Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Lol, well, okay...

About yesterday's post, a few things.
Sorry for anyone who make be offended by my opinion of Southern Gospel, Michael W. Smith (okay, not that sorry for that one) or K-Love. I will admit, that it truly is an opinion that these are all poor quality art that we put up with within the church. And ONLY my opinion. The church is an imperfect, adulterous bride, and i am one of if not THE most imperfect of all of it. So for the one's who may not have enjoyed some of those remarks, sorry about that.
That is mostly the reason I rarely put actual thoughts of mine of my blog anymore, because it seems once i do, people get offended by some of it. But i mean no harm, no matter how it may look.

Another thing to mention is that I in no way, shape or form hate Christians. I am one, first and foremost in my life. We are the Bride of Christ, and for me to love Jesus and not love his bride is like loving my best friend by despising his wife, if i did that, he may not be my best friend anymore. I have issues with the American church, huge issues, but anyone who has heard me preach, hung out with me, or been in one of my classes fully well knows that. I would be more than happy to sit down with anyone and explain those things to them as well, because they are on my heart constantly.

I get so many comments about every post i do, but 99.9% of them go to my e-mail, not my actual blog, so if anyone has an issue, but doesnt want others to know they do, send me an e-mail or call me about it. My phone number is 740-606-7347, work 740-335-3107, e-mail Can't really think of any other ways to contact me off the top of my head, but if i could, i would.

So in closing for today, i am sorry to all that took what i had to say in an offensive way, but i do thank those of you who sent encouragements as well, i meant no harm only hoped for maybe a cheap laugh or a discussion starter.

My bad,



Anonymous said...

When I read your post re: the library I had to laugh. My first thought was "I bet he gets some feedback on this one!" My second thought came from Rom. 12 where Paul writes, "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind . . . by conforming to the pattern of Matt Hafer!" (Just kidding!) I do wonder how something can be considered to be poor quality art (K-love, southern gospel music, Michael W. Smith) when it seems that this is more a matter of taste than opinion. Does liking southern gospel music make someone inferior to those who don't care for it? If I remember right, you list Bob Marley as one of your favorites. I've never purchased a Bob Marley CD and probably never will. Does that make me inferior, or do we just have different tastes? Keep in mind the criticism of southern gospel, K-love, and M. W. Smith comes from someone whose interests include Randy the Macho Man Savage! (Kidding!). But I was wondering if you could explain something to me. What did you mean when you told "anonymous" that you couldn't "biblically" respond to their comment since they didn't give a name.

You're right in that blogs are for expressing opinions, so keep doing so. I like to read what you have to say. Just keep in mind that different doesn't always mean better or worse, just different! And be careful in re: to the church. She's the only one we got. She's not perfect, but she's better than the alternative! So may we love her and give our best to her until her bridegroom returns for her.

Relevant-ISH Pastor said...

lol, i like the comment about conforming to me, that is actually, not so far off from my attidude at times, i am full of views and opinions.

and no not liking Marley doesnt make you inferior, it does however make you someone who is missing out on some sweet beats.

I guess what i mean by not biblically not being about to respond the the anonymous comment stems from the anonymous letters that you get in the leadership at a church, and i see it as when you say something critical without letting someone know who you are, then you have nothing to lose in that personal relationship with the person you are critiquing, and to me, that isnt done in love whatsoever, and for me to support something so void of love isnt biblical.

and yeah i do agree that we should be nice about the bride, but she will never learn if she thinks what she's doing is correct.