Many of you have probably heard about Pastor Ed Young's new challege, if not, watch this video
It is creating a stir to say the least, I love it personally. Ed Young Jr., while I was never a fan before, i know, love you like you were my own pastor. Okay, actually, it's offial, Ed Young is my new Pastor!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Is He dead or alive?
I think lately God has been teaching me alot of things. I am not an easy student for him to teach, because being a teacher myself at times i act like i know everything. Its not that i am arrogant about it, its just that when you read scripture so much, you get this false sense that you are "super-theologian", which, i'm not, at all.
But one thing i think God has been teaching me lately is that, I often treat Jesus as though he died on the cross, and then, stayed that way. What i mean is, in my time of cummunion, i treat it like a funeral service, when it is the opposite. Jesus is more alive than i will ever be, but at times i think i screw that up. I get it confused, and i think as a Christian, we get stuff about Jesus confused all the time.
Alot of cultures think that God is the God of Creation and the God that sends the weater, which is, true. But God isn't exactly the one who sends the rain or makes the sunsets each day. I mean he created all that is needed to do these things, but all of creation, not just humans, are to an extent self supporting. Most things have been given the ability to make more of themselves, meaning to pro-create, like how seeds will scatter without someone actually picking them up, and so on. For further study on this, read the 1st 2 chapters of Genesis, each time God creates something and it is ready to multiply itself, God calls it good. God wants the world to be somewhat self sustaining, which is pretty awesome. But we confuse God with creation alot, i think. Like for instance people will say that the crops are only growing because God causes it to rain that day, which if you are a scientist or student, alot of things factor into precipitation, that aren't the one who created it. And with sunsets, they are the world God designed turning, I could be wrong, but i dont think he sits with his paint brush and makes each one, each day.
We also see Jesus as an actor. We look at our lives and write this script for it. The kids we want, the job, spouse, church, etc, and then we just ask Jesus to read the script, but when he tells us that he writes the scripts, and we just live in them, we say he doesn't love us or even more absurd, doesn't exist. Its like at times we don't wish to make him Lord of our lives, we just need him to be our buddy who helps out occasionally when we are in a bind, and alot might do a geninie routine for us every once and a while.
He is a video clip for an amazing ministry called "onetimeblind". It talks about the whole issue of how we see Jesus.
Have you ever seen him like this?
But one thing i think God has been teaching me lately is that, I often treat Jesus as though he died on the cross, and then, stayed that way. What i mean is, in my time of cummunion, i treat it like a funeral service, when it is the opposite. Jesus is more alive than i will ever be, but at times i think i screw that up. I get it confused, and i think as a Christian, we get stuff about Jesus confused all the time.
Alot of cultures think that God is the God of Creation and the God that sends the weater, which is, true. But God isn't exactly the one who sends the rain or makes the sunsets each day. I mean he created all that is needed to do these things, but all of creation, not just humans, are to an extent self supporting. Most things have been given the ability to make more of themselves, meaning to pro-create, like how seeds will scatter without someone actually picking them up, and so on. For further study on this, read the 1st 2 chapters of Genesis, each time God creates something and it is ready to multiply itself, God calls it good. God wants the world to be somewhat self sustaining, which is pretty awesome. But we confuse God with creation alot, i think. Like for instance people will say that the crops are only growing because God causes it to rain that day, which if you are a scientist or student, alot of things factor into precipitation, that aren't the one who created it. And with sunsets, they are the world God designed turning, I could be wrong, but i dont think he sits with his paint brush and makes each one, each day.
We also see Jesus as an actor. We look at our lives and write this script for it. The kids we want, the job, spouse, church, etc, and then we just ask Jesus to read the script, but when he tells us that he writes the scripts, and we just live in them, we say he doesn't love us or even more absurd, doesn't exist. Its like at times we don't wish to make him Lord of our lives, we just need him to be our buddy who helps out occasionally when we are in a bind, and alot might do a geninie routine for us every once and a while.
He is a video clip for an amazing ministry called "onetimeblind". It talks about the whole issue of how we see Jesus.
Have you ever seen him like this?
Monday, November 17, 2008
For Men Only (Sort Of)
I use this blog mostly to post videos the get e-mailed or referred to me, and on occasion i will put down some thoughts I have on certain subjects both in and out of the church. My original goal for this thing was for our people here at South Side and others to get to know me a little more than is possible on a Sunday Morning or even a chance meeting at the Grocery Store (or any other place i might go).
