Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New look and focus

Before on the blog I mostly talked about life and all that jazz.

I prayed on it and decided that if I am going to use this for God's glory alone, I think I am mainly going to use it for thoughts on scripture and where the Holy Spirit is leading me.

I have loved having this blog and met many people from all over as a result of it, and I basically came to a crossroads that consisted of deciding if I should keep doing it or if I should change the focus all together, so I decided to keep it and attempt to make it more about Jesus and less about me. It will still be about me in a way, but more so how Christ is leading me and what He is teaching me.

I also changed the name from "Weekly Rambling From A Churchy Nerd" to simply "Matt's Blog". And got a new look and feel as well.

I only pray that it helps you as much as it has and will help me.


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