Love Is Here
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
There are better live versions of this song available, but at the same time, this version of the song is pretty amazing. As worship video week continues, here is All That Matters...
If you want the normal, more ROCKIN version, here is the music video to it.
If you want the normal, more ROCKIN version, here is the music video to it.
My Favorite Song Of All-Time...LIVE
This is the song "Wedding Dress" by Derek Webb. The lyrics seem to be about me, and maybe you as well. Anyways, here it is,
Monday, April 27, 2009
Phil Wickham is amazing
Here is the live version of Phil Wickham's "Beautiful". You can't help but worship when you focus on these lyrics. And yes, this is worship video week on my blog.
A sweet worship video
This is from my buddy Pete's church in Nashville. Its a version of the song "Lost?" by Coldplay. Love it to death!
'Lost' Performance 4.19.09 from Cross Point Church on Vimeo.
'Lost' Performance 4.19.09 from Cross Point Church on Vimeo.
I am no Sinatra, but I do love my little girl

So getting your kid to bed isn't always a simple thing. Some parents rely on the binky, some rely on the bottle, some a teddy bear or a blanky.
Gretchen sleeps pretty well, but now she tells us "I wanna rock". So of course, we take her to her rocking chair and rock her to sleep. Since Em is pretty pregnant, 27 weeks to be exact, I am the one to rock her. I noticed when Emily would rock her, sh would sing. Emily's singing is gorgeous so I figured I knew why G would fall asleep to it, but lately, she just asks for me, she asks for me to sing to her.
And this is odd, because, I can't sing. I actually love to do it, but am not gifted in that department, at all. Now the thing about this whole issue is, I chose to sing her Frank Sinatra. Every single night. When I 1st sit down with her to rock, I say "do you want me to sing a song?" she replies "yeah", so I do. I usually sing "Fly Me To The Moon", "New York, New York" and "Luck Be A Lady". Sometimes I mix it up with "I Won't Dance" or "Love and Marriage".
Last night at about 4a.m. she was crying and asking for me in her bed, so I came in. I began to rock her, and she was saying something strange that I didn't understand, and when I wouldn't meet her request, she would cry. Come to find out, I asked Em, she was saying "SING DADDY, SING". I thought I heard it, but Em confirmed it.
My relationship with Gretchen is really starting to remind me of my relationship with Jesus. At times when I feel scared, I really do just want to climb up in my daddy's lap and tell him to sing to me. Just make it all better.
Romans 8:15
"For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father.""
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The Wrestler