But also, i know Jesus wants me to use every form of communication to minister to people, so here is my offer to the male readers of my blog:
I know that life as a married or unmarried man can be difficult at times, and one of the major reasons for this difficulty is sexual sin. It follows us everywhere. We tell ourselves that it will end once we get a girlfriend who we love/respect but it doesn't. We tell ourselves it will end once we cancel HBO or our internet subscription but it doesn't. We tell ourselves it will end once we stop hanging out with this person or break up with this person, but, it doesn't. In many cases, we tell ourselves that it will end once we get married and have a holy outlet for our urges, but sadly, alot of the time it doesn't.
I know what it is like to be a guy in this media and sin driven world, i get it. I have men come to me and tell me how they have a porn addiction or that they have a great urge to have an affair, or that they can't stop having impure thoughts, and, I get it.
The worst thing that we as men can do is to believe that we can get rid of this problem on our, own, because honestly, you can't. You have to have an accountablilty partner in this matter, you just have to. Someone to call when you are tempted. Someone to pray for your issues daily. Someone to talk with weekly that understands where you are, and knows a way out.
A great deal of marriages and relationships end because of porn. Its a sad fact that we pretend doesn't exist. This day and age we have more access to porn than ever because of the internet, but even alot of what appears on network TV is just as likely to cause a brother to stumble.
If this is you, you need help. Please, call me. 740-606-7347. E-mail me. See me at work or home. It will be 110% anonymous, not even your spouse will have to know.
I have helped a few guys in the past end this sort of addiction, and i am MORE than willing to do it again. It is just between us guys.
Some good resources to read up on would be:
Go to this site, download the software, read the materials, take advantage of what they have to offer you as far as help.
Thanks, and anyway questions about this, or related topics, let me know.
But also, i know Jesus wants me to use every form of communication to minister to people, so here is my offer to the male readers of my blog:
I know that life as a married or unmarried man can be difficult at times, and one of the major reasons for this difficulty is sexual sin. It follows us everywhere. We tell ourselves that it will end once we get a girlfriend who we love/respect but it doesn't. We tell ourselves it will end once we cancel HBO or our internet subscription but it doesn't. We tell ourselves it will end once we stop hanging out with this person or break up with this person, but, it doesn't. In many cases, we tell ourselves that it will end once we get married and have a holy outlet for our urges, but sadly, alot of the time it doesn't.
I know what it is like to be a guy in this media and sin driven world, i get it. I have men come to me and tell me how they have a porn addiction or that they have a great urge to have an affair, or that they can't stop having impure thoughts, and, I get it.
The worst thing that we as men can do is to believe that we can get rid of this problem on our, own, because honestly, you can't. You have to have an accountablilty partner in this matter, you just have to. Someone to call when you are tempted. Someone to pray for your issues daily. Someone to talk with weekly that understands where you are, and knows a way out.
A great deal of marriages and relationships end because of porn. Its a sad fact that we pretend doesn't exist. This day and age we have more access to porn than ever because of the internet, but even alot of what appears on network TV is just as likely to cause a brother to stumble.
If this is you, you need help. Please, call me. 740-606-7347. E-mail me. See me at work or home. It will be 110% anonymous, not even your spouse will have to know.
I have helped a few guys in the past end this sort of addiction, and i am MORE than willing to do it again. It is just between us guys.
Some good resources to read up on would be:
Go to this site, download the software, read the materials, take advantage of what they have to offer you as far as help.
Thanks, and anyway questions about this, or related topics, let me know.
Catholic Priest Asks His People To Repent...
For voting for Obama. Interesting story to say the least.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Just a note for November 5th
To quote Pastor Pete Wilson,
Today is a new day. It’s a new era. Regardless of who you voted for or why, it’s time to switch gears. It’s time to pray for Obama as he transitions to become the President of the United States.
And furthermore, you need to know this is not a surprise to God. Before the billions of dollars were spent on this campaign, God already knew the outcome. He wasn’t sitting around the television last night ringing his hands like you were.
He doesn’t need a Republican or a Democrat, an electoral vote, or a state. He’s not red or blue. He’s God.
He’s God and I’m not. You’re Not. Obama is not. McCain is not.
So if your candidate lost. I’m sorry. If you’re worried your issues aren’t going to be being addressed. I’m sorry. But God is still God and He’s still sitting on His throne.
Let’s move on.
