So recently, Emily has gotten totally into the Twilight book series by Stephanie Meyer. She is on the last book and loves them. We actually watched the movie on Saturday, and well, I was open minded. I usually take an interest in anything she loves, because I love her and we've always said we will never have "completely" seperate interests. We are "one flesh" and we try to attempt to enjoy similar things, or at least understand each other's interest. So I watched the movie, and kept thinking to myself "there is something more going on here". I couldn't help it. Inspite of myself I couldn't just cast it off as a teenage girl movie, it was just way more than that. It seemed that the lead characters, the Cullens, weren't just representing Vampires, they were representing something far more real, far more, important.
So as I sat and thought about it, I decided to begin to read the 1st book in the series. The book cover intrigued me. It has a pale set of arms, holding a apple in it's hands. I wondered how that could relate to the movie I just saw, then, I opened the book. The 1st thing you read after the author's name, the ISBN # and all that is a page, that just reads,
Genesis 2:17
"But you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."
Now, that began to connect things a bit. It is of course referring to the Garden of Eden. Which is when Man betrays God. And it is quoting the command God gives them. It is the 1st times man is presented with options of whether to choose to obey or defy God, and, he does.
Now reading the book, the lead character is named Edward. He is a 17 year old Vampire, yes, I said 17 year old Vampire. And he is a member of a family called the Cullens. Now, they actually aren't related at all. There is Emmet, Alice, Esme, Rosalie, Jasper and their leader, Carlisle. He is like the father figure.
Now this family isn't your typical fictional Vampire family, their major difference is they don't kill humans, they have chosen to only hunt animals (all of you PETA supporters are half troubled, half relieved by this I am sure, as was I). The reason is, Carlisle has learned in his over 360 years on earth that for them to be a monster is a choice, not a must. They hav chosen to suppress their desires for human blood, and instead serve their fellow man, and live among them.
Now this is where the "there is something more going on here" part kicks in. When reading this book, and yes, talking to God about it, I think there is a spiritual truth that is crying to get out here, and it is plain to see for me. The truth is: The Vampires in this story, represent Christians. I know, odd. Funny enough early Christians were often accused of being Vampires, because of taking Communion, and the wording of eating Jesus' flesh and drinking Jesus' blood. But that isn't why the Vampire represent Christians.
The Cullens live a life of suppressing their evil desires. Edward even says that they called themselves "vegitarians" and says their life still leaves alot to be desired. He says that eating what they eat, instead of humans is like a human only eating soy and tofu, you get full but at never completely satisfied. This is where we come in.
Sin is fun. I love it. It thrills me and unleashes an animal-like instinct in me that nothing else can. But in the end, I always know it is wrong. I crave it, constantly, but I don't do it. I try to live life to the fullest (someone smart once said to do that, I think it was Jesus) and when I do, I live a happy, guilt free life. But there is a darkness in me that doesn't want that.
Like Edward Cullen, I have largely learned to control it. But it does tempt me in my thoughts often. And this sin is, anything.
For some Vampires in this story, becoming one is a choice. But this choice isn't something you can go back on, and it will affect you, forever. The same choice is before us to accept Jesus or not. But once we do, alot more goes on. See then we are living for God, not us. And then we have the power to give life or end it. You have the power to spread legalistic hate, or Jesus' love. You have the power help someone or ignore, everyone. For us, it isn't that some of us choose Jesus and other don't, we all do.
I wish I could preach on this book, this movie, but, I can't. The reason is, not everyone will read it. Not everyone will watch it. I know at times what we are teaching doesn't apply to some, but this book/movie, doesn't apply to many. The truth it teaches, well it applies to everyone. We have a choice.
What are you going to choose? Your cravings or your commitment? Love or hate? Selfishness or living for something way bigger than yourself?
Thats what I WISH I could preach on.
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