Rented "The Wrestler" tonight. Have been wanting to see if for a long time now and I must say, from what I saw of it, powerful stuff. The reason I say "from what I saw of it" is because its pretty much porn. There is a sexually explicit scene about once every other chapter. I kept hearing how heart wrenching the story was and how great Mickey Rourke is, and he is. The story seems real and authentic, but after having to skip chapters that often, I am thinking I may have missed some of the plot here and there.
Would I recommend it? No. Not until VH1 or some other cable channel shows it. Pretty disappointing.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Perez Hilton and Miss California
not sure if anyone saw this story, but it's been all over the news. At the Miss USA pageant, the front runner, Miss California, was asked a random question from a celebrity judge, who happened to be Perez Hilton. He asked her what her thoughts were on legalizing Gay Marriage, and the result was probably the 1st time any contestant has been booed during a Miss USA pageant. See the video below.
Now, I must say, I am much more inclusive than most when it comes to homosexuality, with that said, it is a sin. You have your arguments I am sure, but, it is. If you would like to discuss this, I would love to over coffee or pie sometime, but the fact is, it is on the very long list of things that we need God's grace to cover if we do it. With that said, we are always to love folks who are living in sin, and if you don't agree, then you apparently have no sin yourself. We all sin, we all lust after something or someone and homosexuality is no different.
I said all that to say this, Miss California is an angel. It takes a lot of guts to do what she did. Perez Hilton later said that he answer is what cost her the crown, and I think that says a lot for what is it to follow Jesus. Sometimes, choosing Jesus will cost you a crown. It might cost you a job promotion, a place at the cool table or even the girl/boy of your dreams. She didn't win, but, she did gain fame for a good purpose. Some in the crowd cheered her bravery, others booed her for her opinions, and both were entitled to do so.
All I can say is, I wish I were more like Miss California.
not sure if anyone saw this story, but it's been all over the news. At the Miss USA pageant, the front runner, Miss California, was asked a random question from a celebrity judge, who happened to be Perez Hilton. He asked her what her thoughts were on legalizing Gay Marriage, and the result was probably the 1st time any contestant has been booed during a Miss USA pageant. See the video below.
Now, I must say, I am much more inclusive than most when it comes to homosexuality, with that said, it is a sin. You have your arguments I am sure, but, it is. If you would like to discuss this, I would love to over coffee or pie sometime, but the fact is, it is on the very long list of things that we need God's grace to cover if we do it. With that said, we are always to love folks who are living in sin, and if you don't agree, then you apparently have no sin yourself. We all sin, we all lust after something or someone and homosexuality is no different.
I said all that to say this, Miss California is an angel. It takes a lot of guts to do what she did. Perez Hilton later said that he answer is what cost her the crown, and I think that says a lot for what is it to follow Jesus. Sometimes, choosing Jesus will cost you a crown. It might cost you a job promotion, a place at the cool table or even the girl/boy of your dreams. She didn't win, but, she did gain fame for a good purpose. Some in the crowd cheered her bravery, others booed her for her opinions, and both were entitled to do so.
All I can say is, I wish I were more like Miss California.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Monday Morning Thoughts
Okay so here are some thoughts on different subjects I have had lately...
Saying KLOVE is the best Christian Music has to offer, is like saying the Washington Nationals are the face of Major League Baseball
I Am Second is my new favorite site on the internet, the link is on my favorite Christian web-sites list on the right, just click on the title
The dry coughs are the most annoying thing to have as far as a sickness goes, and i can't seem to find any non-drosy medicine for it
My wife has been calling me a workaholic for the past year, which by the way is the basis for our longest re-occuring fight. I think I am almost ready to admit defeat.
Since last monday night, my philosophy for ministry has changed 180 degrees. Mostly because I realized how urgent the needs truly are in our area.
I only hate two things about my job, one of them is having to say no to people.
Saying KLOVE is the best Christian Music has to offer, is like saying the Washington Nationals are the face of Major League Baseball
I Am Second is my new favorite site on the internet, the link is on my favorite Christian web-sites list on the right, just click on the title
The dry coughs are the most annoying thing to have as far as a sickness goes, and i can't seem to find any non-drosy medicine for it
My wife has been calling me a workaholic for the past year, which by the way is the basis for our longest re-occuring fight. I think I am almost ready to admit defeat.
Since last monday night, my philosophy for ministry has changed 180 degrees. Mostly because I realized how urgent the needs truly are in our area.
I only hate two things about my job, one of them is having to say no to people.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
The Saturday Night Worship Service is just a day away and we are stocked. Our guest praise team will be rockin! I am so psyched about who we have coming tomorrow night, some of the best musicians I know. As for a little preview, here is a praise team from a church I know in Greenvile.
This is their version of "Highway To Hell" from their Easter Service. This sounds similar to our band tomorrow night's sound.
HIGHWAY2HELL_JUSTIN from Jiggle Snort on Vimeo.
This is their version of "Highway To Hell" from their Easter Service. This sounds similar to our band tomorrow night's sound.
HIGHWAY2HELL_JUSTIN from Jiggle Snort on Vimeo.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Goals and Goings-On

So yesterday was Easter here at South Side, and the Jedi Master of preahers, Bob Russell came to guest speak for us. He was wonderful. From his treatment of the text, to his ability to work a crowd, to his undeniable gift to use his experiences in hi 40 plus years for the glory of Jesus, we couldn't have asked for a better speaker. As much as we all loved him Sunday, he was much better on Saturday night at our leadership seminar. This is the third time I have heard him speak on leadership, and everytime he does it I learn so much about what it is to be called to lead a church. Also let me say, that our praise team once again rocked the house with their set yesterday, I am always proud of their gifts, talents and work ethics each time i hear them on Sundays.
Some of his statements made me really think about what we can do better here, but at the same time just his mere prescense made me think of how much experiences matter when ministering to people.
This next weekend we are having our second Saturday Night Worship Service. I can't plug this event enough, it could be lifechanging for those who attend. South Side has NEVER had a worship service like it, and the topic is both challenging and convicting. Plus afterwards we will be having s big ole' snack, so you really can't go wrong there.
Lately though, I have been listening to God alot more. Not only about my own failures, but our failures as a church. I am one that believes whole-heartedly that when we critisize a church, we are olny pleasing Satan. I don't think that anyone, in the history of the church has ever been helped by church slander or gossip, and I will never go into that on my blog or in private conversations again.
With that said, I have been praying and studying lately, and I think God is teaching me about 9 ways we can improve. I won't share those here, but would love some input on a one-on-one basis, maybe over coffee or skittles. All I can ask is for prayers as we seek to build God's Kingdom.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Jason Castro is second...