Today is a new day. It’s a new era. Regardless of who you voted for or why, it’s time to switch gears. It’s time to pray for Obama as he transitions to become the President of the United States.
And furthermore, you need to know this is not a surprise to God. Before the billions of dollars were spent on this campaign, God already knew the outcome. He wasn’t sitting around the television last night ringing his hands like you were.
He doesn’t need a Republican or a Democrat, an electoral vote, or a state. He’s not red or blue. He’s God.
He’s God and I’m not. You’re Not. Obama is not. McCain is not.
So if your candidate lost. I’m sorry. If you’re worried your issues aren’t going to be being addressed. I’m sorry. But God is still God and He’s still sitting on His throne.
Let’s move on.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day reflections

Well, i have a minute unitil my next appointment, so i thought i might jot down a few reflections about election day.
1. I did vote today. I did, i prayed hard (whatever that phrase means) about how to vote and decided on the perfect candidate. I will be honest with you, it was hard. While weighing the opinions of many, the smear campaigns of both sides, the strengths and supposed truths, i came to a conclusion that wasn't all that difficult. This election was tough, to be candid, i have switched twice between my support for both candidates these past months, but upon studying God's Word and upon praying and reseaching, i chose a man that i know will never and has never let us down, i did a write in vote for JESUS.
I know, many will be put off by this, but for me, i had to. I couldn't fully support wither side because to me, neither represent a picture of God's Grace, peace making love and purity, and i think they way you vote says a ton about you, so my personal conscious and understanding brought me to this descision. I will take any questions or concerns on this as always.
2. James Dobson is an awesome guy, but needs to not speak so often about politics. I don't know if anyone saw his new document he is pushing, the Letter From Obama's American in 2012, but it, um, wow. Here is the link if you didn't view it yet. ( In this letter Dobson is playing the role of a Christian in 2012 after Obama is elected, here are some highlights,
* The Supreme Court would pass law that legalizes same sex marriage across the US
* Elementary schools will mandate homosexuality as a choice to children
* Christian radio stations will be removed from the airwaves
* Churches will be forced to hire homosexuals and host homosexual weddings–or lose 501c3
* Christian nurses and doctors banned from practice–after Obama forces them to do abortions.
* Pornography is mandated to be openly displayed in gas stations, newsstands, and grocery stores
* Home Schooling has been outlawed
* 4 US cities have been bombed, Obama does nothing in response
* Obama increases funding to known terrorist allies.
* Obama deepens ties to Communist nations and Communist revolutions break out in Latin America
* Tel Aviv is destroyed when the new USSR launches a nuclear attack against Israel.
That’s a brief look at the world from Focus on The Family’s perspective should Obama be elected. All of these things assume that Obama does nothing to stop these events or perhaps encourages them.
The letter wraps with the future Christian asking the question: “Who is to blame?” I find it unfortunate that Dobson points the finger at naive Christians who have voted for Obama
Now, let me just say, as i said before, i didn't vote either side, but, to say that a man who claims Christ either allows these things to happen, or encourages them is irresponsible.
We have a responsibility to represent the name of Jesus with integrity. People are watching. You want to know why there is even a fear of “hate speech” laws being enacted? Read this letter. Why do homosexuals claim Christians hate them? Read this letter. Why are Christians increasingly being marginalized in society? Read this letter folks … and you will know exactly why we’re at this crossroads in society. I’m ashamed at the tactics taken by Dobson and his crew.
This letter is not about creating meaningful dialogue. We cant scream–”If Obama gets elected the world will end!” setting forth apocalyptic visions–and then claim, “We love all people, including Barck Obama.”
We can’t slander a man so disgracefully in the name of “Truth” and then expect a pat on the back come Judgment day.
We all reap what we sow.
If we slander “them” (whoever that may be) … don’t be shocked when they slander us.
Which begs the question– does Focus on the Family even care about slandering someone publicly? What does the Bible have to say? What about Jesus–is this His Way?
This letter’s tone and intent does not reflect the Way of Jesus.
The Way of Jesus is different from society’s.
Jesus conquered through love … not fear. Certainly not hate. This letter reflects the way of society–not Jesus. What happens if Focus on the Family is “successful” in its campaign against Obama? If you overpower a strong man through violence and slander–don’t be shocked when a more powerful and more persuasive person throws you off the hill soon. This is the pattern of politics–and society– that Focus on the Family has stooped to.
Even if Obama was evil–and Focus on the Family helps defeat him with a slanderous letter–all Dobson has accomplished is to repeat the cycle of society.
