My buddy Kyle made this flyer for the service on April 18th at 5:00pm. It is unreal how many things go into one hour of worship, how many people have to use they're gifts, how many people have to tithe their time, all for one hour of corporate worship. From greeters, to singers, to the band, to preachers/teachers/speakers to planners, sound guys, graphic designers, snack servers, snack preparers, set-up crew, clean-up crew, marketers, powerpoint operators, prayer warriors, researchers, nursery workers, schedulers, and then the most important people of all, WORSHIPPERS.
It's just funny, I used to attend services kind of half-heartedly, justkind of thinking that it was no big deal, but when I realizes how much goes into just one hour, it astounds me. And this is just all the people who are going to serve on the 18th, nevermind the people who serve each and every week at our 3 worship services. We have roughly 80-100 people involved in some compacity each weekend here at South Side, and that is only on a typical Sunday, on special Sunday's such as Easter we will have many more than that, but it is all for one hour at a time of WORSHIP.
I am one that has always believed that if you are going to do something, no matter what it is, do it with PASSION. You will never fail when you do something with passion. You can't help but try your best and give glory to Jesus when you are doing something with passion.
This follows the two major reasons I will almost always invite people I meet to worship with us at South Side. These are:
1. I want them to have an encounter with Jesus. (and i trust that God uses us for that)
2. When we do something, we do it with passion.
Christianity Today did a servey once abotu why people don't invite their friends to church and the findings were very surprising. They found that embarassment or shyness was only the second biggest reason for not inviting people to church, the biggest reason was that they felt that they're friends wouldn't enjoy it. I for one, have no problem inviting people to our church, because I know that there is passion involved, and it shows in everything we do on a typical Sunday.
So I guess my challenge for you is, when you attend a worship service, don't just relax so much that you forget how much worship and service went into putting this hour together. Notice the passion for Jesus as the hands are shaken, the classes are taught, the songs are sung.
The people on stage aren't the only one's there that can inspire you to worship, just look around.