So, I am more that likely the 1st person to tell you that pop music is pretty unlistenable. I realize this, I know Britney Spears has made a career out of not singing well, I even realize that stars like Rihanna pretty much just talk instead of sing and people go out and buy it, I know that Nickelback and Rascal Flatts are argueably the two worst bands ever formed, I get that. I know that Clearchannel radio and the big 3 record companies make a living off of telling me what I like rather than me deciding, but with that said, there are exaceptions. Kelly Clarkson for one.
This young lady is the most successful American Idol artist, and the 1st winner in the show's history. Her music is pretty stellar as far as pop goes (not saying alot, I know)but there is one track I wanted to highlight that is talkuing about something pretty important. It's her new single "My Life Would Suck Without You". Now, I originally liked it because my 22 month old daughter loves to dance to it (will post video soon) but then I heard her discuss it's meaning, and, it has alot of truth. If yo haven't seen it, here is the video.
Now what it talks about is, as people, we don't get along. We are disfunctional at best when we are at our worst. But the standard today is to just back out when things get bad, but what these lyrics tell you is, in relationships, you may not ALWAYS love eachother, but you do love eachother. I think this is true for all male/female relationships. I know for Adam and Eve it sure was.
Look at Genesis 2:25
"They were both naked, but felt NO shame"
So here, things are good, they are naked, with meant both no clothes and felt no shame in front of one another, no judgement, all intimacy and comfort in their own skin.
No look at chapter 3. Adam and Eve mess up. They defy God and need to own up for it. 1st they realize the are naked.
Genesis 3:7
"7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. "
Then, they hide from God, which is, funny.
Genesis 3:8-9
"8 Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. 9 But the LORD God called to the man, "Where are you?"
Then, Adam blames it on the wife
Genesis 3:10-12
"10 He answered, "I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid." 11 And he said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?"
12 The man said, "THE WOMAN you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it."
Now, at this point, you would think these two should just part ways. They're disfunction as a couple didn't just hurt the "kids", not just eachother, it hurt all of mankind FOREVER. But they stuck it out. Why? Because, God said he made Eve for Adam, and Adam for Eve. They might not get along, but I imagine Eve may have just thought, "you know Adam, MY LIFE WOULD SUCK WITHOUT YOU", so they went on to father and mother all of mankind.
In my marriage, we screw up, alot. We sin all the time (becuase humans tend to do that) and since we share a home and a life together, we sin against eachother, but we can look at how God made us for one another and realize, though we are a pain, our lives would suck without eachother.
I know, suck isn't a great word to some, but when hearing it in the song, it sure does drive it's point home. So I guess the point is, in ANY relationship, think of how important love can be, and focus on that. Life is a verb and a noun. Use it for both, and also, rock on Kelly Clarkson. (wow that was girly)
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