Jesus showed us a new Way. A Way that compels followers to love our enemies so extravagantly that the watching world rises to our defense, or walks away compelled to investigate further. A Way that sheds light on conversions through follower’s unwillingness to fight fire with fire. A Way that shows the world what it truly means to be human. This is the Way of Jesus. The pattern of Jesus. It is a Way of love. A conquering and raging love, unstoppable, unshakable– and unmistakably different from what we demonstrated in this letter
I understand that it isn't my place to judge the motives or actions of Dobson, but as someone who loves his books, sermons and articles, i must say his political ways sadden me. I'm not a political writer/preacher at all, but for us to say that a party or person has the monopoly of Jesus is just restarting the issue that the Pharisees and Sadducess had in Jesus say, remember these weren't just religious leaders, they were also the two leading political parties of that day.
3. People generally can't wait for this day to end. It seems everyone i talk to in psyched about the end up political signs, commercials, ads in the mailbox and phone calls. I think in the end all Christians really do trust that whomever gets election it can't stop God from working through them.
Well thats about all i have for today. Thanks
Monday, November 3, 2008
My best friend is a movie star
Well sort of. My old college roommate and best man at my wedding Daniel Sanders is now living in Hollywood and making movies and stuff of that nature. He has been a part of some stuff so far, but I am convinced is destined for huge things. Here is a video of some of the stuff he did in film school and recently
My Reel
My Reel
Everybody needs to repent sometime...
You know, every Sunday i give an invitation and when i do i will mention stuff like Baptism, joining the church, rededication, but i got to be honest with you, i want to answer the invitation myself sometimes, i mean really i do.
I haven't for several reasons, one of which being that church folks see it as a scandal enough when people do it to begin with (although this is a minority of church folks to begin with, but, it happens, sadly) and also, can the Pastor redidicate?
On the surface this seems like an easy question, "Of Course he can", i mean everyone is entitled to public repentance, including the pastor, but then when i look at it deeper, i dont see it that way, I mean i should, but, i dont.
Only those who know me really well know how much of a sinner i am, because, i am. I have as much of issues with sin as anybody, ever. But i dont think people always want to know that. I think people alot of times want to believe that at least someone can be a picture of how we should be, that it is actually possible to live sinless, to not let God or your loved ones down daily, but sorry to say it, thats not me.
Repentance is (to me) the hardest thing about following Jesus. It means that we have to put to death (Colossians 3:5) the things that we are doing. And that is really hard. If sin wasn't enjoyable, we wouldnt do it, so obviously, i do it. But yes, i need to put it to death. It just needs to die and die fast.
So i guess, without specific confession, this is me answering my own invitation. I need to rededicate myself as a follower of Christ Jesus. I need to focus of His Will and not my ego, negativity, pride or apathy.
I guess posts like this are the reason i named my blog "Weekly Rambling From A Churchy Nerd" becuase, well, this is just rambling. I am really sorry for anyone that I have heart in my career of sinning, and if you need an exact apology, call or e-mail me and i will most likely ablige.
I haven't for several reasons, one of which being that church folks see it as a scandal enough when people do it to begin with (although this is a minority of church folks to begin with, but, it happens, sadly) and also, can the Pastor redidicate?
On the surface this seems like an easy question, "Of Course he can", i mean everyone is entitled to public repentance, including the pastor, but then when i look at it deeper, i dont see it that way, I mean i should, but, i dont.
Only those who know me really well know how much of a sinner i am, because, i am. I have as much of issues with sin as anybody, ever. But i dont think people always want to know that. I think people alot of times want to believe that at least someone can be a picture of how we should be, that it is actually possible to live sinless, to not let God or your loved ones down daily, but sorry to say it, thats not me.
Repentance is (to me) the hardest thing about following Jesus. It means that we have to put to death (Colossians 3:5) the things that we are doing. And that is really hard. If sin wasn't enjoyable, we wouldnt do it, so obviously, i do it. But yes, i need to put it to death. It just needs to die and die fast.
So i guess, without specific confession, this is me answering my own invitation. I need to rededicate myself as a follower of Christ Jesus. I need to focus of His Will and not my ego, negativity, pride or apathy.
I guess posts like this are the reason i named my blog "Weekly Rambling From A Churchy Nerd" becuase, well, this is just rambling. I am really sorry for anyone that I have heart in my career of sinning, and if you need an exact apology, call or e-mail me and i will most likely ablige.
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