Not sure how much you watched American Idol last season, but I did. It was a good season, and will forever be remembered for the "Davids", but for me it will always be the season that Jason Castro was on. Maybe you remember him, he had dreds, a constant smile and played alot of Marley/Sublime/Jack Johnson stlye music. He was amazing. My favorite contestant ever, but not just for his music, for his message. See this season Christians are full force for Danny Gokey because he is a believer, and I get that, but Jason Castro was every bit the believer that Gokey is, with just as important of a calling. He too led worship for a huge church both pre and post Idol, and he got signed to Atlantic Records today.
A great web-site to visit is It has testimonies from many famous people such as Stephen Baldwin, Josh Hamilton and others who are not famous, but very impressive. Jason Castro also has a clip on there that tells how important his love for Jesus is to his life and career. Watch it here.
I only wish I lived a life that exuded this much faith and drive within my own life, and I pray that his example will help me get there.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Opening Day!!!

Man do I love me some Red's baseball. I positively love everything about them. I love the tradition, the ballbark(s), the players (especially since Dunn was traded), the announcers, the uniforms, EVERYTHING.
I got to attend opening day this year, but what with not winning the ticket lottery this year and having a small group tonight I will just have to watch it on TV or listen to it on the radio.
This year, unlike most years, I think the Reds have a shot at the playoffs. With all the young talent: Votto, Bruce, Volquez, Cueto, Ownings, Dickerson, etc and some young vets: Harang, Arroyo, Hernandez, Phillips, Cordero, etc. I think they have a solid team, with a GREAT manager in Dusty Baker.
I am not saying they will win a world series, because, they won't. I am saying they COULD compete for the division and COULD win a wild card spot. But I will tell you what I guarantee they WILL do, they WILL excite the fanbase for the 1st time in about 8-9 years.
I THINK the Reds will win 94 games this season.
So here are my 2009 season predictions sure to go wrong.
American League:
East: Red Sox
Central: Indians
West: Angels
Wild Card: Yankees
National League:
East: Mets
Central: Reds
West: Dodgers
Wild Card: Phillies
World Series:
Yankees vs. Mets
And I hate to say that.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
My Life Would Suck Without You

So, I am more that likely the 1st person to tell you that pop music is pretty unlistenable. I realize this, I know Britney Spears has made a career out of not singing well, I even realize that stars like Rihanna pretty much just talk instead of sing and people go out and buy it, I know that Nickelback and Rascal Flatts are argueably the two worst bands ever formed, I get that. I know that Clearchannel radio and the big 3 record companies make a living off of telling me what I like rather than me deciding, but with that said, there are exaceptions. Kelly Clarkson for one.
This young lady is the most successful American Idol artist, and the 1st winner in the show's history. Her music is pretty stellar as far as pop goes (not saying alot, I know)but there is one track I wanted to highlight that is talkuing about something pretty important. It's her new single "My Life Would Suck Without You". Now, I originally liked it because my 22 month old daughter loves to dance to it (will post video soon) but then I heard her discuss it's meaning, and, it has alot of truth. If yo haven't seen it, here is the video.
Now what it talks about is, as people, we don't get along. We are disfunctional at best when we are at our worst. But the standard today is to just back out when things get bad, but what these lyrics tell you is, in relationships, you may not ALWAYS love eachother, but you do love eachother. I think this is true for all male/female relationships. I know for Adam and Eve it sure was.
Look at Genesis 2:25
"They were both naked, but felt NO shame"
So here, things are good, they are naked, with meant both no clothes and felt no shame in front of one another, no judgement, all intimacy and comfort in their own skin.
No look at chapter 3. Adam and Eve mess up. They defy God and need to own up for it. 1st they realize the are naked.
Genesis 3:7
"7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. "
Then, they hide from God, which is, funny.
Genesis 3:8-9
"8 Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. 9 But the LORD God called to the man, "Where are you?"
Then, Adam blames it on the wife
Genesis 3:10-12
"10 He answered, "I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid." 11 And he said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?"
12 The man said, "THE WOMAN you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it."
Now, at this point, you would think these two should just part ways. They're disfunction as a couple didn't just hurt the "kids", not just eachother, it hurt all of mankind FOREVER. But they stuck it out. Why? Because, God said he made Eve for Adam, and Adam for Eve. They might not get along, but I imagine Eve may have just thought, "you know Adam, MY LIFE WOULD SUCK WITHOUT YOU", so they went on to father and mother all of mankind.
In my marriage, we screw up, alot. We sin all the time (becuase humans tend to do that) and since we share a home and a life together, we sin against eachother, but we can look at how God made us for one another and realize, though we are a pain, our lives would suck without eachother.
I know, suck isn't a great word to some, but when hearing it in the song, it sure does drive it's point home. So I guess the point is, in ANY relationship, think of how important love can be, and focus on that. Life is a verb and a noun. Use it for both, and also, rock on Kelly Clarkson. (wow that was girly)
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