as a church. I am one that believes whole-heartedly that when we critisize a church, we are olny pleasing Satan. I don't think that anyone, in the history of the church has ever been helped by church slander or gossip, and I will never go into that on my blog or in private conversations again.
With that said, I have been praying and studying lately, and I think God is teaching me about 9 ways we can improve. I won't share those here, but would love some input on a one-on-one basis, maybe over coffee or skittles. All I can ask is for prayers as we seek to build God's Kingdom.
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