Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Author Donald Miller's Prayer at the DNC

Some of you may have heard of Donald Miller. He is in my mind (and the minds of many others) the greatest Christian author since C.S. Lewis. He has written the books, "To Own A Dragon", "Through Painted Deserts", "Blue Like Jazz", "Searching for God Knows What" and he is also a popular speaker, going around the world, and he has a new movie coming out based on his book, "Blue Like Jazz". The reason I post about him is he had the opening prayer at the Democratic National Convention monday night. I think its important to watch his prayer, and see how different it is from most public prayer. Also, note how non-partisal (I should hope it would be, its a prayer for crying out loud) it is, even at a democratic party dominated venue. Only time i have ever stated that i was provoked into thought at a political rally. Watch and decide what you think for yourself.

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