And home with a sick little girl, attempting to make some real headway as far as getting this sermon finished. I've never made it to Friday afternoon without a completely sermon, but, with a conference tomorrow, and a needy 20-month-old, I may have to do it.
So, here is some random thoughts/facts
-I wish Eminem didn't have filthy lyrics, because he is amazingly talented.
-I enjoy Gretchen's shows (Noggin/Nick Jr.) more than my own, with the exeption of LOST
-Everytime Gretchen gets sick, I wish I could just trade her places
-I am very happy with my life right now
-I guarantee I won't be in the ministry another 20 years. I just think that a lifetime in any profession is too long. You only get 1 life on this earth, why not do other types of ministry?
-I think I am a great dresser (and you probably disagree)
-I constantly get the feeling I am going to die, very, very young
-I should have given up facebook for Lent
-I have over 200 people who regularly read this blog, but like 3 who leave a comment.
-I could watch "Hoosiers" 3 times a day for a year, and on day 365, I would ask if anyone wants to watch "Hoosiers"
-I love doing the dishes
-There is one secret about me that only Emily knows (and a few others, I think)
-Blogspot is better than Wordpress for blogs, there, I said it.
-Some people think I steal my sermons, the gospel truth is, I've never stolen a sermon in my life. (however, I have cited other Pastors in messages, and given credit to a sourse 100% of the time)
-The Church of Christ/Christian Church doesn't usually use the word "Pastor" when referring to ministers, I do. (I think the bigger issue is, if "pastor" means "elder" and not "minister", then where does my profession fit with the New Testament Church? Evangelist never stayed at one place, they were more like church planters than staff members. So, am I not just a "preaching elder"? And if you agree I am, will you call me a "pastor"?)
-That last fact was too long
-I don't like chocolate
-Michael Tait from DC TALK is now the lead singer of Newsboys. To me, this is like Nick Carter being the new lead singer of NSYNC. Which, would makes sense. Since Joey from NSYNC is hosting some awful show on TV Guide, JC is a reality show judge,Lance is a non-book-selling author, and Chris, well, he did OPERATION MAN BAND. So, Nick Cater might make them relevant, for like 10 more minutes, which is 10 minutes more than they will get without it.
-If the love of money is the root of all evil, I wonder if Girl Scout Cookies are the root of all American spring weight gain?
-That last fact didn't make all that much sense
-I watch WWE Monday Night Raw almost every week. (well, portions of it)
-I recently found out that some counties elect a dog catcher. It makes me wonder what those campaign commercials were like.
-Hair Gel makes me gag. Not when people wear it, when i touch it. EWWWW
-I thought high school was the best time of my life, but really, college was much better.
-I've been working on this list, off and on, for about an hour.
-Paul D. Potter is my best friend, and I get to see him at our church on Sunday. I am pleased.
-Milk is....WONDERFUL
-The picture up top is of Gretchen and me sleeping this morning while she was sick. Emily took the picture with my cell phone.
Some randome thoughts re: your random thoughts:
Even if Eminem's lyrics were Christian it's still rap! I'm thoroughly convinced there's no such thing as good rap!
Noggin--Maggie and the Ferocious Beast is the best!
Not sure how to take the only liking 3 who leave comments remark. Should I be mildly offended? Of course if you say that I'm one of the three that you like, I bet you say that to all the blog readers! How would we know?!
I'm with you on "Hoosiers." I actually used a scene from it for a sermon one time!
I have never "stolen" a sermon. I prefer the term "acquired." Stealing is such an ugly word!
Milk is wonderful - especially right now because I'm getting it straight from the cow! Can't beat it!
nope, i actually was just stating a fun fact that that many people read, but only a few have anything to say about it. i guess that makes you a blog hero!!
good for you man
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